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Hong Kong: what next?

Twenty years after we took the brunt of SARS (HK had 299 deaths, 40% of them healthcare workers) ...

... And more than two years now, after SARSCov2 first hit.

We've had a full two years to prepare for this and we've known that Omicron was going to rip us up for at least three months.

And what have we done to prepare?

What we've done, of course, is to waste all this time pandering to the political and ideological whims of a fascist regime! Crush and suppress all signs of - and even any possibility of - any kind of dissent. Change HK into aother Fascist administered region of China.

Yeah. We did quite well on that.

Public health, not so much.

And now we are going to pay the price.

Twenty four (24,) Covid deaths yesterday. Aged 36 - 98.

More than 60 people in serious condition in hospital.

More than twelve in ICU, intubated, in critical condition. One is a 28 year old woman, who gave birth a couple of days ago, the baby, so far, is fine.

And, already, due to a stupid policy of filling hospitals with people who test positive but are not sick, we have elderly people sleeping on beds, in carparks and alleyways, outside hospitals. And the whole fucking system is disintegrating.

But, we've been ordered to fix it. We're embarrassing the CCP leadership during the Ge.no.ci.de.Games. So we're, still, pretending we can get on top of this and telling the CCP it'll be okay. Performative (yet functionally useless,) flailing around, pretending it's fine.

As I pointed out previously. The CCP has now sent senior teams from Beijing and Guangdong to Hong Kong to direct the containment of the virus.

We've increased testing capacity and can now confirm 6,000 cases a day (2nd +ve PCR,) plus an additional 6,000 preliminary cases a day (1st +ve PCR).

Today we had 6,116 confirmed and another 6,000+ preliminary.

That means that, once again, we're still only catching those cases that are within the limits of our test-processing capacity.

Our scientists are saying that the likely infection rate is now already at somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000 new infections a day and rising exponentially - though they're now being silenced and the data is being withheld - and, well, won't be long before it's the usual CCP-managed release of any numbers - carefully "managed". I'm sure once their "experts" have had a look, the numbers will reduce dramatically.

We currently have 5,000 positive cases in hospital or isolation (we emptied Penny's Bay camp of quarantined peeps to isolate positive cases), which is crazy because 90% are mild or asymptomatic! We've acquired 10,000 hotel rooms (we pay GBP 100 a night per room to the property developers for that - they own everything,) to house positive cases. We're requisitioning all university student halls/accommodation (emptied of students,) to store positive cases.

We still have more than 12,000 PCR-tested-positive cases that have been told to "wait at home" (in 450 sq ft flats with four other people,) until the Hospital Authority can find a place in hospital/isolation. People going out and queuing for hours to get tested, are then waiting up to six days to get their results.

The whole fucking healthcare infrastructure is crumbling and unsustainable and everything else, everything else, is been dragged down and sucked into the black hole after it. Society is malfunctioning. And it's about to get worse.

Much, much worse.

The good news is that Pooh is really, really pissed off, 'cos we've been popping up on CNN and BBC and AlJazeera and Sky News, etc. etc., and that is distracting from the Glorious Games. And that is un-fucking-acceptable!

So, Pooh has sent in his trusted lieutenants - the Big Guns - from Beijing and Guangdong, to sort it out.

Wotcha gonna do, Big Boy?

Really ... Wotcha gonna do, Big Boy?

I'm sure that Hong Kong will - shortly, sharply and swiftly - have that question answered.

And be appropriately punished, again, for stepping out of line.

This is about to get very, very messy.

Epidemiologically we're fucked.

Healthcare is fucked.

Social care is fucked.

Care homes are fucked.

We're fucked.

And we're about to be politically fucked even harder than we have been over the last two years, and then fucked again and then again and again.

Ain't that right, Big Boy?

So ... Wotcha gonna do Big Boy?

Fuck us harder right, yeah?

It's almost as if this was orchestrated.

Ain't that right, Big Boy?

Yeah! What a Big Boy!

Meanwhile, this thread is a sobering - must read - short-read; words from a front-line nurse.

It ain't pretty.

