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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

Why indeed? Do some people do this? I have never seen it.
People at my work seem to need reminding not to. They also need reminding to flush the loo and to clear up any mess they make in the kitchen/staff room. And these are fucking teachers. :mad:
Where I live, if your bottle recycling wheelie bin or your cardboard/paper recycling bag goes missing - someone steals it - you get a free replacement. No questions asked.
If your rubbish wheelie bin goes missing for the same reason, you are asked if you are renting or not. If you are renting, you get a free replacement. If you are not renting, you are charged fifteen quid for a replacement bin.
The two bins are identical apart from the fact that one has a green lid and one has a grey lid. So why is one free for all and one only free for some?

To add insult to injury, the fifteen quid is not the charge for a new bin. No. It is the delivery charge. When mine was stolen I asked if I could avoid the delivery charge by going to pick up my free replacement for myself and was told that no. It was not permitted. I had to get it delivered. And I had to pay the delivery charge.

This sort of shit really annoys me. Who steals the fucking things in the first place? And why is it down to me to fund their bin stealing ways? So I am a person who puts their household rubbish in street bins. If I pay fifteen quid now for another bin and that one gets nicked, that'll be another fifteen quid, madam.
Bollocks to that.
For all I know the council are targetting the bins of non-rented houses and nicking them themselves to create revenue. Power hose them out and deliver your own bin back to you for yet another fifteen nicker. Wouldn't surprise me with our useless council.

So its you! Interesting perspective. I don't think we get charged for any replacements in my borough, not that I'm aware anyway. To be honest, i was specifically referring to household rubbish that's just dumped, as opposed to placed by a by street bins. Maybe its for similar reasons.

The people stealing bins are probably those having their bins stolen! On two occasions, it appears dustmen round here have left bins that no one claims, so there ends up being some random bin on the road. The councils can jack money out of us in so many ways, bin stealing to generate income seems a bit desperate, but not impossible.
We need photos of ourselves disapprovingly pointing at litter or turds (accompanied by a misleading bar chart showing Labour Cannot Win Here)

I can see that you have done the rounds of local politics. That is the complete picture of LibDemmary. Their approach got invented as "Pavement Politics" back in 1973 when the then Liberal Party was practically defunct. It must work for them because it has continued unchanged to date. They even claim credit for potholes being filled and similar repairs which were not even noticed by the LibDems. I see my local Labour leaflet has adopted the typical LibDem bar chart trick as well. It is infectious.
In Croydon litter was an issue and I would pick it up and return it to people.
In Merton people don't seem to litter much at all.
I live in a rural area now, probably at least ten miles from the nearest McDonald's and yet the lanes round here are still full of McDonald's bags.

Fly tipping is a bit or a problem as well, there is a really narrow lane round here which has been rendered impassable twice lately by old fridges.

Really annoys me all of it.
I'm not saying the lack of them ever validates dropping litter, but would a greater number of bins improve matters? There are certain parts of my city, and previous ones I've lived in, where there isn't a bin within the obvious vicinity. I suspect it wouldn't change all that much, as I often see stuff on the ground right next to bins.
I'm not saying the lack of them ever validates dropping litter, but would a greater number of bins improve matters? There are certain parts of my city, and previous ones I've lived in, where there isn't a bin within the obvious vicinity. I suspect it wouldn't change all that much, as I often see stuff on the ground right next to bins.
In theory it should - trouble is if the council doesn't empty the bins often enough and they overflow, or if they get vandalised, and then they can just create more problems.
round my way

a couple of years ago a tip-up truck dumped an entire load of wood and bricks in our back lane, completely blocking a junction, then sped off with the tipper still down. I've also found an industrial fridge with BA logo outside my back gate which the council took some convincing wasn't mine (they eventually conceded that there was no way it would fit through my gate let alone my door). At work we found what must have been the leftovers of a cannabis farm (without the plants or lights) dumped in the street.
So-called waste disposal / skip suppliers that collect stuff for a fee but then just dump around back lanes / hedges ...
these scum really annoy me, even more than cowboy builder who charge their marks for disposal but still dump.
I know several people who have been ripped off like that.
Part of the problem is LA tips charging to dump building rubble, unless you bring the stuff yourself in a car. Ditto charging for "large item collections" that just gets sofas and fridges dumped in hedges.
(The coolant in fridges/freezers is supposed to be discharged / collected for recycling but I photographed one company who almost always discharged straight to atmosphere. They went bust before LA could *do* them ... )
you wanna see some of the front gardens around my way! i don't expect a single flower, i don't expect the bloody garden show, but you live on a STREET with PEOPLE in it and we have to walk past the front garden that you use for slinging any rubbish into, sofas, split black bags, food. for god sake just invest a bit of time and, yes, money in keeping it clear. it's this sort of thing that chisels away at my belief in the fundamental good in humans just as much as some exploitative boss, etc (or any of the the usual villans on here). civic responsibility. be aware all the time that you are sharing an environmental space. a space for kids and other vulnerable people to enjoy, and it's not just some personal dumping ground.

sub rant over.
In theory it should - trouble is if the council doesn't empty the bins often enough and they overflow, or if they get vandalised, and then they can just create more problems.

