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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

A former Scotland Yard detective who won plaudits for his work on cases including the murder of Stephen Lawrence has claimed that he was moved from his post earlier when he revealed plans to investigate politicians over child abuse claims.

Speaking about his inquiries in 1998 into activity alleged to have taken place in Lambeth children's homes in the 1980s, retired detective chief inspector Clive Driscoll said that his work was "all too uncomfortable to a lot of people".

The Metropolitan police has now reportedly asked to discuss the claims with Driscoll, who told BBC Newsnight that he had a list of suspects he wanted to look at, including local and national politicians, adding: "Some of the names were people that were working locally. Some people that were if you like, working nationally, there was quite a mix really because it appeared that it was connected to other boroughs and other movement around the country."

He claimed that he was removed from his post after sharing his suspicions at a meeting with other officers.

"I certainly in a case conference disclosed suspects' names, 100%, but I was informed that was inappropriate and I would be removed from my post," he said.

"Whenever people spoke to you and shared their fears and their story about what they had seen, it was almost on the proviso that they wouldn't make a statement and that they would be scared if you released who those people were that were talking for fear of reprisals to both their selves and their families."

The thing that enrages me - oh, there's lots that enrages me - is the idea that homeless working class boys were regarded as expendable by the elite.

The lower orders of both sexes have always been regarded as expendable by the elite. Hell, they regarded their junior children as expendable, to be sent off to war or to the church if male and married off in advantageous alliances or sent to nunneries or become governesses if female.
the crime correspondent at the Telegraph is reporting the results of a massive nationwide police operation against suspected paedophiles

lots of tweets, but headline is over 600 arrested


given some of the specfics he is reporting, assuming a lot of these arrests happened recently, rather than 600 doors being kicked in this morning.

Big numbers, 660 arrests, over 400 children taken into care (where one hopes that lessons have been learned so that they won't get molested by toffs or badgered about Satan by xtian loons) but this looks at first sight like some sort of internet child porn thing, rather than anything directly connected to high-level abuse rings.
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Big numbers, 660 arrests, over 400 children taken into care (where one hopes that lessons have been learned so that they won't get molested by toffs or badgered about Satan by xtian loons) but this looks at first sight like some sort of internet child porn thing, rather than anything directly connected to high-level abuse rings.

"Over the past six months we have seen unprecedented levels of cooperation to deliver this result."

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that that cooperation was with GCHQ etc.

Possibly as early as this afternoon, when the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill (DRIP) has its second reading in the House of Lords.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that that cooperation was with GCHQ etc.

Possibly as early as this afternoon, when the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill (DRIP) has its second reading in the House of Lords.
Laptop, you cynic. But yes. Not that I'd be willing to sacrifice 400 children on the altar of internet privacy if there was no other way of catching the perps. If there really are perps and this isn't another Cleveland.
Is it just me or does Gilberthorpe's story not have the ring of truth about it? There was something about the way it worded that sounded to me how it might read if someone was farbricating a sensational story for the tabloids. And Rhodes Boyson doing coke, hmmm. By contrast, Alex Wheatle's account in the Mirror yesterday seemed genuine to me, the unnamed adults men roaming around the childrens' home, no-one quite knowing quite what their legitimate role was.:mad:

I may be wrong. But I reckon the papers' sudden frenzy to run their own scoop may have led to individuals thinking they can make a few bob.

Why assume it's about making money?
When a known arsehole/reprobate starts touting stories that delight the more lurid sections of the tabloids, it's just as likely to be about muddying the waters with disinformation, as a bout lining his pockets.

Equally - and this may be just me being suspicious - I was dubious about the item claiming MI5 had had it in for Leon Brittan and were, what, concocting, or suddenly making available, these allegations, or had done in the 1980s re. the rape claim. It suggested there was an element of anti-semitism in MI5 and that they objected to a Jewish Home Secretary...but Thatcher's Cabinet had several other Jewish members...Howard was at one stage H.S. as well.

