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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

thats the deal though isn't it with strikes?? .. with hundreds on strike there are going to be some who are scumbags and racists .. the strike though is NOT anti italian .. it probably would have happenned if another group of brits were employed on mass a cheaper rates and segregated like this

it would have happened somewhat differently if it had been other brits, tho i take your point. sure there are bound to be some plainly racist arses out there, the question is how many, and is that view becoming the dominant one? I don't know, and i wholly accept that the reports have often been from people who decided the strikes as racist and then went looking for evidence to back their belief up.

As you say, considering the last thirty years its not surprising that the view is held by some, but unfortunately that also means it is not impossible that it is held by many.

i'll be very interested to hear more reports from the picket lines from more disinterested parties
it would have happened somewhat differently if it had been other brits, tho i take your point. sure there are bound to be some plainly racist arses out there, the question is how many, and is that view becoming the dominant one? I don't know, and i wholly accept that the reports have often been from people who decided the strikes as racist and then went looking for evidence to back their belief up.

As you say, considering the last thirty years its not surprising that the view is held by some, but unfortunately that also means it is not impossible that it is held by many.

i'll be very interested to hear more reports from the picket lines from more disinterested parties





Why should UK nationals take precedence over workers from other countries? .

Because the uk government is elected by uk nationals :rolleyes: btw to there are far too many cosy middle class fuckwits on this thread who seem to have taken the goverments line and have just demonstrated how out of touch they are with wider and poorer society and those in non middle class professions . you cunts:mad:
still on this thread we have so called left wingers defending Neo conservative economic policies and the race to the bottom and then they wonder why people are turning to the far right i am sure all the protesters will be really happy to know that belboid and duruti were having a bullentin board conversation as to how racsist they all are:mad::mad: how can you idiots expect anything less than people turing to the far right when those who consider themselves left wing endorse the governments stance on this issue :rolleyes: BTW this i snot a resscion this is a DEPRESSION i do not recall under the tories car plants going on four day weeks or shutting down for four months !!!!! and this is just the begining :( and with regards to the strikes on this thread the wadical have proved yet again how irrelevent they have become :rolleyes:
still on this thread we have so called left wingers defending Neo conservative economic policies and the race to the bottom and then they wonder why people are turning to the far right i am sure all the protesters will be really happy to know that belboid and duruti were having a bullentin board conversation as to how racsist they all are:mad::mad: how can you idiots expect anything less than people turing to the far right when those who consider themselves left wing endorse the governments stance on this issue :rolleyes: BTW this i snot a resscion this is a DEPRESSION i do not recall under the tories car plants going on four day weeks or shutting down for four months !!!!! and this is just the begining :( and with regards to the strikes on this thread the wadical have proved yet again how irrelevent they have become :rolleyes:

who exactly is backing neo-liberalism and/or the govt exactly?
BTW this i snot a resscion this is a DEPRESSION i do not recall under the tories car plants going on four day weeks or shutting down for four months !!!!! and this is just the begining :( and with regards to the strikes on this thread the wadical have proved yet again how irrelevent they have become :rolleyes:

The 3 day week was January - March '74 on Traitor Ted's watch.
not to mention the massive plant closures and short-time working that went on under thatcher

they are not comparable thatcher did not give bankers billions and gordon brown makes her look like a socialist everything that is happening now is hapening much faster and the fall out from this credit crunch is much more simlar to the 1920s than the 1980s/90s now run along and do your poll asking urbanites about what percentage of the stikers they think are racsists:rolleyes:
go and read the thread :rolleyes:its fairly obvious which posters are taking the governments line :rolleyes:

Its a LONG thread.

who? and how?

y'see there may be, but too often here posters are throwing all kinds of similar accusations around to avoid answering hard questions.
no its what a tiny bit of spin does it shuts up debate and makes people think that everything is ok only belboid could be as so stupid to cut and paste newshamebore spin:rolleyes:

You, unsuprisingly miss the point - that a little bit of pressure like this makes them feel like they have to pretend to do something drastic - i wonder what they'd do if really threatened.

You don't.
Its a LONG thread..

they usually are :rolleyes:

who? and how?.

sorry and you are? yes i will spend time and effort to answer all your questions as that is what every poster always does here in the urban forums:rolleyes:

y'see there may be, but too often here posters are throwing all kinds of similar accusations around to avoid answering hard questions.

what you mean like belboid and duruti disscussing to what extent the strikers are racsists btw fyi this is urban75:rolleyes:
what you mean like belboid and duruti disscussing to what extent the strikers are racsists btw fyi this is urban75:rolleyes:

i'm almost tempted to reply to this, but as no one but brasic believes it, and he would simply ignore what was written in reply and make up his own version of what I wrote, it's not really worth it, is it?
You, unsuprisingly miss the point - that a little bit of pressure like this makes them feel like they have to pretend to do something drastic - i wonder what they'd do if really threatened.
You don't.

no i dont need to wonder what they will do as i can tell you now as it is similar to what some posters are doing on here- newshamebore friends in the media will toe there spin/line and opt for the stikers are rascists backwards and protectionists etc and then ship the police in to break any ongoing wild cat strikes btw i see your still sellling your politcal principles for online urban popularity
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