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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring? is from United States(US) in region North America

TraceRoute from Network-Tools.com to [exaronews.com]
Hop(ms)(ms)(ms) IP AddressHost name
1 2 0 0 xe-0-4-0-12.r01.dllstx04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
2 0 0 0 ae-1.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
3 35 56 33 ae-3.r20.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
4 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
5 124 Timed out 124 ae-2.r23.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net
6 142 142 136 ae-1.r03.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net
7 139 140 140 po-6.r01.londen05.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net
8 133 135 129 -
9 136 131 137 -
10 133 136 132 -
11 151 138 133 -
12 133 134 163 -
13 134 134 135 -
14 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
15 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
16 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
17 Timed out Timed out Timed out -
Trace aborted.

That's the traceRoute details for exaronews.com

I've done it several times and got the same results.

The last IP addresses on the list resolve to Amazon Ireland.

The site is hosted by Amazon in the USA.

To me it looks as if the URL redirect is being blocked from crossing the atlantic, not matter which route it takes it can't get to the amazon USA servers, which to me can only mean that either all owners of the undersea cables are conspiring to block it, or that the gatekeepers at GCHQ have blocked the URL from exiting the UK via the sub sea cables, or that Amazon themselves are blocking it via their Irish servers.

But someone more expert than me could do with having a look at this.
I've been trying a few alternative DNS servers, still blocked. Anyone found a DNS that resolves exaro.com correctly?

If all of them fail to resolve, that tells us something about the attack if you get me?
I think they all fail, the traceroute shows it trying multiple ways of getting to the US servers, but none of them are outside UK and Ireland that I've tried, it can't get into the USA.
Yep, me too. But some of their other servers still giving 503 errors as of 5 mins ago.

edited to add: just retried and it looks like they're all back up now.

I'm getting "Bad hostname" for exaro.com - but it's been giving that to archive.org since 2007.

From a random earlier crawl:

Exaro Systems AB is a private company and was founded in Stockholm 1998. The current business with focus on information technology and security has been active since July 2002.

https://web.archive.org/web/20030501202807/http://www.exaro.com/ = May 2003
Yeah, exaro.com was a typo, it was exaronews.com I was checking e.g. in that whois earlier.

Some of the individual addresses within the page on the ip that FreeSpirt quoted were also giving 503's
Apologies if I'm wrong but I haven't seen this linked to :

Questions over Labour peer's letters to care home boy

Copies of old letters sent to a young boy in a care home by a Labour peer now at the centre of paedophile allegations reveal how the politician cultivated an extremely close relationship with the teenager over a two-year period.

The letters, which have been seen by the Observer, raise serious questions about the peer's motives. Several are signed with "love from" and show how the peer was assiduous in writing to the boy and arranging for them to meet, sometimes in a hotel. The boy, now a married man with children, has alleged that he was sexually abused by the peer.

The existence of the letters – if not their content – has been known about in many quarters for many years. Despite allegations about the peer, no action was taken and he was robustly defended by a number of politicians, including at least one prominent MP who has been openly critical of the government's response to allegations of historical child abuse by MPs and peers.

One of the co-authors of that also wrote a piece yesterday casting doubt on the idea that whips would supply any useful information
Now further investigations by MPs have revealed that the Conservative whips' office began a systematic policy of shredding all written information it held from late 1996 onwards.
The shredding policy, introduced after a memo to the whips was made public on a judge's orders during Neil Hamilton's unsuccessful libel case against the Guardian over "cash for questions", is revealed in the diaries of former Tory MP Gyles Brandreth.

On 11 December 1996, Brandreth wrote: "The question is what to do in future? The chief's [chief whip's] conclusion is: keep writing notes – he needs the information, so does the PM. But sleep easy, boys: from now on the notes will be shredded on a regular basis."
Whole thing seems weirdly poised at the moment. Pretty much open season on dead MPs, but no signs of an imminent outing of those still alive. Presume Danczuk/Watson are in contact with a few journos and the stories are all ready to go. Think it was Kenny mentioned timelines a few pages back. These will all be in place, with new bits added each day. Same time, I'm still holding with the prediction of zero prison sentences. If anyone does, it will be ex-mps, no longer in the party who have already had the odd scandal (couple of names come to mind).
Apologies if I'm wrong but I haven't seen this linked to :

Questions over Labour peer's letters to care home boy

One of the co-authors of that also wrote a piece yesterday casting doubt on the idea that whips would supply any useful information
There appears to be an implication in that first piece that Watson has defended Janner on a political loyalty basis:

The existence of the letters – if not their content – has been known about in many quarters for many years. Despite allegations about the peer, no action was taken and he was robustly defended by a number of politicians, including at least one prominent MP who has been openly critical of the government's response to allegations of historical child abuse by MPs and peers.
Depends how you read 'critical of the government's response' I guess ? Does it mean critical of them not doing enough or critical of them pandering to 'tittle tattle' ?
Has there been any of them publicly taking that latter line though? Surely anyone with those views would be keeping them very quiet right now.
Please explain for us plebs what the timeline is and what it tells us.

