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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

bollocks to that. She shouldn't have accepted the job in the first place. Typical upper crust arrogance to not even consider the fact that her brother was the fucking attorney general might present just a teensy weensy conflict of interest.
Plus her first initial response to the calls to step down was STFU everyone, I am here to stay.

I can just imagine the awkward conversation between DC's chief of staff & govt lawyers and her in which they told her she's fired, it's like kicking a cripple.
That finished last week. Was only a two day hearing. Considering the fact that judges seem to be part of the problem, anyone who is a QC is also not above being part of the establishment.

Good to know.
What I don't understand about all this is the paedo side of things. In Italy there were always sex scandals, one time Prime Minister Emilio Colombo used to visit a prostitute a couple of hundred metres from where I lived and his armoured Alfa would be parked outside together with that of his escort who were usually hanging around smoking cigarettes while he shagged away. No one cared and most knew what was going on. What is it however with the British establishment and kids? Some even suggest kids were killed either during or after the abuse. Sick society beyond belief.
Did anyone listen to BBC's R4 Profile on LBS this weekend?

A minute and a half into the program they played a recording of her talking to Today programme last year in which she said:

Most of people are in a very understandable denial that it [child abuse] really could happen. And in a sense being a celebrity, or being a priest, or being some very important person makes it that much more difficult for other people to accept that they could behave like that. I think that Jimmy Savile has been a wakeup call.

At which point I thought, good God, it's so fucked up, it's not true.

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Society & those in power has always been a bit sick. There used to be a brothel in the Vatican for those celibate priests.

I have heard the shit about kids being killed & there is some stuff on YouTube. If any of this turns out to be true then anyone who knew about it should be prosecuted.

If it turns out that Thatcher knew some of her cabinet were buggering little boys then she should be stripped of her baronet & her body dug up, then dumped in a cess pit with her mate Jimmy Savile.
Did anyone listen to BBC's R4 Profile on LBS this weekend?

A minute and a half into the program they played a recording of her talking to Today programme last year in which she said:

Most of people are in a very understandable denial that it [child abuse] really could happen. And in a sense being a celebrity, or being a priest, or being some very important person makes this that much more difficult for other people to accept like that they could behave like that. I think that Jimmy Savile has been a wakeup call.

At which point I thought, good God, it's so fucked up, it's not true.

Yes I heard it. As well as that gem, it also contained another glowing character reference from another Havers family member; this one in the legal profession. Why the BBC though it appropriate to broadcast such a testimonial, for an individual whose family connections were already proving so problematic, is another question.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
From The Guardian

Lady Butler-Sloss's resignation statement

"I was honoured to be invited by the Home Secretary to chair the wide-ranging inquiry about child sexual abuse and hoped I could make a useful contribution.

It has become apparent over the last few days, however, that there is a widespread perception, particularly among victim and survivor groups, that I am not the right person to chair the inquiry. It has also become clear to me that I did not sufficiently consider whether my background and the fact my brother had been Attorney General would cause difficulties.

This is a victim-orientated inquiry and those who wish to be heard must have confidence that the members of the panel will pay proper regard to their concerns and give appropriate advice to Government.

Nor should media attention be allowed to be diverted from the extremely important issues at stake, namely whether enough has been done to protect children from sexual abuse and hold to account those who commit these appalling crimes.

Having listened to the concerns of victim and survivor groups and the criticisms of MPs and the media, I have come to the conclusion that I should not chair this inquiry and have so informed the Home Secretary.

I should like to add that I have dedicated my life to public service, to the pursuit of justice and to protecting the rights of children and families and I wish the inquiry success in its important work"

And here is Theresa May's statement on Lady Butler-Sloss's resignation.

"I am deeply saddened by Baroness Butler-Sloss’s decision to withdraw but understand and respect her reasons. Baroness Butler-Sloss is a woman of the highest integrity and compassion and continues to have an enormous contribution to make to public life.

