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Hong Kong: what next?


The ragged men
In the ragged clothes

The silver thorn
Of bloody rose

Lie crushed and broken
On the virgin snow

And now I think I know
What you tried to say to me

And how you suffered
For your sanity

And how you tried
To set them free

They would not listen
They did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night

You took your life as lovers often do

But I could have told you, Urbanites

This world was never meant for those
As beautiful as you

Keep thinking peeps.

Five in the morning doesn't even bear thinking about!

Keep thinking.


And rest.



Fuck this old bastard!

Is he dead yet?


Live ...

(And whatever happened to Van Morrison?)


Fuck it.



Or this one even ... complete with the eponymous blue stripe, for added flavour.

Still live!

Hold on old on hold on hold on.

Everybody hurts. Sometimes.

When you think you've had too much.

That's life.

Hang on.

Don't let yourself go.
'Cos everybody knows.

Everybody hurts.

No. No. No.
You're not alone ...

Anyway, 6:00am is good. Right? Right?

Be nice to yourselves ...




I've done my teeth and gargled Listerine.

So please consider this.

"Love is a lesson to learn in our time."

"May you never lose your lover overnight."

I shared a few beers and spliffs, a few times, with John, back in the day.

He was a good Glaswegian.

He's dead.

I'm bed!


Heh! Fifty seconds with Chris Patten.

We generally still retain very fond memories of old Fay Pang out here. He's always been a stalwart advocate for Hong Kong.

He certainly loved his Portuguese Egg Tarts (who doesn't?)!

(Edit: Ahhh shit! The second video the one I meant to post. Please listen. [The first is okay too.] All the tyrants in Hong Kong are wealthy fuckers and all have foreign passports in western democracies [or at the very least their children/relatives do]. Carrie Lam's husband and two sons are all STILL British citizens and have been for decades and own property in the UK. Lam herself was the same until she gave up her UK passport to become the Chief Executive. And while XJP shuts down any true academic freedom all across China, at the same time he's been educating his own daughter at Harvard. What a fucking shit show. What a bunch of cunts. Really. :mad: )

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And, anyway, who was this Magnitsky guy and what was all that shit all about?

Must be nonsense, right? ;)

Rest peeps.

Come Bells.


One of the things that really pisses me off ...

Is that Exxon Mobil knew as early as 1958. The company's own scientists warned the executives. Instead of publishing and acting upon the science, the executives covered it up and instigated a long-running, coordinated, broad-ranging, highly-sophisticated and highly effective disinformation campaign that is still ongoing today.

And another thing is that ...

EVERYBODY knew what was coming since 1983. And we did absolutely fucking nothing about it. Too much money to be made.

We needed to take emergency action sixty years ago. Or at least 40 years ago. And we didn't.

And 39 years later, here we are. Pumping more and more and more CO2 out, increasing every year. Year after year after year. More than the year before.

So that now, even if we hit global net carbon emissions TODAY ...

... There's already enough "baked in" climate change coming our way that catastrophic consequences for hundreds of millions (or billions,) of humans is unavoidable - and the knock-on effects of that will be disruptive on an unimaginable scale for the vast, vast majority of the other humans. Many other millions of other species will be obliterated (many millions already have been).

The planet will survive the coming shit-fuck-firestorm and thrive and prosper thereafter. Most of humanity may not.

The next few decades are going to be utterly cataclysmic.

And it didn't fucking have to be this way. We could have done something. We didn't. As you'll be aware, I've been a committed atheist for many, many decades but, even I can't deny that ...

... Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil.


I'm sorry peeps. I did my best. Nobody would listen. They're not listening still.

I failed. I'm just so, so sorry.

Come Bells.


A pro-democracy pancake shop was attacked by pro-CCP thugs at 10:00pm on Saturday evening.

Five masked men entered the premises and severely beat the two shop assistants with heavy wooden poles.

The two shop assistants are still in hospital on Monday morning, being treated for multiple bone fractures and head lacerations (they've had their heads shaved to stitch their scalps back together).

The police, very soon now, really really soon, as soon as possible, are going to leap into action to try and track down the assailants.

We are where we are.

Rest well peeps.

Bed Bells.


Still, I guess it's move along peeps; nothing to see here.

After all, let's face it, the already inconceivably-wealthy-set are doing very nicely, thank you.

And that's what's important, isn't it?

And, yeah. Those numbers are in the high hundreds of millions of HK$ to EACH of the major companies shown.

Click the webb-site link for further details.

It's fucking sickening.



A pro-democracy pancake shop was attacked by pro-CCP thugs at 10:00pm on Saturday evening.

Five masked men entered the premises and severely beat the two shop assistants with heavy wooden poles.

The two shop assistants are still in hospital on Monday morning, being treated for multiple bone fractures and head lacerations (they've had their heads shaved to stitch their scalps back together).

