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Hong Kong: what next?

This is something that's boiled my blood for decades.

Police brutality in cells, to extract confessions, has been an ongoing problem dating back as long as Hong Kong has existed (180 years). As has the entanglement and nexus between Triads and police.

And by all accounts, police impunity has increased exponentially over the last 3 years.

This is just another typical example.

An incredibly thin and flimsy report.

Two dead. Five arrested.

Gambling den raid.

That's it.

What may we surmise, dear Watson?

A "gambling den" in an industrial building you say ...

Was the building predominately used for residential purposes, many (if not most,) in Kwun Tong are used in this way?

No doubt this was a small unit with just seven people inside. A real big-time gambling den, yeah?

Nevertheless, this was a targetted bust. A tip off. Or a cleansing of people intertwined with the nexus.

Two men have Hong Kong names. Wong, 46 and Choi, 58. They're both dead. Supposedly they were "climbing on the side of the building, when apparently they slipped and fell".

Hmmmmm. It happens too frequently here.

One, male, Chinese mainlander and four local women were arrested.

We may surmise that the Chinese male was the 62 year old. And the four local females were those aged 26 to ??????? 28? 30? year olds.

Probably working girls - and all respect where due (and puns aside), they work fucking hard for their money!

That's it!

And there will be no further reporting.

And no further police investigations.

And no enquiries of any value or meaning.

Just a coroners report that parrots the police testimony.

In the current environment, under the newly established regime and the National Security umbrella, we can only expect* this kind of police impunity to spread and increase throughout the criminal justice system.

The precipitous decimation of the rule of law is all but complete.

Hong Kong is already, clearly, a Police State.

So fast. So hard. So terrifying. So sad.

Too late now.

(Edit: Expect, not expected*.)

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"Think you've had enough-
Stop talking, help us get ready

Think you've had enough-
Big business, after the shakeup

Think you've had enough-
Stop talking, help us get ready

And you think you've had enough
Big business, after the shakeup

Get ready get ready
Stop talking, help us get ready



Fuck that!


And ...


" ... And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself
Well...How did I get here?

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife

And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself
My God!...What have I done?!

Letting the days go by
Let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by
Water flowing underground
Into the blue again
After the money's gone

Once in a lifetime
Water flowing underground

Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...

Look where my hand was
Time isn't holding up
Time is an asterisk
Yeah, the twister comes
Here comes the twister

Into the blue again
After the money's gone.

Same as it ever was ... "


Fuck that!


I saw Talking Heads live a couple of times. Once in London in the mid-1980's and once in New York in the late-1980's. Very good dancy sweaty shit it was too (in its time).

Hours-long, energetic, and big-shouldered-suits all round.

I also saw the Head's founding member and bassist, Tina Weymouth, live once too; playing in her side project - The Tom Tom Club. Also very good dancy sweaty shit (in its time).

Anyway ...

What a fucking mess!

Rest well peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Come Bells.



Aaron is always ahead of the curve.

Prepare yourselves HongKongers, all hell's about to break loose!

Nothing must interfere with tHe oLyMpIcS!

Watch Ukraine peeps.

Come Bell. I'll help you.


Watching Ukraine too...
Nobody knows..

More stories about people leaving Hong Kong. Unfortunately.

Stay safe.. thanks for all the updates.

Aye. True.

But rich expats leaving are the (very, very,) least of our fucking problems.


And this is still just the beginning.


And the world will be a very, very different place two years from now.


And not for the fucking better.


Get ready. Help us get ready.

Stop talking. Help us get ready.


Hold tight peeps.

Here we go.



Koo Sze-yiu. Seventy five (75) years old.

Let the media know in advance that he was planning to protest against the Olympics, on the 4th Feb, in a way that complied with social distancing rules and needed no police permission.

He was arrested at home, early on the morning of 4th Feb, by National Security Police.

He is charged with: "attempting or making preparations to do acts with seditious intention on February 4".

Bail denied.

Next court hearing 1st April 2022.

(Edit: Yer, I forgot to remind us, he has stage four terminal cancer - likely less than 18 months left. But he'll never stop protesting for democracy and human rights for Hong Kong. Another Hero.)


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Lift off!

We have liftoff!

Meanwhile, who the fuck okayed that English translation of the press conference slogan?

What next? "As A Relay Team, We Compete With The Very Annoying Disease!" Yay!

Here we go.

This is what "Dynamic Zero Covid" looks like.

Happy fucking days.


Not content with crushing Hong Kong, the CCP is now determined to starve Hong Kong.

Ninety percent (90%) of all of our food is imported on a daily basis from the mainland.

Ninety five percent (95%) of the population depend on it for their daily sustenance.

I'm not catastrophising here; we'll be fine. I'm contextualising. Or trying to.

It's difficult when Kafka, Marx, Huxley and Orwell are all pissing on you.

Anyway. What a fucking mess!

Happy days ahead. For sure.

Come Bells. Bed. I got you.

Please be nice peeps.

And keep thinking!



More Asian Dub Foundation.. 'police on my back' from a clash tribute cd, clash version is a cover of a version by eddy grant, which is from an original by the equals.

Coz all I ever have, songs of freedom..✌️

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This is one of the (many, many, many hundreds of,) nonsense-of-the-highest-order tracks that the crazed Stazi-type has impaled me with over the last few years.

I've listened to other stuff by Rag'n'Bone Man but it's all, essentially, failed to tickle my fancy.

This one though, caught my ear/eye.

And the video is really, really (really!) good.

Maybe I'm foolish,
Maybe I'm blind,
Thinking I can see through this
And see what's behind,
Got no way to prove it
So maybe I'm blind.

But I'm only human after all,
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me.

Take a look in the mirror
And what do you see?
Do you see it clearer
Or are you deceived
In what you believe?

