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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

I expect at home, in their own streets, glasto folk probably do take their rubbish home or to a bin, but something obviously happens there that makes them behave differently. Perhaps there are no bins? perhaps because there is loads of litter they think, my little bit won't make any difference, perhaps because they know there will be clean up teams working after the event?

"I've paid £x to be here so I can do what I like."

There's perhaps a similar mentality in regular life with some people; "That's what I pay my council tax for."
Once again my recycling bin has not been emptied because some cunt threw a bag of assorted rubbish in it after I'd put it out :mad:
I expect at home, in their own streets, glasto folk probably do take their rubbish home or to a bin, but something obviously happens there that makes them behave differently. Perhaps there are no bins? perhaps because there is loads of litter they think, my little bit won't make any difference, perhaps because they know there will be clean up teams working after the event?

There are loads of bins, not in front of the stages but all around the edges and along the paths. Every festival gets like that every night, the bigger / more commercial a festival is the worse it is, it's grim and I put it down to everyone being wasted. Nitrous was the worst, all those little metal containers. Festivals have teams of volunteers (work for your ticket) who go through the site every morning (and during the day) and clear it up, they do an incredible and thankless task, very few people see them because they're out before any stages start to clear up the night before. I am still staggered by how much mess can be made.
i cycled across Peckham Rye Common this morning and some folk had clearly had a good day in the sun yesterday, but the cunts hadn't bothered clearing up after themselves. It was right next to the kids' playground too, so these people were parents setting a shitty example to their kids. fucking wankers. kill them all.

...oi...are you just leaving that corpse lying there...
I was annoyed by the amount of rubbish at the eud Austerity demo in Parliament square 20th June. A lot of cash raised by the organisers will have been spent on the clear up.

I usually always take a bin bag with me on demos - you can sit on them or wear them if it rains, before putting rubbish in them. I took a lambeth recycling bag with me that day and filled it with paper and empty cans and bottles at the end (none of them mine). I asked the organisers if there was a designated place to collect rubbish - they didn't know. So ended up taking it with me on my way home over to the Lambeth side of the bridge to where I found some other recycling bags out for collection.

I was tad annoyed that random people wanted to put all sorts of random food rubbish in my recycling bag - if you can afford to buy all that rubbish - take the wrappers home with you!
A couple of hours ago I saw a mother emerge from a car carrying her child and then fling a dirty nappy over the fence into someone's garden. That's not good.
Disgusting ..

But I probably wouldn't have said anything either .. don't want the abuse I would have got in return.
Disgusting ..

But I probably wouldn't have said anything either .. don't want the abuse I would have got in return.
I was in my flat at the time and looking out of the window. The flinger was on the other side of the road so conversation was not an option.

A couple of days prior to that a bloke was parked in his convertible with the car stereo way too loud on my side of the road just outside my flat. I opened the window and asked him to turn it down. He shouted 'fuck off' twice and then drove off, effectively heeding his own advice.

It's probably best if I don't look out of the window really.
Is it just me or do others think we should be avoiding those exploitative tax evading global mega corps?

It can be pretty tricky to find non-corporate food in places like central london tbh. And IME lots of people on marches will nip into mcdonalds or something just to take a piss.
Those of us just back from Glastonbury are none too keen on littering either, to say the least :mad:

Festival was excellent in almost every way, but the aftermath was a big downer and a major spoiler :( :hmm:
obviously a lot of those returning don't give a shit as they leave it behind!
hopefully others managed to get a load of tents off site for good use in other countries
The state of the Town Moor (Newcastle/Tyne) after "The Hoppings" at the end of June is also pretty bad. I once got some money for helping with the clear up, wouldn't do it now.
what's people's opinions on using a back garden as a skip, as a few people on my lovely little road have done, trying there hardest to drag the whole place down. it has a lovely collection of vermin attracting shit, old food, old furniture, and about 30 years of kids furniture and toys.

one man's castle and therefore his right or should be cleared for the sake of all who live around them?
i cycled across Peckham Rye Common this morning and some folk had clearly had a good day in the sun yesterday, but the cunts hadn't bothered clearing up after themselves. It was right next to the kids' playground too, so these people were parents setting a shitty example to their kids. fucking wankers. kill them all.
we used to get this loads in our local london park. to think there are actual full grown adults involved is the worst part. my mum and dad would sooner lose a finger than leave their local park looking like a landfill site. what can you do.
what's people's opinions on using a back garden as a skip, as a few people on my lovely little road have done, trying there hardest to drag the whole place down. it has a lovely collection of vermin attracting shit, old food, old furniture, and about 30 years of kids furniture and toys.

one man's castle and therefore his right or should be cleared for the sake of all who live around them?

well its a slippery slope. My grandad didn't fight in the war just for the council totell him he can't live like Mr Trebus is one side of the coin

on the other, vermin might his problem to start with, but they swiftly become everyones problem. And then its armies of cats as well
I hate all this litter too! What can we do?! What can we do?!
We are walking the Capital Ring and 2 weeks ago we walked near the margins of the Brent Reservoir and it was just unbelievable! The reservoir is amazing and attracts lots of birds and waterfowl. We saw birds nesting on top of plastic council bins because people just throw them in the water. Cigarette butts everywhere, beer cans, plastic bags... London is full of fantastic green open spaces but almost everywhere you go there are piles of crap. People don't behave and the councils don't collect. So sad...
Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 13.10.21.png

You can see a heron on top of one if you look a bit to the left of the swan in the picture. The place is beautiful, maybe it should be closed and made into a park like the London Wetland Centre. If they charged a fee for entrance maybe it would be better looked after and people would value it more. Sad.
people don't know a good thing. natural beauty and a habitat for wildlife is simply not valued. it is given zero significance, therefore it's easy to chuck a bin into. If you valued a place like that resevour, you wouldn't harm it, like you wouldn't punch a mate in the face, because he's a mate (or a human).
packaging overload has its part to play. I bought this pack of mini mars branded swiss rolls and they were a joke- tasty as fuck- but the amount of packaging. Each in an individual wrapper, in a plastic tray in an overarching plastic wrapper. Why?

sooner or later some rogue scientist or evil twist of fate will produce bacteria that can eat plactic and excrete cyanide. Then we are all fucked.
Thing is, if you see someone littering, do you speak up? usually I don't want the aggravation so I say nothing. Some people I know do speak up but they usually get a mouthful of abuse for their efforts, and the litter stays dumped.

On the bright side, sometimes there is payback. A man turned up early for a job interview. He took the opportunity to open the door of his car and dump the contents of his ash tray into the carpark. What he didn't realise was that the company had CCTV on the carpark! He didn't get the job! What a muppet!
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