The police, very soon now, really really soon, as soon as possible, are going to leap into action to try and track down the assailants.

We are where we are.

Rest well peeps.

Bed Bells.


Fffffffuck. (I had to stop watching.) I really hope those guys are gonna be ok. Despicable.
"Move along now, there's nothing to see here..."

We must try to build resistance, resilience and community..
How we live is why we live.
Worldwide, frontline nowadays.

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A pro-democracy pancake shop was attacked by pro-CCP thugs at 10:00pm on Saturday evening.

Five masked men entered the premises and severely beat the two shop assistants with heavy wooden poles.

The two shop assistants are still in hospital on Monday morning, being treated for multiple bone fractures and head lacerations (they've had their heads shaved to stitch their scalps back together).

The police, very soon now, really really soon, as soon as possible, are going to leap into action to try and track down the assailants.

We are where we are.

Rest well peeps.

Bed Bells.


One arrest has been made, the suspect can probably expect a slap on the wrist and a job offer from the HKPF.

How fucking pathetic is it that these dickheads felt it necessary to attack a cake shop?
From the HK Free Press, a photo that says it all:

View attachment 309935

And then please roll up the carpets.

Oh! And last one to leave, please turn out the lights.

(Meanwhile, I think the CE has been sidelined, in favour of the (2nd in charge puppet,) Chief Secretary, John Lee, previously Security Secretary, previously Top Cop and lifelong ill-educated Popo - he joined aged 20, no degree and no prior qualifications listed. Looks like he received an on-line-only Masters degree from an obscure Australian Institution sometime in the 1990's, paid for by the govt. Born and bred CCP man.

Things are looking very, very grim.

Omicron is completely out of control. It's rife in old peoples homes and the over 70's (in the community or in eldery homes,) are 70% unvaccinated. The elderly are already starting to die.

It's growing exponentially across all 18 districts and is spreading through the drainage systems connecting flats in tower blocks.

In five weeks we've gone from zero cases to 1,000 a day a few days ago, through 1,500 a day and, today 2,000 plus confirmed.

We have a further 4,500 that have tested positive on their first PCR test and are awaiting the results of a 2nd, confirmatory test.

Testing is completely overwhelmed and a massive backlog is ramping up.

People are being told to stay at home if they've tested positive on PCR only once (infecting their families, who all go out to work, study, etc. and those in surrounding flats).

This is unacceptable to the CCP, who have now taken complete control of the situation.

John Lee (not Carrie Lam,) is in charge of "liaising" with the Beijing and Guangzhou authorities to oversee the pandemic response.

There are dark times coming over the next few weeks. It's going to get very messy.

Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

Let's see what the Big Boy's gonna do.

I fear it won't be pretty.)

Am concerned over the (currently) small but vocal HK/Beijing patriots over here.

Obviously very, very minor irritation, compared to the situation your neck of the woods... but they are mischievous.

Stay safe, Jessiedog
This is the latest from Suzanne Pepper.

I don't agree with all she writes here (which is unusual!) but she's always insightful and worth reading.

Meanwhile ...

... The - at least for now gradual - encroachment of the Great Firewall into Hong Kong cyberspace continues to spread and tighten.

It's still inaccessible at 3:30pm on 15th Feb '22. I imagine it'll be permanent.


I read this tonight.

An interesting intervention into the exploration of the inner core of consciousness ...

"We’re so very similar, in so many ways, my friend and yet there are still clear distinctions and contradictions between us.

You find a glimpse of reflection and recognition in my psyche and reflect back to me what you see - and I observe, reflect upon and largely agree with your reflection and analysis. Painful though this may be.

I find a glimpse of reflection and recognition in your psyche and reflect back to you what I see - and you largely, if not wholly and completely, immediately dismiss and reject my reflection and analysis out of hand. No pain involved.

You win!

You will always win.

But that just inhibits your ability to see, recognise, consider and reflect. It’s an elementary misjudgement we all continue to make repeatedly.

As we progress we may, perhaps, learn slowly that this certainty is merely a faint shield from our fears and an illusory cloak of comfort that we envelope ourselves within."

Hmmmm ...

... I'm still reflecting on that!


But it reminds me, just tangentially, of a quote of a few lines from one of the verses, from one of the triagrams of one of the hexagrams from one of the chapters of the "I Ching" that's stayed with me for decades.

I studied the I Ching for quite a few years long, long, ago - it was as impenetrable as fuck!* And then gave up on all Woo Woo decades ago.

But this quote always stuck with me. It's dated, sexist and classist, obviously - it's at least a thousand years old - but, if that's stripped away, somehow still echos its relevancy.