Cos I'm only human after all,
You're only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me.

Anyway ...

Keep thinking.


It's the last thing they want us to do. ;)

Rest soon Bells?

Right then ...

First death in more than a year.

That's 214 now over the last two years.

Fewer than 25% of over seventy (70+) year olds have had their first jab.

Omicron is completely out of control.


Completely kill Hong Kong?

Oh. Right. Sorry. I forgot. Silly me.

Oh well.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Watch Trump (the GOP).

Watch Myanmar.

Watch Hungary.

Watch Austria.

Watch Poland.

Watch Xinjiang.

Watch Hong Kong.

Watch Belarus.

Watch Thailand.

Watch Brexit.

Watch the Tories.

Watch Ukraine.

Watch social media.

Watch the dark money.

Watch the future.




Watch Freeports.

Watch Charter Cities.

Watch Honduras!

Watch Shankar Singham (Google him).

Hurry up.

The future is now.

Watch peeps.

Watch. Watch. Watch.

Watch closely.

Watch the Olympics.

Where is Peng Shuai?

Where is the IOC?

Where are the Uighurs?

Just watch.

And take care of each other.



Come Bells.


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Anyone remember this?

"And the weak become heroes in the stars tonight."

Or this?

"Has it come to this? Oh! Oh! Oh! Original pirate material. You're listening to The Streets. Lock down your aerial!"

He was 17 years old. For fuck sake!


That was a very, very long time ago.

Rest yourselves peeps.

Time for bed.



So COVID cases hit a record, then doubled, then doubled again, and have now almost doubled again to more than 1,100 - hard to see the territory getting back to zero COVID now unless the mainland intervenes.
So COVID cases hit a record, then doubled, then doubled again, and have now almost doubled again to more than 1,100 - hard to see the territory getting back to zero COVID now unless the mainland intervenes.

No. No. No. No No.

You're wrong there.

It's "dynamic-zero COVID" now, don't you see?

Lot's and lots and lots of dynamic zeros. 000,000!


But you're right here, unfortunately ...

So it's over to you XJP.

Wotcha gonna do Big Boy, eh?

Does this mean Carrie is now toast, to be replaced with a full-on hardliner installed in March 2022?


A thickening plot?

May you live in interesting times peeps.

Be nice to each other.



As I've previously noted, the newly established "Civil Service College" is now in full swing.

All Civil Servants will, forthwith* and henceforth, be thoroughly and deeply trained in the Arts, Crafts and Practice of Patriotism.

National Security now ubiquitously permeates and supersedes all elements of the previously existing policy, governmental, civil, political, legal, judicial, policing, immigration, media, social and ALL infrastructures.

The complete dismantling of a society, to be supplanted by something out of Mordor.

It's all going to plan.

(Edit: *It's forthwith, not forwith.)

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Another few thousand people locked into their flats for (first,) 24 hours and (then,) extended day-by-day- to five days.

This is happening everywhere.

It's fucking Omicron for fuck sake!

What a political conundrum (see Yoss above).

Wotcha gonna do, Big Boy?


This is a very good 35 minute, Oscar-nominated documentary, filmed from inside the protests in 2019.

Now available for free.

Must watch.

80% in English, with English subtitles and written narrative.

It's really good.


Such hope we had.

We lost.

Be nice peeps. :)

Keep thinking. 🐬

Come Bells.


It's a quite extraordinary queue. @ 3:30pm, 10th Feb '22.

These poor folk have to queue for hours in order to comply with compulsory testing notices.

And another one in Tung Chung.

Come Bells.

The crazed Orcs are attacking again tomorrow night.

Let's turn in early tonight. Be careful. I'll help you.

So ... Catch up soon peeps. Rest well. Stay safe.

And please, please, be nice to each other.

And then please, please be nicer.

And then please, be a bit nicer.

And then, please be nicer still.

And then be nicer and nicer.

And then, nicer than that.

And then be nicer still.

And even then, nicer.

And then don't stop.

Please be nicer.

Just be nice.

Be nice.

And keep thinking!



This is a very good 35 minute, Oscar-nominated documentary, filmed from inside the protests in 2019.

Now available for free.

Must watch.

80% in English, with English subtitles and written narrative.

It's really good.


Such hope we had.

We lost.

Be nice peeps. :)

Keep thinking. 🐬

Come Bells.



And then watch this.


Thirty five (35) minutes.

You won't feel your time has been wasted.



It's been a strange Friday.

It turns out that what I thought was an Orc, is actually just a Leprechaun that's now snoring, again, on the sofa.

In some ways it's a let down and in some ways it's a relief.

And in every way it's weird.

Anyway ...

... His music is, by far, better than anything I can or could ever elicit.

Nevertheless, I've wrestled back the Bluetooth funge from him before he keeled over so you're gonna have to put up with a bit of my old-school nonsense.


Ladies and Gentlemen. Urbanites and tourists.

I give you ...

The Arab Pixie.

Yeah. I know. You should see me. I'm completely out to lunch.


Anyway ...

I blame the fucking Leprechauns! (Evil little shits! Worse than the fucking Stasi bastards!)

Well. At least he's dead now and rotting on the sofa. So you'll have to put up with my old hippie-shit music.


And, believe it or not, she was singing to (and about!) this young guy that fucked her around too much.

And I'm gonna add a bit more of my shit for good measure.

And add little bit of treacle, just to sooth.

Solid Air.

So. Stay true peeps. Cleve to the truth. Eschew lies.

And beware the Leprechauns!

It all makes no sense. It's all beginning to make sense.


Total fucking madness!

Rest well peeps.

(Edit: To try clean up the fucking mess ... oh well ... )

Please love each other.

Come Bells.

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