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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

You never know. Many disabilities are 'invisible'. Look for a badge before judging.
It is alright OU you needn't worry on my behalf, I said like littering it does not annoy me enough to cause a confrontation, I just tut tut under my breath, feel momentarily superior and go on about my business :)
It is alright OU you needn't worry on my behalf, I said like littering it does not annoy me enough to cause a confrontation, I just tut tut under my breath, feel momentarily superior and go on about my business :)
just as long as you check their car has a badge before judging them
Winds me right up too!
Just this afternoon someone chucked their food container very near a bin and I said 'mate, there's a bin right there' he retorted 'you put it in then'.
Do it often, once got held against a shop window by throat when did it in Lewisham once tears ago!
I've just realised how this thread is very old-school Liberal/LD, litter, dog-fouling..whatever next, potholes?

We need photos of ourselves disapprovingly pointing at litter or turds (accompanied by a misleading bar chart showing Labour Cannot Win Here)
Actually a new law has just come in allowing people to be fined £100 for "failing to have the means to pick up after [their] dog". i.e. £100 if you are walking the dog and don't have a bag to pick it up with.

I've seen some parks that have rolls of freezer bags attached to dog poo bins (in some cases possibly put there by 'do gooders' but others have looked official). How would this line up with the 'going not equipped' rule if you were on the way to one of these places?
I think when a souped up tinted windows Punto with special alloys low profile tyres and a massive sound system roars into a disabled space emerging two track suited youth who trot lithely into the local store there is quite a good chance the driver is not in fact disabled!

The driver doesn't have to be disabled but a passenger may be. For example a blind person may appear to be able bodied but will have his arm linked with his partner to get into the shop? There are many other examples.
Winds me right up too!
Just this afternoon someone chucked their food container very near a bin and I said 'mate, there's a bin right there' he retorted 'you put it in then'.
Do it often, once got held against a shop window by throat when did it in Lewisham once tears ago!

Yesterday I was following 2 blokes walking a dog on Primrose Hill. The dog had a shit just off the path whilst the fellas stood by chatting. Then they just walked off. I shouted "Oi, gonna clean that shit up!" and they just ignored me. I caught up, stood in front of them and asked again but they walked round me. Bugger all you can do really but I was fucking fuming for the rest of the day.
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Yesterday I was following 2 blokes walking a dog on Primrose Hill. The dog had a shit just off the path whilst the fellas stood by chatting. Then they just walked off. I shouted "Oi, gonna clean that shit up!" and they just ignored me. I caught up, stood in front of them and asked again but they just walked round me. Bugger all you can do really but I was fucking fuming for the rest of the day.
Jesus, that's just incredible. Slingshot springs to mind for these fuckers....
One of my neighbours where I grew up used to chase dog owners down the road with their dog turd on a shovel asking if they'd forgotten anything. Sometimes he'd leave it on their doorstep. Heroic stuff.
Yesterday I was following 2 blokes walking a dog on Primrose Hill. The dog had a shit just off the path whilst the fellas stood by chatting. Then they just walked off. I shouted "Oi, gonna clean that shit up!" and they just ignored me. I caught up, stood in front of them and asked again but they walked round me. Bugger all you can do really but I was fucking fuming for the rest of the day.
it's just fucking cuntish. it's beyond cuntish really.
We need photos of ourselves disapprovingly pointing at litter or turds (accompanied by a misleading bar chart showing Labour Cannot Win Here)

There is a fridge in the middle of the pavement near my house at the moment.
It keeps being moved to different spots on the pavement.
It is ridiculous as all you need to do is call the council, arrange for them to pick up your large item of rubbish and they will come on an agreed day.

Costs £23 quid here in Brum for a large rubbish collection.
I feel the same way about littering as I do about able bodied people parking in disabled bays, that is to say I strongly disapprove, but not enough to get into a confrontation about it.

So, in fact, you don't "strongly disapprove", you merely disapprove, and saying that you "strongly disapprove" is purely a form of self-identification that allows you to feel good about yourself while doing nothing to change what you disapprove of.
Washing machines have easy to access metal. Fridges have insulation glued to it - which explains why twice I've had them take a washing machine from my garden, and twice they removed the compressor from a fridge and just took that.
Scrap men round my way are very efficient and patrol several times a day, washing machines will go in a few hours. The problem is when they take stuff you don't want them to. A mate had to chase them down the road to get his barbecue back.
When i ask the young people i work with why they feel its acceptable to drop litter, the response is usually "well someone will clean it up, im keeping someone in a job"! Not to say its just young people, but i think that attitude is becoming prevalent. I personally hate it, especially if there is a bin nearby. Generally think people dont care and holding onto their rubbish until they find a bin is too much of a chore.