(EDIT: To try and tidy up but I gave up, fuck it, whatever!)

Fuck it!


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So ...

... Cases are now rife in one hundred and fifty (150,) elderly care homes.

Hospital staff infected are now at 150+ cases a day and rising, exacerbating the shortage. The government is failing. Beijing has stepped in.

The appointment of the new Chief Executive has been postponed from late March until the 8th of May. Nobody has a clue as to who may assume the mantle (or poisoned chalice, if you prefer).

But the fear is that C.Y. Leung, The Wolf, is going to be reinstalled.

Oh boy! What a further downward spiral that would signal.

John Lee would be less personally vindictive, just a twat.

Makes little difference who at the end of the day though.

Whichever puppet is installed, the end will be the same.

It's coming. The storm is coming. Messy times ahead.

Meanwhile, those of you in the UK, please take care.

Buckle up. Batten down. Stay warm. Stay safe.

Ride out your, brief, storm and be well. 🌬️

Please be nice to each other, always.

And keep thinking. 🐬

Come dog.


This is about midday on 19th Feb 2022 in Tung Chung (and is also happening at 106 other locations today).

Compulsory testing notices issued at 107 housing estate tower blocks. Residents MUST get tested today. Somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

The average queuing time is over two hours - many queue for over three hours, some over four hours. Elderly people, young families, everybody!

The temperatures today (depending on district,) are hovering somewhere between 8C and 11C and it's been pissing down with rain all day. Just fucking miserable!

Does anybody else think this is a bad idea?

Cruel; inhumane; harmful; disgusting?

And completely fucking pointless?

Surely, surely, SURELY we should be handing out free Rapid Tests like *sweeties and telling people to stay at home if they test positive? Yes, there's a risk of inter-apartment infection but ... what were doing is insane.

We're filling hospitals and isolation facilities with asymptomatic and mild cases, while chaos reigns across the region and the whole healthcare system is already overrun and unavailable for those who need it - with Covid or otherwise. How the fuck is is sane?

Soooooooo many elderly people, (and others,) forced to queue for hours in (for Hong Kong,) freezing temperatures and pissing rain. And then forced to wait for days on a bed in the street.

I'm so fucking angry! The fucking inhumanity of these cunts is beyond anything I've seen. They are, literally, killing the most vulnerable of people.

Society at large, is in a state of fear and confusion. It's a mega-fucking cluster-fuck. I'm so fucking livid and heartbroken and just, just, Aagggggghhhhh!!!

The problem is ...

... It sounds as if, under direction from Pooh, we're building a mega hospital (ready in 5 months :rolleyes:), we're also going to pay for almost half of all hotel rooms in HK (40,000 out of 88,000,) to store positive cases (this alone will cost upwards of HKD 50 million A DAY!). We're building new, mega-storage facilities for thousands of cases. And more mega facilities for close contacts.

And all 7.5 million people will each have their swab taken three times during March and all specimens will be SENT TO MAINLAND CHINA FOR ANALYSIS - along with individual names and ID Card numbers.

Unfortunately, Omicron is already out of control and this strategy is a complete fuck up. A waste of time. Actively counterproductive.

Anybody else think this has got little to do with public health and more to do with politics? Two main reasons ...

1) Must get everyone hooked-up to the mainland-linked-and-controlled tracking-App and get their body fluid samples to the CCP - as quickly as possible.

2) Must ensure that Hong Kong follows the mainland's political show of being "better than the west". This must be contained - no matter the cost to the people of Hong Kong. And that cost will be great. And likely ineffective against Omicron. It's insane.

People are scared (largely due to the govt. trying to convince people for two years that Covid is worse than the plague,) and turning up at A&E departments in their thousands - because they coughed.

Currently, 200 elderly care homes have infections, involving at least 150 staff and 450 residents - largely over 80 years and largely unvaccinated.

I really, really, fucking hate the cunts that are doing this to us. A deep burning hatred that will never be extinguished. Never! Never forgive. Never forget.

Oh man. Oh fuck. Oh shit. This is going to hurt.

I'm fearful for my fellow HongKongers.

This is really going to fucking hurt.

What have they done to us?

