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Horizon: Should I eat Meat?

As long as its farmed well or is in abundance.
I feel the same about fur and hunting

I'm not bothered by fur either but elephants are different. Not sure why. Probably something daft like "cos I think they're cool"

Edit> Or what Jeff said!
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pigs can be cool too!
Jeff is right in some ways. There is a line, and its not just below humans.
I wouldn't be happy with Chimps and Gorillas and Orangutans being killed. Its either because i think they are too close to being human, or I watch too many planet of the apes films as a child.
Do you equate the death of a mussel with the death of say, a cow? Because that's what you are saying. And if you think that doesn't dilute your argument you can never win it.

whoever said anything about equivalence? if you're counting animals, each animal counts as one. because it is one animal.

fucking hell.

no wonder we can't win. you lot have your own weird set of maths, facts, and morals that are different to the ones i use because they are shifting and inconsistent.

can't be arsed with this thread any more, it's pointless trying to debate with people who have their own facts, when it's something that actually matters.
whoever said anything about equivalence? if you're counting animals, each animal counts as one. because it is one animal.

fucking hell.

no wonder we can't win. you lot have your own weird set of maths, facts, and morals that are different to the ones i use because they are shifting and inconsistent.

can't be arsed with this thread any more, it's pointless trying to debate with people who have their own facts, when it's something that actually matters.
I don't think anyone has agreed with him...
I don't think anyone has agreed with him...

fair enough, i only read that reply because whilst i was in a combative mood last night i am really not today. i genuinely don't think this thread is going to bring me any pleasure whatsoever so i really am going to bow out.
fair enough, i only read that reply because whilst i was in a combative mood last night i am really not today. i genuinely don't think this thread is going to bring me any pleasure whatsoever so i really am going to bow out.
I think its dying anyway.
Its been quite a good thread. Its usually very hard to have two groups of people with very different opinions talk about stuff. But, on the whole, people have mostly held it together and put forward good points.
And you're good at swearing.
Again, your attitude precisely exemplifies the problem here, the speciesism I was talking about earlier. Because an elephant is not a human you think it can be killed to satisfy utterly trivial human preferences.
Wanting ivory trinkets? I agree, utterly trivial and is abhorent.

But we're talking about the killing animals for food, something I view as anything but trivial.

Going back to something from earlier re: seafood. I bloody love the stuff. But I actually have more worries about it than I do meat. Overfishing and the collapse of stocks is a huge problem (Roadkill knows a lot about this iirc) that doesn't seem to quite the attention it deserves compared to meat production. I certainly don't have the organic/local*/traceability options open to me round here in the way I do meat.

*the idea of local seafood in Birmingham being somewhat difficult :D
whoever said anything about equivalence? if you're counting animals, each animal counts as one. because it is one animal.

fucking hell.

no wonder we can't win. you lot have your own weird set of maths, facts, and morals that are different to the ones i use because they are shifting and inconsistent.

can't be arsed with this thread any more, it's pointless trying to debate with people who have their own facts, when it's something that actually matters.
If you don't think quoting that people in the west are responsible for 200 animal deaths a year and counting a fucking prawn as equivalent to a cow in that count doesn't dilute your argument you are never going to win it. That's all I'm saying. The other stuff you are saying about maths and morals etc is a rant.
I've stopped eating mammals and I'm about to cease eating dairy products too, including milk.

I hate to see my fellow mammals slaughtered. But as for birds, eggs and fish... I do feel less guilty about consuming them, so I will continue to do so. :(

I know fish are free range and live happy lives, but they generally suffer the cruellest deaths of all animals when being caught for the table - slow suffocation. I don't get the 'veggie' stance of 'it's okay to eat fish'. What the fuck do they think a fish is?
I know fish are free range and live happy lives, but they generally suffer the cruellest deaths of all animals when being caught for the table - slow suffocation. I don't get the 'veggie' stance of 'it's okay to eat fish'. What the fuck do they think a fish is?
wtf?? i am a vegi and don't think it is ok to eat fish, nor do most vegi's
people who eat fish and claim to be vegi are making it difficult for the rest of us
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