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Hong Kong: what next?

Yes Yoss.

Lift off!

We have lift off!

Over 55,000 new positive cases on 1st March 2022 (and many times more than that in the testing-backlog).

Over 160 new deaths.

And, after floating various ideas via the media in the last few days, causing confusion and panic, the government finally announces ...


Don't worry. It's complicated. We're just trying to work out the details of the Lockdowns and Compulsory Universal Testing (CUT). We'll let you have any further information as soon as we figure it out. Just don't worry. Dynamic-Zero-COVID is our strategy. Together with the staunch support of the Motherland, we fight the aggravating virus.


And then they announced the cancellation of 98 bus routes from tonight (2nd March,) until 16th March.

Aaaaaaaaaand, the supermarket shelves have been stripped bare faster than they were yesterday; fresh markets and wet markets too. Meat and vegetable prices are rocketing (it didn't help that we had to close our only abattoir due to an outbreak of over 350 cases).

Outbreaks are rife across care homes (thousands will die,) and now also prisons.

We are ascending to the peak of the outbreak; the steepest part of the up-curve. By the end of the month, we'll likely have seen between three and four million infections.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

It's going to be very messy.

Dynamic-Zero indeed.

Night peeps.

Sleep Bells.

A really good thread from Iain Marlow (Bloomberg,) highlighting how the erosion of HK's autonomy underlies - and undermines - all of the region's efforts in the administration and execution of policy, across all sectors; not least the pandemic response.

More on Paul Harris from the HKFP.

It looks like he was summoned to Police HQ in Wanchai on Tuesday to be "questioned" by National Security Officers - and then pretty much headed straight to the airport and got on a plane.

They must have made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.

And more here from the FT.

I love the headline from the (CCP-run) China Daily.

"Mainland Butchers Arrive In Hong Kong ... "

(I thought for a second is was remarkably frank but then realised it was literal.)

Wed 02/03/22.

Just shy of 57,000 new cases (limited by testing capacity). These are only the results of official PCR tests. Tens of thousands of people a day have been informing the govt. that they have tested positive at home by rapid test - these are not currently included in official figures.

New deaths 186.

Outbreaks in more than 700 Residential Care Homes (elderly and disabled). 4,100 residents positive. 1,300 staff positive.

There are plans to launch a website to allow people that have tested positive at home, via Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs), to register their case and wait at home to be contacted by the Hospital Authority. It was due to be ready this week.

Will it be ready this week as promised?

The IT people are working on it. It will be available in due course.

How many cases are you expecting to be registered once it's available?

We think there are hundreds of thousands of cases out there.

Please, please, please may we have some idea of the dates and details of the upcoming Lockdowns and Compulsory Universal Testing (CUT)?

This is still under discussion, information will be released in due course.

Meanwhile, yet another expert joins the many saying that now is the wrong time to be trying to universally test.

Anyhooooo ...

The demented, Arab-East-German, Orc-Leprechaun hybrid, Nihilist, Master Watchmaker is coming tonight (Thu,) rather than tomorrow (Fri,) 'cos reasons.


But, unbeknownst to him - and through the most covert of sources - Bella and I have managed to procure the finest array of new weaponry, in the form of the freshest of ammunition with which we hope to repel the onslaught.

Sixty litres ought to do it!

We are licking our lips at the prospect!



Have a good one peeps

Harry's latest:


It's mad that they're still pressing ahead with buildings tens of thousands of isolation units - with bars on the windows - when around 1.5% of the population has tested positive in the last 48 hours alone and case numbers are still doubling every few days.
Harry's latest:

View attachment 312649

It's mad that they're still pressing ahead with buildings tens of thousands of isolation units - with bars on the windows - when around 1.5% of the population has tested positive in the last 48 hours alone and case numbers are still doubling every few days.


It's the FotherMucking, FlusterCuck, of all time for Hong Kong.

The final subjugation and absorption. It's very emotional for me. And reflects, mirrors, echos and prophesies my own trajectory.

In the tsunami of chaos and disruption heading our way, humanity is heading into a very dark place. I remain unconvinced it will re-emerge intact.

You're a superstar, Yoss. One of the (few,) bright points in the Universe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I see you. I love you. Thank you.

In the decade leading up to the year twenty twenty (2020), humanity burned more fossil fuels than it burned throughout history up until 2010.

That's more in the last ten years than in the whole of time combined.

In the decade leading up to the year twenty thirty (2030), current projections certify (certify!) that humanity will burn more fossil fuels than it burned throughout history up until the year twenty twenty - the whole of time combined.