What shit will they do next?

I weep. I fucking despair.

Fuck them.


(EDIT: Tidy up typos etc. and to change *"candy" to "sweeties" - fuck the Septics too! ;) )

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It's 2:00am on a Saturday night (early morning 20/02/22).

Out in the countryside where I am, it's about 5.5C at the moment - and falling - and it's still pissing down, the rain is relentless.

We often have cold snaps in early/mid February, but rarely this cold and rarely raining (usually crisp and dry - nice).

But tonight, with the rain, it feels even colder. There's no heating in my place. (There's no heating in most homes.)

And I'm cold. In-the-bones cold. Dark, dank, dreich and dreekit cold. Miserable. Swaddled in layers and socks and burying my fingers in Bella's fur for rubs.

It rarely gets this cold in Hong Kong. But I'm lucky, I live in a tiny, concrete box. I truly fear for those so many hundreds of thousands of my compatriots who are living in less fortunate circumstances or worse, on the streets, tonight.

The weather forecast is grim. Colder on Sunday with heavier rain. Colder still on Monday with even heavier rain. Tuesday the same. Maybe some respite from the rain on Wednesday and Thursday but still cold in the mornings.

This is the start of a major catastrophe unfolding right before our eyes.

Wotcha gonna do Big Boy, eh? You nasty, filthy, evil fucking cunt!

Fuck us harder, and then harder again, until we submit, right?

I'm beyond anger. This was easily and completely avoidable.

You're a piece of fucking shit, Pooh. *Your quislings are filth.

Anyway. Enough for today. Tomorrow will come anyway.

"Come in, she said,
I'll give you
Shelter from the storm."

Wrap up warm folks.

Look in on your neighbours.

Especially the elderly.

Be nice to each other.

Rest well peeps.

Come Bells.


(EDIT: *"your", NOT fucking "you're". Ahhh. Fuck it. I give up.)

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This is about midday on 19th Feb 2022 in Tung Chung (and is also happening at 106 other locations today).

Compulsory testing notices issued at 107 housing estate tower blocks. Residents MUST get tested today. Somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

The average queuing time is over two hours - many queue for over three hours, some over four hours. Elderly people, young families, everybody!

The temperatures today (depending on district,) are hovering somewhere between 8C and 11C and it's been pissing down with rain all day. Just fucking miserable!

Does anybody else think this is a bad idea?

Cruel; inhumane; harmful; disgusting?

And completely fucking pointless?

Surely, surely, SURELY we should be handing out free Rapid Tests like *sweeties and telling people to stay at home if they test positive? Yes, there's a risk of inter-apartment infection but ... what were doing is insane.

We're filling hospitals and isolation facilities with asymptomatic and mild cases, while chaos reigns across the region and the whole healthcare system is already overrun and unavailable for those who need it - with Covid or otherwise. How the fuck is is sane?

Soooooooo many elderly people, (and others,) forced to queue for hours in (for Hong Kong,) freezing temperatures and pissing rain. And then forced to wait for days on a bed in the street.

I'm so fucking angry! The fucking inhumanity of these cunts is beyond anything I've seen. They are, literally, killing the most vulnerable of people.

Society at large, is in a state of fear and confusion. It's a mega-fucking cluster-fuck. I'm so fucking livid and heartbroken and just, just, Aagggggghhhhh!!!

The problem is ...

... It sounds as if, under direction from Pooh, we're building a mega hospital (ready in 5 months :rolleyes:), we're also going to pay for almost half of all hotel rooms in HK (40,000 out of 88,000,) to store positive cases (this alone will cost upwards of HKD 50 million A DAY!). We're building new, mega-storage facilities for thousands of cases. And more mega facilities for close contacts.

And all 7.5 million people will each have their swab taken three times during March and all specimens will be SENT TO MAINLAND CHINA FOR ANALYSIS - along with individual names and ID Card numbers.

Unfortunately, Omicron is already out of control and this strategy is a complete fuck up. A waste of time. Actively counterproductive.

Anybody else think this has got little to do with public health and more to do with politics? Two main reasons ...