As she has said herself, the work of this inquiry is more important than any individual and an announcement will be made on who will take over the chairmanship and membership of the panel as soon as possible so this important work can move forward."

May will be taking questions on this when she gives evidence to the home affairs committee at 3pm.

More comments here....

The real reason is that she is clearly a lizard wearing Jimmy Savile's skin. Didn't even bother changing the wig
Did anyone listen to BBC's R4 Profile on LBS this weekend?

A minute and a half into the program they played a recording of her talking to Today programme last year in which she said:

Most of people are in a very understandable denial that it [child abuse] really could happen. And in a sense being a celebrity, or being a priest, or being some very important person makes this that much more difficult for other people to accept like that they could behave like that. I think that Jimmy Savile has been a wakeup call.

At which point I thought, good God, it's so fucked up, it's not true.
Just don't try telling me that Cliff was a part of it. I'm still coming to terms with Rolf being sent to prison.

That I would not believe. Half of the nation would need at least mass televised 1984-style psychotherapy.

No. No. No.
Interesting parallels in a case from the 19th C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Street_scandal (this was referred to in the Capital Gay report of the Elm Guest house raid)

Ken the hardman Clarke has been at the forefront of tory parliamentary politics for over 20 years now. He;s been put out to pasture, like Tebbit was in his day. Not that being out to pasture has stopped tebbit chatting shit regular.
So one establishment figure, whose links to the institutions being investigated are rather visible, will be replaced with a more presentable one whose links, however deep, don't cast as much of a shadow over the final report. Buggered if I can see what there is to celebrate.

This is all about the way the next official version of 'what went wrong' gets presented. It won't make any difference as to whether anyone who engaged in abuse, or who failed to stop it or investigate it, get's held to account.

It has given politicians, anxious to present themselves as diligently 'scrutinizing' things, an opportunity to offer some sanctimonious commentary. Step forward the odious Vaz (on C4 news) :
So poor old Lady Butler-Shloss, she's the innocent victim in all this...
Yeah right.
Lots of speculation in the papers and on here about existing member(s) of the Tory party being nonces, this reshuffle of Hague and Clarke - is it a coincidence? Who else is moving on to new pastures?

Whistleblower and former Conservative party activist Anthony Gilberthorpe says he provided child prostitutes for a sex and drugs party with top politicians

Senior Tory cabinet ministers were supplied with underage boys for sex parties, it is sensationally claimed.

Former Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe said he told Margaret Thatcher 25 years ago about what he had witnessed and gave her names of those involved

Anthony says he was a full-time political activist when he helped procure the “youngest and prettiest” boys for several cabinet ministers after being told to find “entertainment”.

In a series of explosive claims about conferences at Blackpool and Brighton in the 1980s, he alleges boys as young as 15 indulged in alcohol and cocaine before they had sex with the powerful politicians.

He says one person who attended a party is a current serving minister.

Others said to be present at the parties included Keith Joseph, Rhodes Boyson, Dr Alistair Smith and Michael Havers
Yet another example of how head-in-hands incompetent this government is. Thing is, they have Civil Service advice about this stuff, and yeah yeah at the top end the CS is as Establishment as it gets, but they aren't fools, they are operators. Are they leaving this Govt to hang itself?

Well, there's the rub. Since '97 the upper level of the CS has become increasingly politicised. This has a "drag" effect on managing situations, because whereas previously every senior CS would act very much from the same script, now many of them act in terms of looking after their own dept first and foremost. Basically a case of the left hand not knowing or caring what the right hand was doing.
We had talked about a potential paedophile ring with MPs before but she said no one would listen and the national papers didn’t want to know so she asked me if I would take a look and run a story from her point of view.
“When I met Barbara again, she apologised for the ‘hassle’ caused and reluctantly admitted she was fighting a formidable foe.”

If the formidable Red Queen couldn't make much headway, then the establishment really must have closed ranks, this is all going to be dynamite.
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