That's more than the planet can absorb. That point was reached 40 years ago. Nobody would listen. It's too late now!*

If you want to understand exponential growth, go back a couple of months to the flow charts I posted detailing the Genesis of the current Omicron outbreak in Hong Kong. One case escaped into the community, fewer than two months ago. It's already baked in now. No matter what we do, the virus will take it's course, peak in mid March and then taper over the next two months. One in four are infected now. One in two will be by the end of May. A few thousands of deaths will swiftly follow the peak of infections.

Climate change is worse.

The destruction already baked in by climate change from forty years ago, will be catastrophic to humanity - even if zero emissions are reached tomorrow.

And there has been double that - burned in the last decade - than was ever burned in history (prior to 2010).

And the equivalent of ALL that was burned in history, prior to 2010, PLUS the double of that burned in the last ten years (up to 2020) ...

... Will be burned in the decade leading up to 2030.

Exponential growth in an already collapsing ecosystem (infrastructure). Doubling and doubling again in increasingly reduced timescales.

Already too late. And still exponential growth in emissions. And already forty years too fucking late!

Fuck off! I mean really, really, really ... Fuck off!

Wake up!

Or don't.

It doesn't really matter either way. It's far, FAR too late now. Far too late.

"When the Truth offends, we lie and lie, until we can no longer remember it is even there.

But it is still there.

And every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth.

Sooner or later, that debt is paid."

Unfortunately, our debt is long, long overdue. The accumulating interest is exponentially out of control. Soon our debt will be paid. And it will be the end of civilised society.

I guess we had a good run.

(* I owe an answer on this point to NoXion so ..... I'm aware that I'm biased and hysterical and that I catastrophise and exaggerate and bitch and moan and - thankfully - that my audience is infinitesimally tiny, it won't have much of an impact.

And I'd be the last one to say; It's too late already, why bother doing anything? Although I do recognise this rabbit hole that NoXion, correctly, illuminates for us - it may provoke people into saying: It's too late, there's no point!

So, to be perfectly clear, I'm more the kind of cunt belonging to the school of screaming from the rooftops: It's already too late you fuckers, do EVERYTHING NOW. NOW! ... I mean fucking NOW! Right fucking NOW! NOW! NOW! EVERYTHING! NOW! Rather than the: It's too late do nothing, school.

But point well made and graciously taken NoXion. Thank you.)

Anyhooooo ...

I think Bella and I have finally managed to beat down and subdue the evil, marauding, Orc-Leprechaun invasion - at least for another week.

It may look dead on the sofa right now but, trust me, it'll come to life again at some point - like the dank, dark Zombie that it is and always was.

It took fourteen litres of ammo to subdue the beast - and, by Christ, Bella and I took half of that as incoming! We're in bad shape too!

That said, the seven-hour musical backdrop was both exquisite and fucking sublime tonight - here's just a flavour of it for you below. An hour of the most delightful of:

"Chilgressive Trance, Psychill, Downtempo, Electronica".

It feels very, very, very fucking good right now! ;)

Anyway. Stay safe peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Keep thinking.

Rest well.


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For Thursday 3rd March 2022.

52,500 new cases (the limit of PCR testing; there are [tens of?] 000s still to be processed - plus many 00s of 000s of home RAT tests; not yet counted at all).

188 deaths. And, again and inevitably, mostly the unvaccinated elderly.

For two years, between Jan 2020 and Dec 2021, we had a total of 213 deaths, virtually none of which occurred during 2021. We largely (and creditably,) held COVID at bay.

There has now been a cumulative 1,340 deaths since the 'Omicron Wave' started (first positive case @ 6th Jan).

Most concerning right now, is the state of Residential Care Homes (RCH), both Elderly (RCHE) and Disabled (RCHD). As well as what's happening in prisons.

There are 755 RCH with outbreaks of COVID.

72% of RCHE have outbreaks, with 9,800 residents infected (that's 13% of ALL RCHE residents).
2,850 RCHE staff are infected (that's 9.5% of ALL RCHE staff - although those leaving their jobs in droves are likely not considered in this calculation).

60% of RCHD have outbreaks, with 3,100 residents infected (that's 17% of ALL RCHD residents).
1,030 RCHD staff are infected (that's 9.8% of ALL RCHD staff - and again, the exodus of staff via resignation is likely excluded).

Staff shortages are far worse than reflected above. The Chief Executive of one group of RCH (and member of the Elderly Commission,) says the industry believes that ALL RCH now have outbreaks.