1) Must get everyone hooked-up to the mainland-linked-and-controlled tracking-App and get their body fluid samples to the CCP - as quickly as possible.

2) Must ensure that Hong Kong follows the mainland's political show of being "better than the west". This must be contained - no matter the cost to the people of Hong Kong. And that cost will be great. And likely ineffective against Omicron. It's insane.

People are scared (largely due to the govt. trying to convince people for two years that Covid is worse than the plague,) and turning up at A&E departments in their thousands - because they coughed.

Currently, 200 elderly care homes have infections, involving at least 150 staff and 450 residents - largely over 80 years and largely unvaccinated.

I really, really, fucking hate the cunts that are doing this to us. A deep burning hatred that will never be extinguished. Never! Never forgive. Never forget.

Oh man. Oh fuck. Oh shit. This is going to hurt.

I'm fearful for my fellow HongKongers.

This is really going to fucking hurt.

What have they done to us?

What shit will they do next?

I weep. I fucking despair.

Fuck them.


(EDIT: Tidy up typos etc. and to change *"candy" to "sweeties" - fuck the Septics too! ;) )


Fuck that's grim - I don't think it's going to be too long before the government decides to revisit Junius Ho's suggestion that criticising the COVID response should be considered a national security offense.

In yet more shitty news, a fundraiser for domestic workers fined more than a month's salary for allegedly gathering outside in groups of two on their one day off a week was shut down after officials accused the fundraiser of "maliciously obstructing our whole anti-epidemic effort."

Fuck that's grim - I don't think it's going to be too long before the government decides to revisit Junius Ho's suggestion that criticising the COVID response should be considered a national security offense.

In yet more shitty news, a fundraiser for domestic workers fined more than a month's salary for allegedly gathering outside in groups of two on their one day off a week was shut down after officials accused the fundraiser of "maliciously obstructing our whole anti-epidemic effort."

Let's face it, Yoss, we do need to stamp out these money-laundering terrorists, right?

Let's face it, Yoss, we do need to stamp out these money-laundering terrorists, right?


Yeah, imagine if these women were still able to send money back to the Philippines or Indonesia to support their families after committing what some cop looking for easy targets considered to be a breach of social distancing regulations outside, it'd be total anarchy.
I've mentioned Ben before, he's Chair Professor of Epidemiology at HKU, well respected and always level headed and measured.

His concerns echo mine (but in a far more professional manner, of course, ;) ) that we're creating the problems ourselves and mismanaging the epidemic (through an insistence on following the mainland's "Dynamic-Zero" policy).

Unless things change soon our ICU's (and entire hospital system) will collapse, leading to a far, far greater crisis and an all-cause excess mortality rate many, many times higher than would otherwise be the case.

But instead, it seems the policy is rather to let the virus spread while torturing us in the cold, rain and wind, until they've built enough facilities to lock us all away in massive, prison-style compounds.

What could possibly go wrong?

It's colder in parts of Hong Kong than it is in most of the UK right now.

Grim is the word indeed. Brutal, even, may be appropriate.

It's going to be a very bleak day on Monday, all day.

Monsoon winds from the north. Constant rain.

A wind-chill factor, ensures it feels below zero.

A cold wind is blowing from the north, again.

It's going to be harsh. We're unprepared.

The iron grip tightens. People cowed.

Be warm. Be safe. Stay well. Be kind.

There's a cold north wind blowing.

They say: "This too, shall pass".

Forgive me, I'm unconvinced.

Tomorrow is coming. Soon.

The future, still, bodes ill.

The indications poor.

Is there still hope?

Time shall tell.

Stay safe.

Be well.


It's colder in parts of Hong Kong than it is in most of the UK right now.

Grim is the word indeed. Brutal, even, may be appropriate.

It's going to be a very bleak day on Monday, all day.

Monsoon winds from the north. Constant rain.

A wind-chill factor, ensures it feels below zero.

A cold wind is blowing from the north, again.

It's going to be harsh. We're unprepared.

The iron grip tightens. People cowed.

Be warm. Be safe. Stay well. Be kind.

There's a cold north wind blowing.