Michael Howard was baptised into Christianity, he was never inducted into Judaism (bar mitzvah'd). Ergo, not a Jew, merely of Jewish ancestry. Much the same with Riflkind, IIRC.

It read to me like the sort of thing Fred Holroyd and Colin Wallace recalled doing, working for the 'secret state' re. Ireland in the 1970s - deliberate spread of misinformation, sometimes to deflect attention away, sometimes just to muddy the waters.:hmm:

Well quite. Why wouldn't they use such a tactic? It's worked so often before.
Why assume it's about making money?
When a known arsehole/reprobate starts touting stories that delight the more lurid sections of the tabloids, it's just as likely to be about muddying the waters with disinformation, as a bout lining his pockets.
Yes - I was thinking, after I had posted that, maybe his motivation is a bit of both? People are complex sometimes. And the disinfo part *might* be on behalf of the secret state, or it might just be an individual's malice. Why do people create computer viruses with no financial gain?
Cyril Smith: Detective alleged 'prima facie' proof of MP's guilt

A senior detective investigating sex abuse claims against Cyril Smith told his boss there was "prima facie" evidence of the MP's guilt.

The detective's 1970 report to the Chief Constable of Lancashire said the Liberal MP would have been "at the mercy of a competent counsel".

The 14-page report, which has been shown to the BBC, also revealed "veiled threats" from a friend of Smith.

The Director of Public Prosecution later advised against prosecuting.


The former MP for Rochdale was interviewed by the detective superintendent, who reported to former chief constable William Palfrey that "it seems impossible to excuse [Smith's] conduct".

"Over a considerable period of time, while sheltering beneath a veneer of responsibility, he has used his unique position to indulge in a series of indecent episodes with young boys towards whom he had a special responsibility," he wrote.

He said Smith was "most unimpressive during my interview with him".

The officer said: "He had difficulty in articulating and even the stock replies he proffered could only be obtained after repeated promptings from his solicitor.

"Were he ever to be placed in the witness box, he would be at the mercy of any competent counsel.

"Prima facie, he appears guilty of numerous offences of indecent assault."

The officer also interviewed a magistrate who told him in his "personal opinion" he "sincerely hoped that this matter is not prosecuted before the court".

"In my opinion, as a Justice of the Peace, it is not court-worthy," he told the officer.

"The prosecution can do no good at all and the backlash will have unfortunate repercussions for the police force and the town of Rochdale."

He also told the officer it was "no secret" that he and Smith "are buddies, and not only politically".

The name of the magistrate has been redacted from the report seen by the BBC.

The police officer commented: "Those observations were recorded at the time in Detective Chief Inspector _______'s official duty diary.

"The veiled threats and innuendos contained therein reflect ______ general attitude to this enquiry".
I thought it interesting the BBC report says:

"The NCA stressed that none of those arrested was a serving or former MP or member of the government."

Wonder why they felt the need to say that?
there were some notable omissions from the list of professions he gave

Martin Evans @evansma · 54m
BREAKING: Doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers are among those arrested.

Terrifying how many child abusers hide in plain sight..... people still seem surprised when they read about or hear about abusers working or placing themselves in roles that bring them into close contact with children.
Terrifying how many child abusers hide in plain sight..... people still seem surprised when they read about or hear about abusers working or placing themselves in roles that bring them into close contact with children.
Yet jokes about vicars and choirboys, scoutmasters and scouts, were common when I was a child (more years ago than I choose to remember). Did those jokes come out of nowhere, and how did that levity work with real examples? I remember a baffling case in our local paper, which was regarded with horror. How did the two things, the jokes and the horror, sit side by side? Perhaps this is normal, like jokes about war, torture and death.
I am not surprised, it is where I expect those who are attracted to children to be, namely, where there are children!

Me neither..

Yet jokes about vicars and choirboys, scoutmasters and scouts, were common when I was a child (more years ago than I choose to remember). Did those jokes come out of nowhere, and how did that levity work with real examples? I remember a baffling case in our local paper, which was regarded with horror. How did the two things, the jokes and the horror, sit side by side? Perhaps this is normal, like jokes about war, torture and death.

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