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Hurricane Harvey hits the US


No I'm pretty sure that was 8ball...

So far despite a lack of head of FEMA, DHS, and a variety of other federal roles, Trump seems to be on top of things.

I'd no idea, Houston was the 4th largest city in the US, and they're looking at over 30,000 being made homeless, at least temporarily.
My brother is holed up in a Houston hotel. I'm not worried about him, I imagine it's quite a posh one with high enough floors and enough food and drink in stock (he's a lovely bloke but he works for a rather unspeakable chemical giant). It's the poor I feel sorry for, usually the biggest victims of climate disasters and climate change despite an ongoing myth that these are somehow "middle class" concerns.
I haven't been to Houston for many years but I have fond memories of it from the late 80's when I spent a lot of time there. It's really sad and shocking to see what's happened there these past few days - and still is happening - seeing old areas I knew submerged or cut off, and roads I once drove on turned into lakes.

I was there once in '88 when Hurricane Gilbert happened - it was a category 5 (Harvey was 'only' a 4) and it was heading straight for Houston, but in the end it veered off and hit Corpus Christie, much like this one did. It caused some bad damage round there (as it had earlier in the Caribbean) but it largely spared Houston and a only a couple of days later you wouldn't have even known it had happened. That's a scenario that Houston citizens have become familiar with, to the point that many of them are almost blasé about hurricanes, in an 'ain't no big thang' Texan way.

So it didn't surprise me when I got this email 3 days ago from my friend who lives in an area just north of downtown Houston: 'So we are getting Harvey right now-as usual it was a huge hype over a minimal issue.. I've been thru it so many times its nothing... we're getting hammered w/rain though which is a slight pain but we have electric & i feel pretty good about our spot in this mess. We prepared well for maximum water & cleared all the drains but really its kinda a non-event as (Thank GOD) they tend to be'

She lives in an area called The Heights which is an old but gentrified suburb and as it's name implies is in the most elevated area near to the city (though it's hardly Highgate) so they're not usually too concerned about floods round there. However, by yesterday her mood had changed somewhat: 'Holy SHIT! Just woke up from a nap to get to find water coming up my yard again-its dumping buckets of water-my fireplace is now leaking!!! Had to move my sandbags from the garage-this is not cute-or funny or anything anymore!! Its now crossed into sheer HELL!'

Still, at least they seem to be maintaining a sense of humour through it all - here's a photo she sent me of someone's sex doll floating down her street!


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HOUSTON - Joel Osteen, pastor of Houston's Lakewood Church, is responding to social media criticism for not opening the church's doors to victims of Hurricane Harvey and the floods that followed.

The church, which can hold more than 15,000 people, posted a message to social media on Sunday saying it was inaccessible due to flooding and couldn't serve as a shelter.

The pastor faced backlash when pictures appeared on social media claiming there wasn't any flooding in or around the megachurch.

Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church face criticism for not serving as Harvey shelter

It's almost like its a scam instead of a real church. ;)
Don't know the significance of this lake, but looks bad if it is a sizeable body of water.

It's a mandatory evacuation, its bad alright, although Brazoria is to the south of Houston and I doubt it would affect the city or its most populous suburbs. But god knows where or how the poor fuckers are gonna evacuate to?!
Mexico offers help, but NO!!!

The Mexican government has proved willing and able to provide crucial help to Americans in the wake of previous natural disasters. In September 2005, days after Hurricane Katrina wiped out cities along the Gulf Coast, soldiers from the Mexican army rolled across the border in a 45-vehicle convoy and set up camp at a former Air Force base near San Antonio, Texas. Over the next three weeks, the Mexican soldiers served 170,000 meals to hurricane victims, distributed 184,000 tons of supplies, and conducted more than 500 medical consultations, recalled Stephen Kelly, a former diplomat who was serving at the U.S. embassy in Mexico City at the time. Mexican sailors also offered rescue-and-recovery assistance, and helped clear storm debris.
Trump, who announced his candidacy for president with a speech that described Mexicans as “rapists,” has strained the historically close relationship between the U.S. and Mexico. On Sunday, as Hurricane Harvey raged through Texas, Trump tweeted that Mexico will pay for a wall on its northern border, that the country has high crime rates, and that he might “terminate” a free-trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada because the U.S. allies are “being very difficult.”
Trump Administration Hasn't Decided Whether To Accept Harvey Help From Mexico
I've been trying to find a map that shows how much of Huston has been flooded. Found a NYT article but my google can't seem to find it.

It's especially depressing that quite a lot of refugees from New Orleans stayed in Houston and made their new home there after Katrina.
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Melania Trump on her way to the disaster zone, modelling a pair of Bryce Dallas Howard's stylish yet practical 5-inch heels, suitable for a girls night out, fleeing from genetically modified dinosaurs, and visiting people who have lost everything.
she was wearing sneakers in every tv clip i've seen

The photo was taken as she left camp David, whether she had already decided to change into white sneakers mid air, or someone noticed the ridicule she was getting online, and suggested a change who can say?
The atmosphere can hold ~7% more moisture for every degree of warming.
No one event can be linked to climate change, but it is "highly likely" that events are being made worse by higher sea level and greater moisture content.

Godspeed those still affected.
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I've been trying to find a map that shows how much of Huston has been flooded. Found a NYT article but my google can't seem to find it.

Here's a map that shows just how widespread the flooding is. Houston's understandably getting most the media because it's the main city holding over half the population living in the affected area, but it covers a huge area, and that's without including the flooded parts of Louisiana to the east. As for Houston, they reckon about a third of the city is actually flooded, so many/most areas that aren't flooded will be cut off - unless you've got a boat.

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