That's true. I've noticed it especially true of those outside corner shops and little offies, where the highly voluminous beer bottles and cans take up lots of spaces for relatively little mass.

It does always confuse me when people don't crush cans before they put them in the domestic recycling. Stamp on them and they use up about 10% of their original space.
A motorist left a schoolboy’s ear hanging off after launching a savage bite attack on his victim – because he’d been told off for littering.

And minutes after the violent assault, Jonathan Neil James went on to warn the terrified youngster: “I’ll bite your nose off.”

The youngster, 16, was with friends near McDonald’s in Rhydycar, Merthyr Tydfil, when he spotted James driving past in a Vauxhall Insignia.

And when he saw James throw a carton of milk from the window he told the 31-year-old: “There’s no need for that.”

'There was blood everywhere'
James, of Plantation Square, Troedyrhiw, got out of his car and headbutted the teen in the nose, following it up with repeated punches to his face.

“The defendant was pulling the complainant’s face towards him. He clamped his teeth around his ear and bit so hard his ear had a through-and-through cut,” said Rachel Knight, prosecuting at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court.
In far less unpleasant littering news, a friend got fined £80 for discarding a cigarette butt in Wimbledon the other day. He accepted his wrongdoing and said didn't mind receiving a fine, but thought the amount was excessive for the amount of littering produced.

He might have a point, perhaps, though of course it much simpler to have one fee for all than get involved with calculating different fines based on the size and nature of the stuff being dropped.

ETA: if all littering regardless of size is subject to fines, will we start to see postmen being done for dropping elastic bands? Has any postie ever been fined for it? :D
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As someone who does litter clearance amongst other stuff with a voluntary group that looks after common land, the smaller stuff is a lot harder to pick up so the fines should be more. A particular annoyance is the shrink wrapping from fag packets - there's a bit you rip off at the top and just throw on the ground apparently. Volunteering has made me hostile to dog-owners and smokers.
Leaving aside the unsightly visual situation from litter for the moment. Non-biodegradables (plastics, tab filters) are very damaging to the environment and some things are positively dangerous to wildlife (and pets). My dog put his foot into one of the drinks can plastic thingies, but I was able to get it off without a problem, but some hedgehogs are not so lucky.
Biodegradable - well OK, just not left in an obviously visible location ...
As someone who does litter clearance amongst other stuff with a voluntary group that looks after common land, the smaller stuff is a lot harder to pick up so the fines should be more. A particular annoyance is the shrink wrapping from fag packets - there's a bit you rip off at the top and just throw on the ground apparently. Volunteering has made me hostile to dog-owners and smokers.
I've been doing litter picking at work today and yes those bits of shrink wrap from cigarette packets are the worst :mad:
For some reason there were a lot of cans and bottles on the ground on the walk to work today. Luckily it was green bin day around me (recycling glass, cans, foil, etc) so there were handy receptacles outside almost every house.
the sad truth is is that there are humans who care more for the inside of their cars (always the immaculate ones, not a speak of dust on the seats) than the immediate environment they live in. depressing! id rather my car was a skip on wheels than the rubbish blowing across the street, or field, etc. just today i saw a woman in a 50k bmw pop her macdonalds shit out and place it next to her car and drive off. anyway far more serious problems in the world but gets on my tits all the same!
everyday there are fried chicken and pizza boxes all over the pavement outside where i live thanks to ONE shop and a handful of wanker customers! My dog tried to eat the remnants of food and gets sick, and its cost me a couple of hundred in vets bills!!!
my view is and has always been
if you can lug the full food and drink stuff up there when heavy, take the much lighter empties with you!! :mad:
I expect at home, in their own streets, glasto folk probably do take their rubbish home or to a bin, but something obviously happens there that makes them behave differently. Perhaps there are no bins? perhaps because there is loads of litter they think, my little bit won't make any difference, perhaps because they know there will be clean up teams working after the event?
i cycled across Peckham Rye Common this morning and some folk had clearly had a good day in the sun yesterday, but the cunts hadn't bothered clearing up after themselves. It was right next to the kids' playground too, so these people were parents setting a shitty example to their kids. fucking wankers. kill them all.
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