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I am getting very annoyed with littering.

Just walking through brockwell park and noticing the Herne Hill end really scattered with lots of litter. Very unusual. I'm fuming and stumped as to why it is still there...
what's people's opinions on using a back garden as a skip, as a few people on my lovely little road have done, trying there hardest to drag the whole place down. it has a lovely collection of vermin attracting shit, old food, old furniture, and about 30 years of kids furniture and toys.

one man's castle and therefore his right or should be cleared for the sake of all who live around them?

IF it's a health hazard, then the local authority can issue an order to the householder to clear it. Doesn't work if it's just an eyesore, though.
packaging overload has its part to play. I bought this pack of mini mars branded swiss rolls and they were a joke- tasty as fuck- but the amount of packaging. Each in an individual wrapper, in a plastic tray in an overarching plastic wrapper. Why?

sooner or later some rogue scientist or evil twist of fate will produce bacteria that can eat plactic and excrete cyanide. Then we are all fucked.

The German example is salient. Way back in the '70s, West Germans were getting pissed off at product packaging - the usual shit like tubes of tomato puree being packed in a cardboard box, or the sort of individual wrappings you talk about - so they started stripping the extraneous wrappings off in the supermarkets, and leaving them at the pay point. Within a couple of years the manufacturers were no longer packaging like that, and the admirable German recycling network was in place.
That is a good idea, but I think the bad behavior doesn't help. Japan has stuff packaged up to the limits, you open a box and there's a wrapped up box inside and it's almost as every single unit of whatever you are consuming is packaged too, and you don't see piles of litter everywhere. They seem to take even the cigarette butts home in they pockets! Anyway, I suggested to a friend that works for charity that instead of 'walking/running/climbing/whatever for charity' we should do a 'collecting rubbish in green areas for charity: sponsor my collecting of crap left behind by some selfish ar**%ole'. Well, maybe not in this words.
Japan is fucking amazing for cleanliness.

And last month or so its been lovely, which has meant on a daily basis I've had to walk past an assortment of shite on the green outside the flat leftover from last nights teenagers/couples/dog walkers staying out light lying around enjoying the cool evenings.

Very annoying.
When the countryside alliance did its demo in London no litter was left behind.

It's people being lazy cunts that's all it is.

Singapore is an insane tyranny but zero tolerance for gum spitting and litter is :)

Public canings for litterbugs
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I met another dog walker called Jeff (hello Jeff :) ) who collects any bits of iron and scrap that he comes across on the walk. He said that when he's walking he feels like it's his land that he's walking over so he wants to keep it clean.

He's inspired me so I've started carrying an extra plastic bag for rubbish again while walking the dog - you have to carry some for the dog anyway - and regularly end up with a bag full. That's cornwall where it's manageable though, can imagine in london it's overwhelming.
I met another dog walker called Jeff (hello Jeff :) ) who collects any bits of iron and scrap that he comes across on the walk. He said that when he's walking he feels like it's his land that he's walking over so he wants to keep it clean.

He's inspired me so I've started carrying an extra plastic bag for rubbish again while walking the dog - you have to carry some for the dog anyway - and regularly end up with a bag full. That's cornwall where it's manageable though, can imagine in london it's overwhelming.

I've used the German example before, but again their policies on recycling, alongside a punitive fines system,worked wonders. Put your crap in the right bin and you're fine. Leave it lying around, and you will find members of the public walking toward you from all directions to inform you of the error of your ways, and if a copper sees you litter...instant fine, and you don't give lip to a man with a gun!

A sort-of-interesting side-effect of the litter laws that Greebo and I have observed is that because most glass bottles carry a 5-10c deposit, people who'd normally panhandle tend to bin-dive instead, especially in touristy areas. One bloke we saw, who was working an S-Bahn platform with a supermarket-type trolley, was copping about 40 bottles an hour, and as many cans, just from the 3 bins on the platform.
my wife asked me today, she said "Big Moaner", why do you always moan about litter, why is it so important to you?"

and i said "darling, how lovely it is to see a london street that is clean, that is bathed in sunlight and not encrusted with dumped shit and litter, blowing about. how lovely it is to see the countryside how it should be, without housing all the bits and pieces we couldn't be fucked to throw away."

then i went on my weekly litter pick on my road and normally by this time it is shit strewn but now after i have finished with it it is immaculate. power to the people.
Taken on my way to work this morning:


Wankers. :mad: Even if you can't be arsed to take it to the tip or wait for the council's collection service the rag and bone men - and in my area we still have a couple of guys who go around with a horse and cart shouting 'raaaaag and boooooone!' - will gladly take a fridge off your hands (although whether they'll dispose of it legally and safely is another matter). There's just no excuse for fly-tipping.

The "poor council" are part of the problem, and always have been. If you tender out street cleansing to the lowest bidder, your street-cleansing services suffer - they become less efficient and more infrequent - the same goes for collection of household waste, and for enforcement of anti-flytipping measures. This isn't just an austerity issue, either. it's been a problem for decades. Add to that a serious lack of civil penalties for most forms of littering, and all that's left are moral arguments at a time when those who should serve as role models - "the great and the good" - are often amoral, grasping and self-serving.

