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Hong Kong: what next?


Okay ...

Even more, mainland-built, camps are going to be constructed in Hong Kong than previously announced.

Within a couple of months or so, we should be able to compulsorily lock up at least a couple of hundred thousand people in individual isolation cells.


Can anyone think of a worthwhile use for these facilities, once they're no longer needed as we move into summer?

Hey! Perhaps they could be used as "Vocational Training Centres" for our wayward youth?

Now, there's an idea, y'know what I mean, what with the idea of killing two stones with one bird and all that?

Just an idea, though.

It couldn't possibly be a plan ...

... Could it?

After listening to the English Prime Minister and his Tories for an hour in The Commons ...

... I just want to vomit.

Please forgive me for concluding that the current UK govt. is ubiquitously corrupt, wholly in Putin's pocket and determined to collude in attempts to disrupt (and, if possible, destroy,) the European Union. Brexit means Brexit!

As an outsider looking in, I fail to see that any other sensible deduction may be drawn.

I'm also fearful as to what will happen when Trump's GOP retake the Senate in Nov 2022 (and worse, perhaps the House too).

I've never seen the world in a more precarious scenario.

Remember; "The love of money is the root of all evil."

And the CCP is now swiftly changing everything.

Come on Bells, enough of this shit for tonight.

Wake up peeps. Wake up.

Be nice to each other.



Would you like a sneak, long-in-advance spoiler about this year's Panto? Would you? Would you? Would you? Please?

It's completely hilarious! Read on, fair peeps, read on. And then read between the lines. Hilarious right?

Were it Huxley or Orwell it may well be worthy of some mirth, safe in the comfort of fiction.

But this isn't fiction peeps. It's real. It's happening now. It's already too late.

Read between the lines. Wake up. Wake up. It's happening now.

(We can discuss climate change tomorrow.)



Sounds like we've declared "total war" on COVID in Hong Kong? Everyone and everything is focussed on this "total war".

What could possibly go wrong?

Meanwhile, Joe Biden Is currently saying blah, blah, blah.

I give up. Nobody's listening. Fuck everything.

It's 8C where I am peeps, and dropping. Wind makes it feel colder but at least there's no fucking rain.

May you live in interesting times. ;)

Come Bella. Enough is enough.

And surely, once "total war" on COVID, to ensure that "dynamic-zero" prevails in Hong Kong ...

... inevitably fails and completely collapses in the face of exponentially increasing deaths and the disintegration of the public health service ...

... The only solution will be a full-on, X'ian-Province-Style, region-wide, LockDown of the whole of Hong Kong - for a couple of months (or more) - with tens of thousands of shipped-in-mainlanders running the enforcement regime and attempting to organise some kind of coherent home-supply-chain network of food and water.


Mark my words.

(What could possibly go wrong?)

Enough of this shit for tonight.

Bed Bells. Fur needed.

I'll cuddle you too.

Rest peeps.

I'm reaching the boundaries of my capacity for empathy.

My emotional elasticity is rapidly approaching its limits.

So, for tonight, singularly and unequivocally,

I stand with Ukraine.

Fascists such as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are a threat to democracy across the world.

This will not stop until it's made to stop. It must be stopped. Before it's too late.

People are suffering desperately. Tyranny must not be allowed to win.

We tried to warn you about tyranny. You didn't listen.

Can you hear us now?



We stand with Ukraine.


We've blown through 12,000 positive cases a day, then 17,000, then 22,000, then 26,000.

And there's a growing backlog of tens of thousands of tests. Close to 100 deaths a day. Soon to rise exponentially.

The hospital system is collapsing. Care homes are running at 20% - 30% staffing levels (they're off sick or they quit - most quit.)

Triage at hospital Accident and Emergency departments is still being conducted in car parks.

Body bags are piling up in A&E wards. Mortuaries are overwhelmed.

People are suffering across society.

Who could possibly have known what would happen in care homes in an unvaccinated, elderly population?

It's not like we saw it happen two years ago across the UK, US and much of the EU, is it?

After all, we've only had two years to prepare. How could anyone expect us to be ready, right?

And only one full year to get the elderly vaccinated, right?

What more could we have done?

It was totally unforeseen, right?

Are you ready Hong Kong?

Brace! Brace! Brace!

(Edited to add this chart. And we've only just got fucking started!)


Prison camps to hold 150,000 plus are being constructed at speed.

Brace yourselves peeps. This is going to hurt.

Happy days lie ahead.

Rest well peeps.

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I guess the good news is that, with lightening speed, the first prison camp is scheduled to open (tomorrow) on 28th Feb 2022.

We've been assured that the bars on the windows are only there to prevent the COVID virus from seeping in and potentially (re-)infecting inmates.