"The Superior Man encourages people to approach him by his readiness to receive them,

So when dealing with those as intractable as pigs and fishes, he must first rid himself of all prejudices and allow the others psyche to act upon him directly,

It is only thus that he will truly come to understand them and hence have power over them."

What a weird journey that one was!

Anyway, it's far, far too, too late again.

Blessings one and all - and sundry.

Be nice to each other peeps.

And Keep Thinking.



(EDIT: To add that ... *it was as impenetrable as fuck!)

Come Bell-Bell.

Bed beckons.

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Could you ever imagine Pooh turning to 777 (replace with your own characters, there are many,) and asking ...

... "Are we the baddies?"

Nah! Me neither.

The truth is that the level of pain and pressure that this depth of self-introspection and uncertainty inevitably brings, will always lie without their grasp and will never be easily gifted them.


And therein lies the rub peeps. This is what we're up against.

A certainty that is rooted in delusion and yet unquestionable in its wielding of power.

It's going to be very, very messy.

See climate change above.

Rest if possible. Rest well.

Oh Lordy! I hope there are tapes.




And why does krtek keep getting "enforced holidays"?

They seem innocuous enough, am I missing something?




We lost two young girls this week.

A four year old and a three year old. Both perfectly healthy. No underlying conditions. Died from Covid.


The three year old has a brother, a couple of months old, who is in children's ICU in critical condition with Covid

The over 80's are beginning to drop like flies. Another ten today. Elderly deaths will be rising exponentially soon.

And it's only fucking Wednesday!

I do appreciate that this is all relative to the devastation that's been wrought elsewhere but, here, where for much of last year we had Zero cases for months and society was largely open and functioning (at least internally), this is going to hit us very, very hard.

Omicron is not a "mild" variant when it hits an elderly, unvaccinated, Covid-naive cohort.

Let's face it though, we only had two years to prepare and one year to vaccinate and could, obviously, see what was coming our way ...

... So we were ready, right?

Nah! 'Course not. We've spent the last two years hunting down teenage "terrorists" for laying white flowers on the street and dismantling the whole of society, as it was, in order to subsume HK completely into the mainland system.

While pointing the finger at others mistakes (and misdeeds!), we've been smugly ignoring the tsunami that was heading our way.

Decades of under-funding of the Public Health System, that leaves most hospital beds at close to 100% occupancy in normal times.

And we're Chinese. Oh so proudly Chinese. We do things differently. Zero Covid.

So now, inevitably, we're fucked!

We have elderly patients, sleeping in hospital beds, outside of hospitals, in side-streets, in 14C temperatures, in triage, waiting for their test results.

The virus is completely out of control.

The local puppet government is running around with its head up its arse, indulging in superficial, ineffective, counterproductive, performative measures; a pretense, purely to pander to the the political whims of their masters and little to do with the well-being of the people.

Now they are flailing around, trying to find a site to build a new, emergency hospital. What. The. Fuck? Too little, too fucking late. And there are NO FUCKING STAFF anyway.


So ... What is the solution?

Well, today we've been personally instructed by Pooh to contain the virus. Top Priority. Keep society stable. Control people as required.

So, firstly, everybody must download the government App, which is now linked to the mainlands "full spectrum surveillance" tracking system (like in Xinjiang). Every individual tracked by name and identity card number, wherever they go, in real time.

Secondly, we're going to ship-in thousands (perhaps tens of 000s,) of mainlanders to take control of the situation.

Third, this ... (But it won't start 'til fucking March? WTF?! We'll be hitting 50,000 cases+ a day by then. This is doubling exponentially - every three days!)

(The comments are worthwhile, instructive and, generally, sane.)

What could possibly go wrong.?

Oh boy! We are going to take a society - already exhausted and shell-shocked for a myriad of reasons - and crush people further and harder.

There's so much more to say. I'm merely conveying the most superficial glimpse of the dark nature of what's coming our way. Apologies for that but I'm just so exhausted.

I dread what's coming. This is really going to hurt us.

I fear it's going to get very, very messy.

Very, very fast.

"When the truth offends, we lie and lie, until we can no longer remember it is ever there. But it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid."

Valery Legasov


Anyway ...

Here're a couple of tips for ya'll; try each-way bets at your favourite bookmaker.

And take them tomorrow while the odds are still there. ;)

I really fucking hope I'm completely wrong on both counts but my - long-neglected, conspiratorial and Woo Woo antenna - have sprung alive and are quivering up against my rational consciousness.

1) Liz Truss will be the next Prime Minister of England. Likely before this year's summer solstice.

(1a) Interesting side-bet to be had as to who the Tory MPs will stand against her when the vote goes to Party members - Tugendhat right? ;) .)

2) IF Putin moves to take parts of Eastern Ukraine, the main onslaught will begin either on 20th Feb or 22nd Feb.

And one for free ...

3) Next UK general election in June 2023.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Ready Bells?

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