They say: "This too, shall pass".

Forgive me, I'm unconvinced.

Tomorrow is coming. Soon.

The future, still, bodes ill.

The indications poor.

Is there still hope?

Time shall tell.

Stay safe.

Be well.


Not really "like," more solidarity.

Belladog, stay close to your human and keep each other warm as you can.
This was at 2:00pm this afternoon - 21/02/22.


Can't wait to see how low we can get tonight.

I don't remember it being this cold for about 20 years.

Apparently, the astonishingly generous 1.4 billion people of the PRC have graciously gifted us 150,000 boxes of 'anti-epidemic traditional Chinese herbal medicine' (otherwise known as "Placebo",) that will "fight" COVID by "clearing the plague and detoxifying the toxin". It arrived yesterday, with another 300,000 boxes to follow. Our Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Edward Yau, was there to gratefully receive the shipment on our behalf and says that it can be used to treat COVID.

(And, in case you're wondering, the answer is: "yes". It's the very same "medicine" that the Singapore Authorities warned its residents not to take, the FDA in the US ordered to remove claims that it can treat COVID and the Australian government banned outright.)

Such splendid news! This will surely now convince our vaccine-shy elderly population to make up their minds, won't it?

Yes! Of course it will: "Oh good. Now we have Chinese medicines, I definitely don't need the vaccine!"

Awwww! Thanks guys!

Meanwhile, we lost another 13 souls to COVID yesterday, including a healthy, 11 month old, baby girl. (That's a four year old, a three year old and this baby taken by COVID in the last two weeks.)

Stay warm peeps. Stay dry. Stay safe.

Wherever you are.

Let's face it though ...

... Poetry is as poetry does.

And this, in any fucking language, is poetry.

Pure fucking poetry!

"For they could not love you,
But still your love was true,
And when no hope was left in sight,
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life as lovers often do.

But I could have told you ....... ,
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."



Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay safe.

Keep thinking.

Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,

Year after year.

Running over the same old ground,

And, how we found,

The same old fears,

Wish you were here.

Poetry. (And the video ain't too bad for the early 1970's!)


Hong Kong stands with the young people of Ukraine.

And with the young people of Taiwan. And Belarus. And Myanmar. And Thailand. And The Philippines. And Malaysia. And Indonesia. And India. And everywhere else.

We stand with the Milk Tea Alliance.

We reject Authoritarianism. Completely.

We embrace "freedom" and "democracy" (even if it's wholly imperfect).

The alternative is far, far worse.

We will fight!

Stay safe peeps.

Rest well.

Bed Bella.

Winter is coming.

Stay well. Stay safe. Stand strong.

Only the Truth will help.

Will we prevail?

Time shall tell.

Rest now.

Hmmmm ...

Anyone else remember Carl Schmitt?

She was answering a question about sending every *resident's DNA to the CCP on the mainland in the first week of March (which would be against the law).

The plan is to test everyone thrice; once a week, for the first three weeks of March. Over a million tests a day for three weeks. The queues are going to be beyond imagination.

And we're building at least five (more later,) massive, prison-style-camps, to isolate tens of thousands of people.

Here we go.



(Edit: *To add a poxy apostrophe - and I'm still unsure if it's correct. Bugger! Night.)

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It's really grim.

Over 300 elderly care homes are infected, including over 300 staff and 1,000 residents.

And that's just so far - many, many more will test positive in the coming days. And these people are largely unvaccinated.

There are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of deaths in this cohort.

More than 1,200 hospital staff are infected.

There were more than 8,600 new infections logged on Tuesday 22nd Feb 2022.

But that, again, merely reflects the limit of our test-processing capacity; there are at least ten thousand 1st PCR-positives waiting to be confirmed by a second test and thousands more in the backlog awaiting processing.

Currently there are about 5,000 in hospital/isolation facilities and a further 30,000 confirmed positives waiting at home for an isolation place. This increases by about 10,000 a day.

39 died on Monday 21st and 43 on 22nd. Watch this space.

By the time the (three-tests-per-resident) Compulsory Universal Testing is finished at the end of March, there will be hundreds of thousands of cases.

