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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

i'm almost tempted to reply to this, but as no one but brasic believes it, and he would simply ignore what was written in reply and make up his own version of what I wrote, it's not really worth it, is it?

yes as you did not discuss with duruti2 how racsist the strikers may or may not be:rolleyes:
labour may challenge the Laval/Viking rulings!


Going to the ECJ , and saying "oi maties, you can't do that!" is not what they are going to do, or rather it would be at best futile and at worst self defeating (so actually, knowing this lot, might be exactly what they will do)
More likely to ask Vladimír Špidla to propose some new legislation, or tightening amendments on existing legislation, that more than likely won't get to a UK ratification stage until after the next general election.
theres been several days of useful and important debate and discussion on this we all know the positions various groups and individuals are taking now.

the BNP have posters and stuff up online ready to download and print off ffs.

have any left groups written up a leaflet or poster?

perhaps we could start a thread with ideas for slogans/ text/ images etc?
What's really behind the Lindsey Oil Refinery strike


Keith Gibson, Personal Capacity, G.M.B. - unofficial LOR Strike Committee.
Note: At the time of writing there are plans to lobby Alstom Head Offices on 5th February in London. A ninety day redundancy notice had been issued around mid November 2008 at Lindsey Oil Refinery (LOR) for Shaws' workforce. This meant that by February 17th 2009 a number of Shaws' construction workers (LOR) would be made redundant. The day before the Christmas holiday Shaws' shop-stewards reported to the men that a part of the contract on LOR's HDS3 plant had been awarded to IREM, an Italian company....

Another bit:
This worker solidarity is against the 'conscious blacking' of British construction workers by company bosses who refuse to recruit skilled British labour in the U.K. The workers of LOR, Conoco and Easington did not take strike action against immigrant workers. Our action is rightly aimed against company bosses who attempt to play off one nationality of worker against the other and undermine the NAECI agreement. THE B.N.P. SHOULD TAKE HEED, U.K. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WILL NOT TOLERATE 'ANOTHER RACIST ATTEMPT' TO SEVER FRATERNAL RELATIONS WITH WORKERS FROM OTHER NATIONS

And some demands being raised:

Demands for Construction Industry:
* No victimisation of workers taking solidarity action.
* All workers in UK to be covered by NAECI Agreement
* Union controlled registering of unemployed and locally skilled union members
* Government and employer investment in proper training / apprenticeships for new generation of construction workers
* All Immigrant labour to be unionised.
* Trade Union assistance for immigrant workers - via interpreters - to give right of access to Trade Union advice - to promote active integrated Trade Union Members
That's good stuff from the SP. Well done on two fronts:

a)This worker solidarity is against the 'conscious blacking' of British construction workers by company bosses who refuse to recruit skilled British labour in the U.K.

I was thinking about all this BNP stuff and strike... I bet you could find NF stuff from the 80s supporting the miners... does anybody have access to such material? It would be good to reproduce it and post it online to show all those on the left that this far-right support for strikes is nothing new...
I was thinking about all this BNP stuff and strike... I bet you could find NF stuff from the 80s supporting the miners... does anybody have access to such material? It would be good to reproduce it and post it online to show all those on the left that this far-right support for strikes is nothing new...

To be frank, i wonder whether the effort wasted in trying to raise the understanding of the sort of infantile idiots - who claim to be 'left' but don't seem to have a clue about what the working class is and how it acts - is really worth it. I mean we could go back to the left elements of the SA supporting strike movements - but it isn't like these people have learnt the basics in that many decades. It is a closed book to them. I hope they stay well away - idiots like that could end up leading some angry folk into the arms of the BNP by default. Better we go to those fighting real battles rather than fantasy ones.

I find it odd how people who are critical of the press on Gaza are willing to take that same presses version of events when it comes to local workers. How Hamas cannot be critisized in the slightest but British workers expressing sometimes confused anger cannot be supported as a result!! - i can only hope that such people remain irrelevant to real workers movements.

