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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

"and form a new party"

That really makes it sound geunuine doesn't it :D

" Hey lads..."


Quickly followed by words like "cabal" and, as Butchers points out, raising the demand for a new party....

I thought I was being overly cynical when I read it....
They are so honest aren't they, "hey lads come and join our gang but we are not going to do anything"

another FUCK OFF.
p-u-l-l o-u-t o-f t-h-e f-u-c-k-i-n-g b-a-s-t-a-r-d e-u-r-o-p-e-a-n u-n-i-o-n

I find this all an interesting test of how nationalist or internationalist people are. Wages in at least some of the less wealthy countries rose when they entered the EU (see links below - not great but just the result of quick googling).


I'm definitely not saying that increase in income in poorer countries should come at the expense of workers in Britain, but if you care about the workers in other countries as well as the workers in Britain, then you've got to take a more nuanced view of the overall effect of the EU.

On the one hand, Britain, as one of the richest countries in the EU, can afford to give the poorer countries a leg-up. On the other hand, while we are one of the richest countries, we also have one of the biggest wealth divides, so the low-wage workers in Britain can't afford to be squeezed.

So which is the biggest problem?
The fact that Britain, along with the other rich EU countries, is helping the poorer countries reach a higher standard of living?
OR the fact that the wealth divide and power distribution in our country means that, in order to do so, low-wage workers are being squeezed when they really can't afford it?

I'm not sure it's the EU that's the problem, is my point.
So this is what Britain in the 21st C has come too. It sounds like something out the Victorian era.

They are the exact same type of accommodation that they have on oil rigs only housed on a barge. After having a tour around one built at SLP a few years back, I wouldn't mind living in one to be honest.
Yeah, there's no problem with interventions at all, but it doesn't work like that, just chucking propoganda at someone out of the blue, no effort to ask what it's all about, what people are up to and why and so on.
As can perhaps be deduced from my posts above, this is a live issue in my workplace...disparity between local and overseas contracts etc.

We were just talking about it last night as it happens...
The response of the British Left is dispiriting. You have a genuine working class response to something for the first time in years and they don't know how to respond.

That's because they're fucked or scolded and they know it.
The workers are protesting about the bosses using cheap labour and dumping better paid workers. That's natural stuff for the left to oppose but in this case doing so naffs up their socialist 'all workers free to go anywhere' crap.

I'll bet the silly bastards are running round like headless chickens to try to work out the stance that fucks them the least. :D
One of the problems with the left and the no borders argument is that we as the workers KNEW this was going to happen but all we have had off the left is name calling and being told we are racist.

NO WE ARE NOT, we fucking told you this was the plan and you didn't fucking listen, now we have your ideal and it has been utilised to DRIVE DOWN WAGES AGAIN.

get your heads out of your arses and smell the shit you tosspots.
Posted by Klendathu
Here's how it works:

Ex 1/ British and US companies lose construction bids to Korean companies in Saudi Arabia, because the Korean companies' "workers" are actually soldiers on a pitance of military pay, doing their military service with "Dong-Ah" Construction Company, thus able to undercut normal workers and unable to have a day off without being subject to court martial. Hard to compete with soldiers being paid USD 100/Mo

Ex 2/ Sheraton Hotel in Algiers built by a Chinese construction company, whose workers are lodged in compounds which they can't leave and are fed garbage. They work in three shifts, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week with no break and no vacation, and rotate in the bunk beds.

Ex 3/ Burj Dubai built with imported "en masse" Indian and Filipino workers who live in same conditions, and have passports removed so they can't go on strike and can be deported, and are typically not paid on time, while Dubai residents go skiing in their enclosed "Green" refrigirated ski run.

This is not "free movement of capital and labour". This is the cynical tactic of "divide to rule" to break the rights of workers everywhere by shipping in foreign workers "en masse" and creating "closed systems". This enables two birds to be killed with one stone: a) the imported workers are lost in a foreign environment, can't communicate locally on the job market, and are frightened to assert their rights as human beings, and b) this enables workers protected in the UK to be conveniently circumvented.

Such arrangements are typically outsourced so that the contracting company cannot be sued directly, in other words they evade the spirit of the law, in the name of so called "freedom of movement".

Were the Italian workers in this case individuals in the local labour market, this would constitute freedom of movement of labour. As they are sourced "en masse" by the subcontractor, this is a technique of exploiting cheap labour elsewhere and effectively sidelining the British workers. It is an effort to find the most disenfranchised and helpless workers and exploit them. It smells like the Atlantic Slave Trade.

It is not the British worker on strike who is racist. It is the company who is seeking the weakest and most disenfranchised worker to exploit him in alien surroundings who is racist, or perhaps a better word would be inhuman.

Doing so paradoxically renders the so called "consumers" necessary for stimulating economic activity so destabilised and unconfident that they can no longer be an efficient "consumer".

Those proponents of "free trade" are either so naive they believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, or else they are cynical SOBs who don't care about people, which is the more likely possibility.

This is an excellent post and eye opening post from Guardian CIF
One of the problems with the left and the no borders argument is that we as the workers KNEW this was going to happen but all we have had off the left is name calling and being told we are racist.

NO WE ARE NOT, we fucking told you this was the plan and you didn't fucking listen, now we have your ideal and it has been utilised to DRIVE DOWN WAGES AGAIN.

get your heads out of your arses and smell the shit you tosspots.