Omicron will burn its way through Hong Kong and then enter a natural decline, likely before the end of April.

By which time, the new facilities being built will be housing tens of thousands of people.

At which point, the CCP will claim that the crackdown is working - all hail The Party.

And the Hong Kong people will be further crushed.

This is going to be brutal.

The good news is that, where I am at least, the temperature will only drop to 6C overnight and at least the fucking rain has stopped.

But, bugger, the next few weeks are going to be very damaging to our collective psyche. The elderly hold a special place in our culture and this is going to rip through society. The locking-up of people in camps and the Lockdowns of housing estates, will be hugely punitive and debilitating to familes and the economic effects on small businesses frequently fatal.

The weather will gradually improve; small mercies.

But, make no mistake, winter is coming peeps.

Stay warm. Stay safe. Stay strong.

Come Bells. Rest.

As of yesterday, 23rd Feb 2022, we're now at:

New confirmed cases - @ 9,000 (with a backlog of over 12,000 awaiting confirmation, we're still constrained by daily processing capacity)

Care homes infected - 360+

Care staff infected - 420+

Residents infected - 1,100+

Care homes with over 10 cases - 37

New COVID deaths - 67 (50 yesterday + 17 backlog added)

So far in this Omicron outbreak, of the @ 200 deaths, over 60% are among elderly people in care homes

And we're just getting started. This only really took off two weeks back. There are, sadly, many future deaths already baked in. We'll begin to see an exponential increase in deaths over the next two weeks. The peak of infections should come around mid-April (with peak deaths to follow), before tapering off into May and should be essentially under control by the end of May.

What happens then is anyone's guess.

It's a very long time until the end of May. I anticipate some very severe societal restrictions between now and then, including the compulsory isolation of tens of thousands - if not 100,000+ - swept off to be locked away in newly constructed mega-camps.

It's going to be harsh.

I just hope everyone's as prepared as they can be but the problem is that, depending on their circumstances, people are experiencing this *epidemic in profoundly differing ways. The impact is, obviously, far from equitable and some of the tales are heartbreaking.

(Edit: To add care-home details, correct deaths and 'cos I can't spell "*epidemic".)

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Covid-19 deaths 3rd Feb 2020 - 7th Feb 2022 (736 days): 213

Covid-19 deaths 18th Feb 2022 - 24th Feb 2022 (7 days): 211

And yet, while there are currently only 33 COVID patients in critical condition (ICU,) and 49 in serious condition across ALL our hospitals, the policy of using hospitals as isolation centres for asympomatic and mildly-unwell cases, ensures that the whole system is close to collapse.

And the policy of scaring the shit out of the populous is driving thousands of infected but perfectly well individuals to flood hospital emergency rooms.

This is not just unsustainable, it's fucking crazy! Keep the hospitals clear for all the fucking elderly that are going to need emergency, life-saving care.

Get shed-loads of rapid tests out to the public.

Let the mildly unwell stay at home.

This is out of control. Hundreds of thousands are already infected.

Do something fucking sensible you twats AND GET THE ELDERLY VACCINATED! QUICK!

Building prison camps and shipping in tens of thousands of mainland enforcers is NOT going to work. It's too fucking late!

Hurry up. You're fucking killing people! And tens of thousands are suffering inhuman deprivation and suffering.

All for ideological reasons - to prove that China is "better than the West".

I'm so fucking angry with the CCP and their Hong Kong Quislings right now.

I really fucking despair.


Oh for fuck sake!

Read this. Just read it. Happened on Tuesday night. Read it and weep.

It's disgusting! I'm weeping with rage. This is just the tip of the iceberg and unless we change direction, NOW, things are going to get far, far worse.

The update is that there are now close to/over 60,000 (not 30,000,) positive cases, currently at home (infecting their families), waiting for a place in a hospital or isolation facility.

This madness must be stopped. The government is actively harming huge swathes of society - just to please and flatter their CCP masters' arrogant, ideological crusade.

“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid."

Fascism ain't pretty folks. It's fucking nasty, brutal and blind to any reason.

Hong Kong stands with Ukraine!

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