In case no-one has answered this, an investigative timeline is the plotting of who is accused of what, and when and where the offence is alleged to have taken place. You can then use this timeline to map where the alleged offender was when the alleged offence took place, as well as using it to establish if the alleged offender was in contact with other alleged offenders, etc. This is why evidence such as that amassed with regard to Elm House(?) is so important: It ties alleged individual offenders to a certain place at a certain time, where that certain place functioned as a nexus for other offenders.
Has there been any of them publicly taking that latter line though? Surely anyone with those views would be keeping them very quiet right now.
Not much publically I admit although I'd be astonished if there weren't a lot who held that view. I seem to recall Tim Yeo being a bit disparaging over the last week but obviously having been de-selected he has less need to be careful what he says. Mellor is undoubtedly saying the kind of thing a lot of M.P.'s think - probably why he is saying it.
That's the traceRoute details for exaronews.com

I've done it several times and got the same results.

The last IP addresses on the list resolve to Amazon Ireland.

The site is hosted by Amazon in the USA.

To me it looks as if the URL redirect is being blocked from crossing the atlantic, not matter which route it takes it can't get to the amazon USA servers, which to me can only mean that either all owners of the undersea cables are conspiring to block it, or that the gatekeepers at GCHQ have blocked the URL from exiting the UK via the sub sea cables, or that Amazon themselves are blocking it via their Irish servers.

But someone more expert than me could do with having a look at this.

Working fine here in South Korea, have you tried using TOR?
When Vaz does his angry chairman thing, about civil servants and others not having all the details, I've always suspected it was purely about defying his authority - not a desire to get at the abusers. Ditto on the News International stuff. There's so many ways in which he is a cunt.
If I wanted to be extremely charitable towards him I'd say historically he was displaying the rather common phenomenon of defending your friends and assuming they are innocent. I'm not sure that option will be wide open to MPs this time, and they will think a bit more carefully before presuming innocence. We shall see.
It's good to see the Dolphin Square stuff getting attention this time around. Entirely missing, as best I can tell, from the stories this time is any detail of how the victims who spoke to Exaro were introduced to the parties and that circle of people. Much older versions of Dolphin Square stories tended to involve the kids being brought to the parties from children homes far outside London, but I cannot say whether thats the case with the victims that have come forwards and given their stories to Exaro this time, simply not enough detail in the present stories for that.
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Link to a thread on another forum. The only other place I have seen that is similar to this thread. Very useful.

Seems quite conspiraloon that site, saying that, there is a lot of good research on the thread you have linked.

This subject is quite close to me, I know people that were abused in care and have some horror stories about it, trouble is, they are defamatory also.

Or should I say libellous, this rabbit hole is never ending, there are loads more establishment names that should be exposed but I fear they won't.
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and more Fail - Brittan may have been smeared by MI5 SHOCK.


Smearing, loss of memory - it's all coming along very nicely - just another case of the Establishment's entrenched anti-semetism.

Such angles should not be dismissed so lightly, especially when the motives for media revisiting this history can vary quite widely right now and may be more to do with the silly games they play while feeling unable to tell the whole story at the moment.

Anyway as I've said before, there are also lots of possibilities regarding the rumours at the time, and the likes of the Private Eye response to them.

For example as far as I'm aware, we don't know for sure which rumours were being rebuffed at the time, only the theme of them. One possibility is that the rumours were actually not exactly the same ones as we know about, and might have been untrue even if other ones are true. Following on from that, I don't know if spooks etc would ever put out a rumour that was deliberately untrue, but was strongly related to something else they weren't putting about that was true. If they did, it would be rather an effective threat of what may come if they didn't get their way, and easier to kill off when its work is done, ie people can deny it without lying.

Of course this is only one possibility.
Where does this leave Chris Fay's stuff about the video tape confiscated at customs, that was viewed by the customs official at that time & who named LB in the video?
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