I'm not saying this will be the case for snadge but this sort of thing will push some into the arms of the BNP and that has to be bad news for everyone.

I've said for a while that the greatest friend the BNP has is the political left.

Added - I've been called a troll a few times for that one but it remains true.
One of the problems with the left and the no borders argument is that we as the workers KNEW this was going to happen but all we have had off the left is name calling and being told we are racist.

Calling for borders to go up all over Europe will not assist British workers here, or those 5.5 million British workers who are living and working abroad.
I'm not saying this will be the case for snadge but this sort of thing will push some into the arms of the BNP and that has to be bad news for everyone.

I've said for a while that the greatest friend the BNP has is the political left.

Added - I've been called a troll a few times for that one but it remains true.

I have always stated this as well, the party that promises to address this practise will gain votes, the BNP will address it by excluding foreign workers from UK contracts which IS racist but the person on the dole who regains work through that action does not give one iota and will vote accordingly.

either the maintream parties address it accordingly or the BNP gains votes.
The SWP and its fellow travellers seem to be coming across as being more concerned with migrant workers than anyone else, this won't be a success...
One of the problems with the left and the no borders argument is that we as the workers KNEW this was going to happen but all we have had off the left is name calling and being told we are racist.
The question is - do you know who your enemy is and what battle you are fighting? If you've picked the right target then there's no way you could be called racist.
One of the problems with the left and the no borders argument is that we as the workers KNEW this was going to happen but all we have had off the left is name calling and being told we are racist.

NO WE ARE NOT, we fucking told you this was the plan and you didn't fucking listen, now we have your ideal and it has been utilised to DRIVE DOWN WAGES AGAIN.

get your heads out of your arses and smell the shit you tosspots.

this has absolutely nothing to do with arguments about 'no borders'. What we see here is nothing to do with the free movement of labour - as the post treelover copied clearly shows. Even under pre-92 rules the italian workers could, and almost definitely would, still have been brought in.
From SU blog

Apparently the SWP position came out after SWP comrades went to picket lines and found that arguing against the slogan BJ4BW didn’t go down too well.

So for those of you ‘on the ground’ how are you going to get support for this strike in your workplaces/union?
Simply ‘Solidarity with the strikers’ isn’t good enough.

Apparently the SWP did a U turn after they got the cold shoulder on the picket lines, what did they expect, not surprising if this comment by a SWP member is anything to go by(below)?

'I didn’t see one non-white person in any of the news coverage. This is reminiscent of the racist strikes decades ago.
Presumably those backing these ‘Little Englanders’ are also calling for the million plus UK workers abroad to be sacked too?
Small-minded people who don’t want to accept we live in a global village?
Many of us have moved all over the UK to get jobs or training, other have moved all over the world. Others oppose all change and want everything to stay the same. No job is for life anymore.'
yawn, christ almighty, when are you going to say something about your opinion of anything the than the fucking swp? it's sooooo fucking tedious, your attempted bullying of them.

Do you think the slogan - which is a reactionary one, should not be challenged, even whilst the strike is being supported. Should one never be critical of anyone on strike, but instead merely stand (or sit) by cheering?
[a]But won't the BNP will capitalise on this anti-foreign worker feeling? So isn't this playing into their hands?
a. They'll try. b. Isn't what playing into their hands?

I don't know what you think I'm arguing, but it isn't: "let's go get those damn Italians".
I attack the SWP because whether, i like it or not , they have the resources to raise public opinion and create 'coalitions' on issues, independents/non-aligned, generally don't. They have ignored the welfare reforms which in time will lead to misery on a scale not seen since the 1930's, that to me is a disgrace.
The problem that the SWP share with all the left wing groups is that they have no understanding at all about people and the way they think.
They spout all that crap about equality and rights of the workers but when there is a conflict of interest the workers don't give a fuck about high minded principles but do give a fuck about loosing their job.

I didn’t see one non-white person in any of the news coverage

So what? Maybe it wasn't an area where not many non whites live.
Places like that do exist but it doesn't mean that all there are a bunch of racist bastards. The left tend to assume it does and, in doing so, get right up the backs of the people who live there.

I'll say it again. The left are the best friends the BNP have and are helping them become electable.
I have always stated this as well, the party that promises to address this practise will gain votes, the BNP will address it by excluding foreign workers from UK contracts which IS racist but the person on the dole who regains work through that action does not give one iota and will vote accordingly.

either the maintream parties address it accordingly or the BNP gains votes.
so, if you were on the dole, you would vote bnp?
...yesterday Italian workers were being called 'Wops' and every other name under the sun as they were driven into work - at least, that’s what I’ve heard from comrades who were actually there on the picket lines. How will you be engaging with that when you all visit the picket lines?
http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=3494#comments Post#125

Anyone confirm this? If true, needs to be stamped on.

* Fight all job cuts
* No deals that cut wages or accept lay-offs
* Smash privatisation and sub-contracting
* Unity against the bosses, no to racism and the BNP.
Surely the slogan has simply been lifted from Brown's 2007 speech. If he hadn't said it then these workers probably wouldn't be banging on about it.

So to say that the striking workers are racist is rather simplistic IMO.

Having said that, a more nuanced message needs to start getting through otherwise the BNP are going to have a field day.
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