I read somewhere that the highest membership, from a single trade union, of the old NF prior to the 84-5 strike was among the NUM - of course the strike cut right across that
An open letter to the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement
We have watched with interest and extitement the unfolding wildcat strikes across the country. The radical left has responded with both support and condemnation, but overwhelmingly, silence. For several reasons, including the complex nature of the strike actions and also our obligation as anarchists to struggle with all exploited workers, we feel that it is important to both open a dialogue and apply an anarchist critique to the situation. The BNP are agitating to subvert these strikes towards a racist agenda, and we think it's imperative for anarchists to support the strikes from an anti-capitalist viewpoint and fight the racists away. Facism is divisive and an enemy of the working class - we, as anarchists should be standing shoulder to shoulder with all workers whilst arguing and acting against reactionary and facist tendencies. The basic call for workers' rights and for capitalist profiteers not to outsource disputed jobs to cheaper workers is fair, and not necessarily racist. We do not see this as a freedom of movement issue, as what we are seeing here is the forced movement of people as disposable commodities at the whim of global capitalism. Most situations like these lead to sweatshop conditions, union busting and brutal working conditions for the foreign workers and unemployment and the destruction of working class communities for British workers. Also, supporting these workers, and listening to their concerns and viewpoints will enable us to start a dialogue with them on the subject of who the real enemy is i.e not other exploited workers, but greedy bosses and politicians ruthlessly persuing a free market race to the bottom in terms of wages and working conditions. Dialogue with all workers is important because there will be other issues we need to discuss with them in a friendly way in the future, such as enviromental issues many of us would advocate which may affect their jobs. Different traditions within the anarchist movement will always have dificulties initially agreeing with the standpoint of some workers, but a friendly and open dialogue in the spirit of solidarity is an important key to building a movement genuinley capable of confronting capitalism and the state.

In Solidarity

John, Jon, Steve and Rach from within (but not on behalf of) Bath Activist Network

An open letter to the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement

Sorry - I am trying not too be cynical - but as others have pointed out above, and with all due respect for the recognition shown in the letter, the BNP are already trying to do their dirty work - more importantly the entire press ad media is dirtying the reality behind the actions and most importantly the wildcats are already going ahead and need that concrete support now. Serious class-struggle anarchists or socialists or whatever should be getting on with their own support and leave such 'discussions' to the aftermath.
Also, supporting these workers, and listening to their concerns and viewpoints will enable us to start a dialogue with them on the subject of who the real enemy is i.e not other exploited workers, but greedy bosses and politicians ruthlessly persuing a free market race to the bottom in terms of wages and working conditions.

John, Jon, Steve and Rach can go and dip their rings.


We already know what the struggle is, we don't need middle class wankers dialoguing with us.
Good stuff, Dennis, but why is it when others say these things it is 'whinging';)

btw, you are spot on though, on the SU blog it is all about whether the strike is racist or not, rather that what can be done
John, Jon, Steve and Rach can go and dip their rings.


We already know what the struggle is, we don't need middle class wankers dialoguing with us.
i see your point, but when you've got the BNP on hand attempting to steer the strikers anger in one direction, I think it's valid for people who've spent years fighting against the growing neoliberal globalisation experiment to be on hand to counter the BNP's arguements.

Obviously it needs doing right, but surely even us middle class wankers can have our uses...

btw I'm thinking soup kitchens and the like to keep those on the frontline able to stay on the front line for longer, perhaps with some info about our take on the situation, rather than simply going to preach at people and wave daft placards in their faces... plus I'm thinking there'll be a few tricks that we've picked up along the way that could get passed on in case the police do decide to come in hard at any point.
As a matter of interesat how do you know that is BNP? Zero content and a whois of Mesh Digital, Guildford, who technically could be done for sedition

sorry, should of said. got the blog from a direct link from their website, and those are their posters.
fyi butchers and fedayin you pair of snide smear artists

And your point is what exactly? You inferred they were agreeing that race was a major issue in the strike. You singled two people out, even though the issue of whether race was the major iussue was being discussed by pretty much 'everyone'. Now fuck off back under your stone you fucking twat.
And your point is what exactly? You inferred they were agreeing that race was a major issue in the strike. You singled two people out, even though the issue of whether race was the major iussue was being discussed by pretty much 'everyone'. Now fuck off back under your stone you fucking twat.

go fuck yourself my point was similar to that made by treelover which is why i qouted it fyi if there is anyone who is a hyocritical twat living under a stone its you :rolleyes:
Your comment was not the same as TL's, stop wriggling.

your the one wriggling not me as you have been well and truley exposed as someone more interested in online vendettas and smearing posters who have the same views on the issue as other posters so the question is why you and secret service bucthers have taken such an approach :hmm:
your the one wriggling not me as you have been well and truley exposed as someone more interested in online vendettas and smearing posters who have the same views on the issue as other posters so the question is why you and secret service bucthers have taken such an approach :hmm:

You made the inference, stop running. No one, me included, has claimed that the issue of race was't being discussed. Your inference re belboid and durrutti wasn't the same as TL's remarks and you know it.

What do you think my opinion on the issue is then? Because going by your 'logic' i'm smearing myself.
You made the inference, stop running. No one, me included, has claimed that the issue of race was't being discussed. Your inference re belboid and durrutti wasn't the same as TL's remarks and you know it.

What do you think my opinion on the issue is then? Because going by your 'logic' i'm smearing myself.

no you have constructed a very nasty inference i have called you out i have qouted treelover as he said what i did albeit using differtent words your a nasty piece of work who has been rumbled and you know it judging by your last comment above that you are now abusing yourself :rolleyes: your a cockroach
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