Approximately 90% of RCH residents are either unvaccinated or only have one, recent, SinoVac jab. Most are still unvaccinated.

The carnage has begun.

There are more than 1,000 cases across various prisons - the increase is exponential.

Hospitals are running low on oxygen supplies.

And what is the government focused on? Shipping in tens of thousands of mainlanders. Building tens of thousands of cells in camps. Lots of money to be made for mainland firms for facilities that will (mostly,) never be used for pandemic purposes. This wave will peak anyway in the next seven days or so and then fall away steeply and fairly rapidly decline. Around 3 - 4 million will have been infected (and the overwhelming majority recovered,) by mid/end May 2022.

Still no word on the impending Lockdowns and Compulsory Universal Nucleic Testing (CUNT). (Okay, I admit it, I added the "Nucleic".)

But there are still ongoing overnight (or 2,3,5 day,) Lockdowns of Residential Tower Blocks across various districts every night, usually affecting between ten and twenty thousand people at a time - and generally turning up positive case rates of between 10% and 20% of residents (these are now conducted by residents queuing up outside and being swabbed by Healthcare Personnel to then immediately test using Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs, not HAMSTERs!).

Most supermarkets still being stripped bare daily; wet and fresh markets struggling too. Price rises are across the board and off the scale in some product lines.

What's next Xinnie? What's next?

Be safe peeps. Be well. Be kind. Be nice to each other.

Come Bells. Enough's enough.

It's not just frontline healthcare workers that feel this way about the Dynamic Zero nonsense.

(N.B. Typo in 3rd last paragraph. 'developing' should read "developed", as per Bloomberg reference. [Although sometimes ... ].)

Some details for 4th March 2022.

37,500 positive PCR tests (still a backlog waiting for processing and still many hundreds of thousands of positive RAT tests waiting to be recorded).

220 deaths.

In Residential Care Homes (RCHE & RCHD) - 14,300 positive residents and 4,200 staff, across 590 Homes (@ 70% of total homes).

These homes are where the majority of deaths have come from and where, fucking sadly, the majority of deaths will come from going forward. Looking at the numbers already infected, it's hard to see our hospital system - in any way - coping with the flood of very sick, elderly patients heading its way over the next 2 - 3 weeks.

I'm frightened. This could be worse than I imagined. A complete system failure is a very real prospect. The knock-on effects catastrophic.

We've always (rightly,) been proud of our Emergency Ambulance Service. Consistently achieving response times of @ 90% in nine minutes and @ 95% in twelve minutes - for decades. (Astonishing when the geography, topography, localised population densities, and housing stock are considered.)

Many people are currently waiting between 24 and 36 hours for an ambulance after dialing '999'.

We're conducting more Lockdown & Test operations across the region, where prior sewage testing has identified likely outbreaks.

There's one housing estate, Tak Long Estate in Kowloon City, with nine "Houses" (that's 9 X 40 storey Tower blocks), with (as far as I can ascertain,) @ 25,000 - 30,000 residents in total.

Since the 1st of March 2022, all nine have now been locked down for up to three days for compulsory (RAT) testing. The last three Houses were locked down today (6th March).

Below are the %age of residents in the first six Houses that have tested positive (results for the last three due tomorrow).

Tak Sui House - 12.6%
Tak Loong House - 14.3%
Tak Ying House - 17.96%
Tak Kei House - 16.36%
Tak Shan House - 13.92%
Tak Cheung House - 22.12%

Considering each House will have up to 3,000 residents, well, you get the picture.

(One block in another housing estate came in at 23.2% positive.)

To what extent these infections occurred through inter-flat-transmission via drainage, via common areas/lifts/etc. or via wider community routes remains unclear.

Government ministers look like a bury/warren/flick of rabbits caught in the headlights, as they make increasingly unhinged statements.

Policy consists of running in all directions; headless chickens flapping of wings and clucking: "Dynamic-Zero! Dynamic-Zero! Dynamic-Zero!"

I'm tempted to intone the old British saying of: "Events. Dear boy. Events!"

The next week to 10 days are going to be interesting (brutal, confusing, horrifying, disastrous, damaging, destructive, ..., ..., ...).

This is surely a smart move by the authorities.

Dusting off the riot police to haul people away to isolation camps and enforce LockDowns.

Yup, that'll definitely engender the confidence of the populous and trust in the govt.

For sure.

This is surely a smart move by the authorities.