Agreed, except that it is an issue that's become worse with austerity, especially in the cities, as they've been (deliberately) hit hardest by council funding cuts. Certainly, the council here have had to cut back on street sweeping and litter-bin maintenance, hike charges and move to fortnightly bin collections, and it can't be a coincidence that there's more litter about than there was a few years ago. I'm pretty sure the refuse collection/street cleaning teams are in-house here too, so it can't be blamed on contracting out, though that isn't the case everywhere.
roadkill - yes, croydon's budget has been massively cut for street maintenance/cleaning by our friends the Tory's. i thought they would be the first to worry about our "green and pleasant land." i cannot abide anyone though who throws a dirty great fridge on a public square like that, suitcases, etc. anyone caught doing that shouldn't be able to use the space they dump it on.
fridges cost to dispose of now- I can't remember which of the noble gases they us- freon or some shit. Anyway, whatever they use is basically going to fuck any ground it soaks into like you'd sown it with salt. At least with a manky old suitcase it'll eventually rot away.
My biggest beef is when you visit a remote(ish) beauty spot and somebody, who obviously has sufficient vestiges of communion with nature and appreciation of its aesthetic to have actually fucking bothered to go there in the first place has clearly had a picnic, become sated and then just picked up the blanket and fucked off, leaving all the plastic/aluminium remnants discarded right where they were. Buried up to the neck, covered in honey and left to the ants would be my response.
My local common where the dog gets walked is lush, the National Trust manage it and it is a very special place. The A3 runs through it and all along the edge of the road is a line of shit that 's been tossed out of cars. People are such wankstains. Amazingly out of London if an Old Bill see shit flying out of a car they can't do much about it unless they can be 100% certain they know which occupant lobbed it. Inside London the driver is liable for anything thrown from his car.

And one more thing is really pissing me off lately; energy drinks. Why can't the twerps who guzzle them summon up the energy to put them in a bin? Again on the same common we're seeing them in trees and bushes away from the paths, so people have to actively go out of their way to litter. Arseholes.

And don't even begin to get started on the mother fuckers who bag up dog shit and then hang the bag from a tree. WTF is wrong with you? :mad::mad::mad:
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Someone was parked outside my house on the grass by the road. When they had left I noticed they had eaten a happy meal and left all the packaging on the ground by where their car was. What a tosser, how hard would it have been to have taken the packing back with them and put it in a bin? It would have been easy but no they couldn't be bothered, lazy and good for nothing!
My biggest beef is when you visit a remote(ish) beauty spot and somebody, who obviously has sufficient vestiges of communion with nature and appreciation of its aesthetic to have actually fucking bothered to go there in the first place has clearly had a picnic, become sated and then just picked up the blanket and fucked off, leaving all the plastic/aluminium remnants discarded right where they were. Buried up to the neck, covered in honey and left to the ants would be my response.
i see this a lot when out fishing (and it's sometimes done by "fisherman" - they don't deserve the term. The lack of awareness of care for others, or the immediate world is astounding. Base. Functioning just above an animal.
saw a middle aged looking bloke yesterday on the platform - fairly ordinary looking. carefully placed his empty can of coke on the floor. crushed it. and then kicked it along the platform out of his way.

he was a right lump and by the grim look of his face i wasn't in the mood to correct him. I just shock my head. Which he saw. then a little grin appeared on his face.

makes me want to go and live on a desert island.
fridges cost to dispose of now- I can't remember which of the noble gases they us- freon or some shit. Anyway, whatever they use is basically going to fuck any ground it soaks into like you'd sown it with salt. At least with a manky old suitcase it'll eventually rot away.
Not everywhere charges, I just took a freezer to the tip for nothing.
fridges cost to dispose of now- I can't remember which of the noble gases they us- freon or some shit. Anyway, whatever they use is basically going to fuck any ground it soaks into like you'd sown it with salt. At least with a manky old suitcase it'll eventually rot away.
I'd have thought there might be some value in extracting the freon and selling it back to people who make fridges. But perhaps the process of doing that costs more than you can get selling the reclaimed gasses. At which point capitalism shows its great merits by leaving toxic shite lying around cos there is no profit in doing it cleanly.
the wife and i getting to work on our street

Some people just don't care about other people or places.

That is the only conclusion I can draw, they just don't care at all.

Shame that there are so many of them.
fridges cost to dispose of now- I can't remember which of the noble gases they us- freon or some shit. Anyway, whatever they use is basically going to fuck any ground it soaks into like you'd sown it with salt. At least with a manky old suitcase it'll eventually rot away.

True enough, but there's still no excuse for just dumping them in the street for everyone else to have to look at, especially when the city council will take fridges and the like away for free. Antisocial selfish twats.

My biggest beef is when you visit a remote(ish) beauty spot and somebody, who obviously has sufficient vestiges of communion with nature and appreciation of its aesthetic to have actually fucking bothered to go there in the first place has clearly had a picnic, become sated and then just picked up the blanket and fucked off, leaving all the plastic/aluminium remnants discarded right where they were. Buried up to the neck, covered in honey and left to the ants would be my response.

And one more thing is really pissing me off lately; energy drinks. Why can't the twerps who guzzle them summon up the energy to put them in a bin? Again on the same common we're seeing them in trees and bushes away from the paths, so people have to actively go out of their way to litter. Arseholes.

There does seem to be a disproportionate quantity of those on the ground near me too, compared with their obvious market rivals of Coke, Pepsi, Tango, etc. Having said that, I think the "energy" drinks are somewhat cheaper, and so perhaps there's a socio-economic correlation with littering. It certainly seems to be more prevalent in the relatively deprived areas of my city.
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