Jeff Robinson The reason why vegetarians tend towards being mealy mouthed about it is because when you say, actually, i think it's wrong to cause suffering to animals simply for our own pleasure and i think that people who do so are lacking some sort of basic morality, like psychopaths or Tories...
well, that causes offence, doesn't it. meat eaters are generally very pleased with being meat eaters and think they;'re really big and clever every time they fire up a barbeque. and most of us have friends who are meat eaters. so you learn not to bother banging on about it, cos the meat eaters get all offended or they start getting angry with you or throwing meat at you. if you cut off all ties with people who you like apart from the fact that they're sadistic towards animals you end up in those weird vegan only cults and that's even more unhealthy than putting up with your mates sick eating habits
so in the end you keep schtum about it, except on the internet, of course, which is made for arguments. and don't get me started on when someone you don't know finds out you don't eat meat. fucking hell, you might as well admit to being a child molester or a nazi re-enactor. they take it as a challenge to try and prove that animals are meant for eating.
the three stages of meat-twat arguing at vegetarians. my apologies to those who have made these arguments already on this thread, but they're stupid and you know it.
1. human beings have always eaten meat.
response: fuck off, dickhead. that's too stupid to even argue with.
2. but what would happen to all the cows?
response: fuck off dickhead, that's too stupid even to argue with.
3. but if we weren;'t supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat.
response: fuck off dickhead, that's from the simpsons and it was used ironically to demonstrate the poor quality debating skills of homer simpson if you don't know how stupid that is, you probably shoulndn't be allowed to make your own decisions.