This camp will hold 4,000. Many much, much bigger ones are under construction and coming on-line soon. It's quite a remarkable feat!





The speed of construction is astonishing. The effort and manpower required has been monumental. It's an almost Herculean task!

A humble thank you to the Motherland, for sending us the tens of thousands of mainlanders needed to build, staff, operate and guard these vital facilities.

Let's face it, the reality is there's no way possible we could have achieved this without all the help from the Motherland!

(Edit to add: And, what's more, it almost makes Xinjiang look pretty, right?)

All Hail Xinnie!

Bed Bells.

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They really fucked up in not vaccinating care-home residents. Only 25% coverage iirc. No excuse for that at all.


25% including those with just one dose of SinoVac (which is of dubious value as far as vaccines go).

Fewer than 10% are double jabbed (mostly SinoVac).

All Hail Xinnie!

Night peeps.


We're just another, far flung, Province with local Apparatchiks flailing around trying to please the boss - with nary a care for the populace in their charge.

He's coming to Hong Kong, to grace us with his venerable presence, on the 1st of July this year (2022,) especially to "showcase Hong Kong's stability" to the world on the 25th anniversary of the Great Chinese Take Away.

We've been instructed to ensure, no matter what, that this "showcasing" will not be subject to ANY kind of embarrassment.

Tens of thousands of his most trusted lieutenants have been sent in advance to direct operations, prevent any deviation and enforce compliance.

All Hail Xinnie!

One year ago today, they were taken into custody.

They have yet to see ANY of the evidence against them that the police claim to be gathering.

I've known many of these good people for decades and a few are friends. We marched together, always peacefully, year after year after year, multiple times a year.

Release all political prisoners!

Over 34,500 new cases yesterday (27th Feb 2022).

126 deaths.

Positive cases have now been found in 600 elderly care homes. So far, 3,000 residents and 1,000 staff are positive.

They've been locking down massive residential tower blocks for overnight testing (or sometimes for 2 - 3 or more nights) ...

There are usually anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 inhabitants of each block to be tested.

The results of these Lockdowns for the five days up to 26th Feb, expressed as a percentage of residents in each block testing positive are below.

It’s everywhere.

22/02 Two blocks:

• 4.75%
• 8.10%

23/02 Three blocks:

• 4.70%
• 7.13%
• 9.14%

24/02 Three blocks:

• 3.40%
• 11.25%
• 12.16%

25/02 Three blocks:

• 10.11%
• 14.25%
• 15.42%

26/02 Five blocks:

• 12.02%
• 13.59%
• 17.42%
• 17.67%
• 21.20%


And so, to sooth our concerns about the clusterfuck going on, Carrie Lam has just said this evening something along the lines of (I paraphrase liberally):

“At some time in March we’ll carry out three weeks of testing. All residents will be tested 3 times during this period. These samples will be sent to the mainland for 'analysis'. We may lockdown everyone at home, during or perhaps after the testing period - or both. Or we may not. Or we may lock down some or many or we may do something in between or we may do something else. I hope this is clear.

We’re building lots of camps. The motherland is staunchly helping us. Together, with the motherland's staunch help, we fight the aggravating epidemic.

The details are being worked out. We will try to clarify things further as soon as we’re clear and we’ll try to get clear as soon as possible and then we'll clarify.

Okay? Clear?”

Riiiiight then! That’s reassuring. No wonder there are hours-long queues of people panic-buying in supermarkets and clearing shelves this evening. Fuck me!

It's just as well that the camps are beginning to roll out as planned. It looks like it'll be three to a cell. Sounds cosy - a chance to make friends.

And at least the facilities look good. I particularly like the executive-deluxe, communal, squat toilets - there will be a veritable scramble to book available slots for these so it'll be interesting to see how they organise the booking system.

It's fine.

What's the official excuse for why people can't just self-isolate at home? Have they even bothered to give one?

There is no "official excuse".

Officially, we need to perpetuate the fantasy of "Dynamic Zerooooooo Covid". Our officials are puppets and must follow the diktats of Beijing (the representatives of which are in Hong Kong and in control,) and sing the praises of the motherland's "help". No more. No less.

In reality, we spent two years devoting every resource to hunting down and jailing democrats rather than preparing for this.

Untold billions of increases in spending on policing, security, surveillance, repression.

Cuts in spending for healthcare, hospitals, social care and public health.

So here we are. Hospitals in crisis. A&E Departments overrun (with cadavers stored in A&E waiting areas). All morgues full. Care homes abandoned by staff (GBP 3.75p per hour and 12 hour days, six day weeks (but only paid for 48 hours a week, just doesn't seem to work any more). Schools and much else closed and far, far worse on the way.