But i will NEVER for the life of me understand bags of household rubbish in public places? Surely everyone is provided with bins? Also, bags of old clothing - how hard is it to take to a charity or a clothing shoot?
Littering is just foul. Try taking a curious toddler for a walk who wants to pick up and in estivate the takeaway box, coke can, fag buts.... Ugh.

Also, people who pick up their dog's poo, put it in a little bag and hang it in the hedge. Why, FFS, why????

The road i work on (in a fairly well to do part of London) seems covered with little bags of shit. I would have thought residents would have asked for bins.

I remember 3 years back I waged war against my local council after they didn't want to respond to my requests for a public bin. I was sick & tired of walking past various piles of dogshit before i got the end of my road. Coupled with another issue of nearby dumped rubbish in a concealed area, I refused to pay my council tax and got a Councillor involved. Eventually ended up getting 3 bins on my road! Litter/dogshit levels definitely reduced.
Scrap men round my way are very efficient and patrol several times a day, washing machines will go in a few hours. The problem is when they take stuff you don't want them to. A mate had to chase them down the road to get his barbecue back.
Anything metal will be gone round here literally within minutes, it's amazing how fast they work.
Mostly people are very good at using litter bins. On Saturdays in my town you will often see lots of litter about but is is mostly around the full litter bins where people have tried to put their takeaway cartons etc. and they have fallen out of the top.

Having said that I am constantly baffled by the amount of chewing gum you can see on any pavement. You never see anyone chewing gum or throwing it down. I don't chew gum and don't understand the appeal of the stuff, but it only needs a shower of rain and it becomes clearly visible on the pavement. There is even a very expensive team of cleaners that are seen with steam jet equipment dealing with each individual piece of gum separately.
But i will NEVER for the life of me understand bags of household rubbish in public places? Surely everyone is provided with bins? Also, bags of old clothing - how hard is it to take to a charity or a clothing shoot?

Where I live, if your bottle recycling wheelie bin or your cardboard/paper recycling bag goes missing - someone steals it - you get a free replacement. No questions asked.
If your rubbish wheelie bin goes missing for the same reason, you are asked if you are renting or not. If you are renting, you get a free replacement. If you are not renting, you are charged fifteen quid for a replacement bin.
The two bins are identical apart from the fact that one has a green lid and one has a grey lid. So why is one free for all and one only free for some?

To add insult to injury, the fifteen quid is not the charge for a new bin. No. It is the delivery charge. When mine was stolen I asked if I could avoid the delivery charge by going to pick up my free replacement for myself and was told that no. It was not permitted. I had to get it delivered. And I had to pay the delivery charge.

This sort of shit really annoys me. Who steals the fucking things in the first place? And why is it down to me to fund their bin stealing ways? So I am a person who puts their household rubbish in street bins. If I pay fifteen quid now for another bin and that one gets nicked, that'll be another fifteen quid, madam.
Bollocks to that.
For all I know the council are targetting the bins of non-rented houses and nicking them themselves to create revenue. Power hose them out and deliver your own bin back to you for yet another fifteen nicker. Wouldn't surprise me with our useless council.
Litter, dogshit winds me right up too. Though I admit to dropping rollup dogends in the gutter when I smoked.

I know some people's houses can be a right fucking state, so it's probably not that surprising the litterers are happy to live within their own detritus on the streets.

Dogshit is the fucking worst though. Coincidentily the last time I got shit on my shoes, I'd just gone out the front, to leave stuff for the council to collect, so wearing my in door shoes. Didn't realise til about 20 minutes later when the smell hit me. I'd walked all round the flat by then.

At least with guide dogs, the owner's who are exempt from picking up the crap, take the dog to some grass verge, (to spend it) where no one's likely to be walking or playing anyway. At home, they'd have a designated outside area and a bin.
Yesterday I was following 2 blokes walking a dog on Primrose Hill. The dog had a shit just off the path whilst the fellas stood by chatting. Then they just walked off. I shouted "Oi, gonna clean that shit up!" and they just ignored me. I caught up, stood in front of them and asked again but they walked round me. Bugger all you can do really but I was fucking fuming for the rest of the day.
I take it you are a big fellah and not lacking in physical courage to take on two men in that way. Good for you.
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