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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Former Sec. State for Ed. claims she hadn't seen the Cyril Smith evidence sent to her department...

The Guardian first came across questions around the Department for Education’s involvement two weeks ago after seeing a letter from a QC who is leading an inquiry ordered by Rochdale council into allegations of a cover up around Knowl View.

The letter sent by Neil Garnham QC said that Shephard’s office had been sent “the Digan dossier”.

When approached for a comment, Shephard said she had contacted her former department and confirmed that it had received the dossier. “I have checked with the Department for Education. There was correspondence [about Knowl View] in 1995. They can find no evidence that I personally received it nor that I was personally involved in responding to it,” she said.

That's alright, then?
What is "Operation Brancaster" and how does it differ from all the other operations the police seem to have going? Is it just looking at politicians, politically linked figures and Westminster?

(Operation Fairbank turned into Operation Fernbridge [Elm guesthouse] and Operation Cayacos [Peter Righton])

Operation Brancaster:
Man, 67, arrested in Dorset connected to Westminster ‘paedophile ring’ inquiry. A 67-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of historic child abuse following an investigation into claims of a paedophile ring with links to parliament. The unnamed suspect is being questioned at a police station in Dorset, Scotland Yard said.
What is "Operation Brancaster"

Press Association said:
He is being investigated as part of an inquiry named Operation Brancaster which was sparked by MP Tom Watson.

In 2012 he used Prime Minister's Questions to claim that a file of evidence used to convict a man called Peter Righton of importing child pornography in 1992 contained "clear intelligence" of a sex abuse gang.

The proper, focused search on www.parliament.uk hasn't worked for more than a year.

Back in a minute...
Search term would be hansard questions watson righton - I very much doubt that the mention of Righton is a red herring

Is it this?

24 Oct 2012 : Column 923
Mr Tom Watson (West Bromwich East) (Lab): The evidence file used to convict paedophile Peter Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring. One of its members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former Prime Minister, who says he could smuggle indecent images of children from abroad. The leads were not followed up, but if the file still exists I want to ensure that the Metropolitan police secure the evidence, re-examine it and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and No. 10.

The Prime Minister: The hon. Gentleman raises a very difficult and complex case, and I am not entirely sure which former Prime Minister he is referring to. What I would like to do is look carefully in Hansard at the allegations he has made and the case he has raised, and look carefully at what the Government can do to help give him the assurances he seeks.


Now, I have to follow Cameron in looking at more Hansard...

OR is that just a stalling answer to say "I'm so shocked I'm speechless: I'm going to have to read what you just said, in the morning"?
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Still not clear. What is this source?
My original source was a small piece a friend sent me from the London evening standard.

My post 4300 [just above] was a question based on your post 4299 where you mention "Righton" as I thought Cayacos was about him.
Is it me, or is the silence about the "Spotlight" Kincora doc not deafening?

I thought the info on the MI5 aspect of the cover up was new. If so, it's cast iron evidence of systemic intel facilitation of child rape to go along side their part in the Cyril Smith case (and others, doubtless)

As I said at the time...funny how everyone can kick up a fuss to attack the BBC or what they define as "political correctness", but police and intel always get a free pass.

Some victims matter more than others, depending on political use.
I thought the info on the MI5 aspect of the cover up was new. If so, it's cast iron evidence of systemic intel facilitation of child rape to go along side their part in the Cyril Smith case (and others, doubtless)
I don't think MI5 involvement and cover up is new, its been talked about for years I believe. Spooks couldn't give a shit about kids being raped, they want leverage over people with power and influence, that's their trade.
A whistleblower has claimed Scotland Yard tried to discredit her after she told an officer that one of Tony Blair’s ministers was suspected of child sex abuse.

Anna Tapsell said the alleged Met plot to smear her – in a bid to destroy her credibility as a witness – included snooping into her finances.

More here
I don't think MI5 involvement and cover up is new, its been talked about for years I believe. Spooks couldn't give a shit about kids being raped, they want leverage over people with power and influence, that's their trade.

I was wondering if it was new info in regards to kinkora. Yes, its generally known about but doesnt invoke rage nearly as much as culpability of other organisations.
Exaro reporting proposed changes to the canon 'law' of the CoE regarding safegurading...


Yeah, good and all that, but ffs...

Safeguarding procedures at the CoE have previously allowed bishops to keep allegations of child sex abuse away from the authorities

well...no; they've just offered an institutional 'cop-out' to salve the conscience of those clergy complicit in covering up abuse..


A CoE spokesman said: "These measures are part of a wider approach by the church based on what survivors of sexual abuse want us to do. The whole impetus is on tackling the problem from the survivor's point of view."

How fucking novel.

.....weird coincidence Napier crops up......totally at random this evening I open a book of Francis Wheen's articles....he was one of Napier's pupils...

...the MP is John Whittingdale which has been mentioned on here before....and whose main concern about Napier's repeated offending seems to be that it upset his mum....

Fiona Woolf urged to step down from abuse inquiry over Leon Brittan links

Lawyer who replaced Butler-Sloss in official inquiry into alleged paedophile politicians says ‘no close association’ with Tory peer
The second head of the government’s child abuse inquiry is facing calls to stand down over her social links to Lord Brittan, who was home secretary when a dossier about alleged Westminster paedophiles went missing from his department.

Fiona Woolf, a prominent QC and Lord Mayor of London, was brought in after Lady Butler-Sloss resigned from her role leading the inquiry when it emerged that her late brother Lord Havers was attorney general at the time of some of the historical allegations.

Ministers had hoped that Woolf would be able to draw a line under the previous controversy but a row erupted on Tuesday when it was revealed that Brittan was one of her neighbours, with whom she had dined five times since 2008. Woolf had also had coffee on “a small number of occasions” with Brittan’s wife (most recently last year), sat on a prize-giving panel with her and sponsored her for a fun run.

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