And, in fact (as the government acknowledges), there are already 100,000+ people who've tested positive that are at home "waiting to be transferred to hospitals or isolation facilities, which will be expedited ASAP through the building of more camps". And refusals to answer any questions on the estimates of how many more (hundreds of thousands?) infected but UNTESTED people are living at home, working, shopping etc. And all of these (tested or otherwise,) in tiny apartments with multiple occupants. De-facto home isolation but this can never be "official".

"Officially", it's dynamic zeroooooo all the way.

In the meantime, rather than vaccinating the elderly and properly buttressing and then triaging hospital beds and ICU care, we're "officially" going to spend our time shipping in tens of thousands of mainlanders building camps to house 150,000+ people and dozens of high-ranking Cadres to direct them and ensure full compilance locally, while watching our elderly perish and our healthcare system collapsing.

Hong Kong will never recover from what's coming. Hong Kong will not be Hong Kong ever again. The very heart and soul of this place; everything that's made it what it is, is being torn asunder and replaced.

Omicron is burning through society and will kill many thousands over the coming weeks. Infections will likely peak in mid-March with @ 35% of the population infected and then drift fairly rapidly downwards, naturally, to low numbers of new cases, with @ 50% of the population infected.

By then, there will be total control by the CCP. There already is! Everything else is just a charade. A grotesque mascaraed.

Tens (perhaps hundreds,) of thousands of HongKongers will be locked in camps. Many hundreds of thousands of others, confined to their homes.

Brutal enforcement will ensure compliance. The exodus of those who can flee will continue to rise exponentially.

Before the end of May, the Omicron wave will have naturally peaked and declined.

Millions of people in Hong Kong will be ragged and tired and broken and penniless and hopeless.

China will wave and cheer and declare victory in the war on COVID, and hail the "China way" of saving lives as far superior to any filthy western ideas.

China will claim a victory for "Zero Covid"!

This is about far, FAR more than just COVID.

The CCP now runs Hong Kong, from within Hong Kong, complete control. There is no Hong Kong government.

It's all going to plan. COVID just provided some decent cover.

Keep thinking peeps. 🐬

Be nice to each other.

Bella? Come girl. Bed.

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It's insane - I think zero COVID was worth trying for, we know nothing about the effects of COVID beyond two years and a lot of what we are finding out as time goes by is troubling, but the time when it was possible is long gone in Hong Kong, there's no way a densely populated place could go from one in 200 people testing positive from omicron in a day to zero COVID without the harshest lockdown ever seen, and probably not even then.
It's insane - I think zero COVID was worth trying for, we know nothing about the effects of COVID beyond two years and a lot of what we are finding out as time goes by is troubling, but the time when it was possible is long gone in Hong Kong, there's no way a densely populated place could go from one in 200 people testing positive from omicron in a day to zero COVID without the harshest lockdown ever seen, and probably not even then.


It's insane.

And we're yet to feel the full brunt of it. It's going to be Nasty, Brutish, and Short. In every imaginable sense.

It's not about COVID anymore. Let's face it, it never was, really. An opportunity to be grasped is all it is.

It's about power, money and control. Anyone see the latest from the IPCC? It's already too late.

Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Ever was. Ever was. Ever was.

But trust me ... right here, right now, up close, right in yer face, it's fucking frightening!

Just ask the people of Tibet or Xinjiang or Thailand or Burma or Belarus or Taiwan or The Philippines or Indonesia or Malaysia or Ukraine or ... or ... or ...

Stay well mate.



Rumours are rife.

It looks like the current plan MAY look something like this:

Lockdown either the whole city - or on a rolling basis across across Districts - for nine days.

Commencing @ 17th March, ending @ 26th March (may be extended).

Stay at home (one person may shop for food/essentials).

Non-essential everything closed.

Test all residents 3 times each during those nine days. Details not yet available.

Then ... Ummmmm ... Ummmmm.

BUT ...

Many of our most eminent scientists are now getting their 2pn'th worth in before any official announcements.

Most of them disagree - if only on timing.

Gabriel Leung is very well known, Dean of the Medical School at HKU, Epidemiologist.

This came out at about 3:00pm (GMT+8) today, Tue 1st March 2022.

He thinks over 1.5 million are already infected. Will peak in the coming week or so at 180,000 daily infections (35,000 daily positive cases after testing). Peak deaths around mid-March at @ 150/day. Cumulative deaths as high as 4,500 by end of April.

Too many cases already and a lockdown and test exercise during the peak is ill-advised.

Any lockdown/testing should be delayed to mid/late April, when infections/cases have already receded to much lower levels.

Many other professionals largely agree with him.

It's all here in 8 short posts (full report linked at the bottom).

The real problem, is that the mainland only have one tool - a big fuck-off hammer that goes by the name of "Lockdown-and-Test"!