Dusting off the riot police to haul people away to isolation camps and enforce LockDowns.

Yup, that'll definitely engender the confidence of the populous and trust in the govt.

For sure.


Hong Kong - bringing the paranoid imaginings of Western anti-vaxxers to life.
For the 5th of March 2022.

31,000 new positive cases by PCR. Usual cautions apply.

Why lower cases for the last two days, have we peaked? In my view, not yet. It's the "weekend effect" and the fact that people are increasingly shunning PCR-testing-centres, in favour of taking RATs at home and, if positive, sitting tight and waiting for the reporting website to finally go live. Let's see.

233 deaths (likely under-reported due to weekend effect, let's see Mon and Tue).

In Residential Care Homes (RCH), the total number of infections is now:

875 Homes with outbreaks - 73.5% of total Homes.
16,800 residents are positive.
4,820 staff are positive.

Broken down by Elderly Homes (RCHE) and Disabled Homes (RCHD):

662 RCHE with outbreaks - 83% of total RCHE.
13,000 residents are positive.
3,450 staff are positive.

213 RCHD with outbreaks - 63.6% of total RCHD.
3,800 residents are positive.
1,370 staff are positive.

All indications are that it's going to be Dynamic-Zero000000 COVID ... To spaaaaace!

Hong Kong - bringing the paranoid imaginings of Western anti-vaxxers to life.

Made me laugh Yoss. (Which, even if tinged with a nervous cynicism in these times, can only be a good thing.)

But, yeah.

While some in the west are screaming that "Masks are worse than Hitler!".

Here in Hong Kong, the mood is more along the lines of "Oh fuck! Please! Make Orwell fiction again!"

Humanity is experiencing (the beginnings of) an emerging seismic disruption and dislocation, the likes of which has never occurred in living memory.

In East Asia, we've been on the frontlines for the last three decades.

We've been trying to alert Europe that it's coming their way too.

Nobody was listening. Reality TV is more important and the importance of reality is muted.

Oh well.

Beware The Ides of March.

Just a month ago, in her attempts to justify the measures taken that are totally fucking up Hong Kong society, our leader assured us that these harsh restrictions were absolutely necessary in order to protect our elderly.

Carrie Lam uttered that immortal phrase (and I quote):

"I could not stand seeing a lot of old people dying in my hospitals."

Yeah? How's it going in your hospitals, Carrie?

Next, you'll be telling us you threw a "protective ring" around your Residential Care Homes for the Elderly, right Carrie?

What a bunch of fucking cunts!

Put your lights on peeps.

Put your lights on, all you children,
Put your lights on, put your lights on,

'Cos there's a monster, living under my bed,
And it's a'whispering in my ear,
And there's an Angel, with her hand on my head,
And she say I got nothing to fear.

So ...

All you lovers,
All you winners,
All you losers,
All you sinners,
All you children,

Put your lights on.

Put your lights on.

And keep thinking.

There is no easy way out.

And there's a darkness, living deep in our soul,
Still got a purpose to serve.

So let your let shine, deep into our hole,
And we don't wanna lose our nerve,

Put your lights on,
Put your lights on.

'Cos there's a monster!

Keep thinking peeps.


Forgive me peeps.

I've run out of money.

I'm in the process of losing my home.

It really hurts. I thought I'd live here 'til I died. Looks like that's not to be.

Disruption and homelessness, once again, is coming my way. As ever.

Such is life. Same as it ever was. It still hurts.

I don't know how to start again from nothing.

I have no choice. All is lost. There are no good outcomes.

It hurts.

I will start again if I can.

I'm not sure I'll survive long enough to try.

It doesn't matter though, I'm sure there's something mesmerising on the telly, right?

Fare well peeps, wherever you fare. Life is more fragile than you can imagine.

Stay strong. Be careful. Check yourself. Be wise. Time has run out.

Solidarity! I wish I could still stand with you.

I fear I cannot. Time has run out for me.



All my best wishes to you.

There's a crack in the ice,
And it's coming after me,
Coming after you!

I am well sedated and permanently sick,
I'm under control, under control,
I don't care too much if I win,
Or if I get tricked.

By you.

Listen carefully peeps.

You'll see what's coming next.

What's coming next.

Listen carefully peeps.

Keep thinking.

Good luck.

Good bye.


"Censored by the CCP"

You dirty, filthy, greedy, corrupt, murderous, Mafia, fucking Cunts!


Sorry. I disagree with everything in this post and in this thread. My account was hacked. I said nothing. It should have been censored.



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