Let's see what happens.

(At least the daytime temp today is up to a creditable 26C today - it'll be bloody summer again soon!)

As of 28/02/22.

32,600 new cases.

172 deaths.

55% of all elderly homes have outbreaks, as do 45% of Care Homes for the Disabled.

3,500 hospital staff off work with COVID.

Supermarkets are stripped bare.

In February 2022, a "net" 70,000 people left Hong Kong; probably the largest monthly exodus since just before the Japanese invasion in 1941.

Multiple local government officials keep repeating: "Don't panic. We're just trying to figure out exactly when, how and how hard to Lockdown. We'll let you know as soon as we have it figured out. Don't worry - we'll give you enough notice."

And the Mainlanders in charge are saying: "Shut it down. Shut it all down. Hurry up."

Of fucking boy!

It's a failure of public health-communication on an epic scale; on a Fawlty Towers scale!

There's a monumental clusterfuck about to erupt.

Hold tight peeps.

Be safe.

Be well.


Meanwhile ...

I foresee a terrible, short term, outcome. I hope I'm completely nuts. I fear I'm not.

Kyiv will fall by the Ides of March at the latest (my father's birthday and he was a cunt of a psychopath! Woo Woo enough on its own, right?).

Anyway, by 15th of March; latest - probably within a week now - the central govt. will collapse. Zelensky will leave, die or rot in Jail for years.

There will never be an independent Ukrainian government in Kiev thereafter - at least in our lifetimes (well, 20 - 30 years or more).

Russia now owns half of Ukraine - everything east of the Dnieper River - and bit of the south west. That's it. It’s too late now.

Western “hope” is merely a function of comfort. It won’t touch most or most of those they care for. It's not close enough yet.

So, “hope for the best” for the rest of us - and giving a bit to a charity - are the cards we are left to play with?

Well ... Thanks!

This is just the start.

You have no idea what’s coming.

How did we let this happen?


Bed Bells.



Anyone see the latest from the IPCC? It's already too late.

Not the point of this thread I know, but statements like this are why I think that pronouncements from bodies like the IPCC need to seriously tone down the doomer rhetoric. Fatalism among the general population is exactly what the malicious actors want. They want people to feel like it's too late, because that's when the fighting against them stops, or is never started to begin with. After all, why bother trying to save the world if all you hear in the news is how doomed we all are.

Fuck fatalism, it's a tool of our class enemies. It's never too late, not so long as there are humans around.

Reported deaths yesterday, per capita, we're higher than the highest two days in the USA throughout the entire pandemic (to date).

The US:

4,442 deaths on 20th Jan 2021 (with 1% fully vaccinated).

4,204 deaths on the 4th of Feb 2022 (with 64% fully vaccinated).

Nearly 90% of elderly (65+) are currently double jabbed (or more).

Hong Kong (equivalent):

7,701 deaths on 28th of Feb 2022 (with fewer than 45% of over 70's fully vaccinated [two jabs]; far far fewer in over 75's, fewer still in over 80's).

The older people are in Hong Kong, the fewer jabs they've had. Over 75's have 25% single jabbed. Over 80's are 10% single jabbed. Virtually none are double jabbed aged over 75.

Daily US deaths are currently declining somewhat.

Hong Kong deaths have just entered the start of exponential growth. When this is done with us, we may have the US equivalent of @ 400,000 dead. The UK equivalent of @ 60,000.

And yet we were just ohhhhh so smug.

This will be brutal.

The CCP will ensure so.

Rest well.

Not the point of this thread I know, but statements like this are why I think that pronouncements from bodies like the IPCC need to seriously tone down the doomer rhetoric. Fatalism among the general population is exactly what the malicious actors want. They want people to feel like it's too late, because that's when the fighting against them stops, or is never started to begin with. After all, why bother trying to save the world if all you hear in the news is how doomed we all are.

Fuck fatalism, it's a tool of our class enemies. It's never too late, not so long as there are humans around.

Largely agree.

But a great deal to unpick.

It may look a bit different when viewed from this angle. ;)

Rest well.


Latest "Win The War" nonsense from the government.

And an amusing, sarcastic response - from some wily wags - in the comments.

Worth three minutes of your time.

I needed a laugh to sleep.

Forgive my cynicism.

Night peeps.


And the purge continues.

Paul Harris, respected ex-Chair of the Bar Association, has been hounded and vilified by the CCP-media for months.

Apparently, he was recently questioned by the NSL Police, suspected of "collusion with foreign forces" - he was trying to arrange a UK barrister from a London, England chambers, to represent one of the democrats charged under the NSL (legally allowed and common practice).

The chat with the NSL Police seems to have persuaded him to leave Hong Kong permanently.

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