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Hong Kong: what next?

I was just wondering if this is going to add to the economic fallout from the sanctions on Russia.

Here you go ...

... Read the whole thread again. It's free for anyone. And thanks to treelover, and all, for making it clear - as I hope I have in my last few posts. I've tried to.

So ...

... Heh!

That'll be GBP 500:00 please. I have a dog that needs to visit a veterinary surgeon - and I'm fucking broke!

Thank you in advance.

Stop Talking Help Us Get Ready.

C'mon Bells. Love 'em and leave 'em.

Be well peeps.


We just had a short (few seconds,) earthquake.

I heard the vague rumbling/rattling and felt the shaking.

They're rare here. At this intensity, we only have them about every seven or ten years.

No damage in the village (as far as I know,) but several families woken at 2:30am.

Fuck that for a game of soldiers!

Watch the stock markets tomorrow. This is already priced in before Asia opens.

Beware the Ides of March peeps!

Come Bella - rock me gently to sleep in the sweet wee aftershocks.

Keep your wits about you peeps. This Tsunami is unlike others.



I was just wondering if this is going to add to the economic fallout from the sanctions on Russia.

Get ready!

(You owe me at least a fiver now! right? You've had fair warning. You'll profit from it. Fair's fair, right?)

Be nice to each other peeps.

Hold tight to each other.

Be true. Be firm. Stand.

Get some good sleep.

We're gonna need it.

And breathe.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.

The equivalent deaths for the UK would be @ 18,000 per week. For the US, 88,000 per week.

Think about that for a moment please. Exercise you arithmetical capacity.

The deaths in this wave started on 10/02/22.

As of 13/03/22 there are more than 4,000.

Daily New Tested Positive Cases from 10 Feb 2022:

986, 1325, 1514, 1347, 2071, 1619, 4285, 6116, 3629, 6063, 6067, 7553, 6211, 8674, 8798, 10010, 17063, 26026, 34466, 32597, 55353, 56827, 52523, 37529, 31008, 25150, 30493, 58757, 31402, 29381, 27647, 32430, 26908 (on 13th March 2020). (The drop also reflects the under-reporting of home tests - peeps don't want to be locked up in a camp.)

Daily New Reported deaths from 10 Feb 2022:

1, 2, 3, 0, c4, 0, 9, 2, 15, 14, 16, 32, 43, 67, 59, 88, 110, 124, 172, 160, 186, 188, 220, 233, 280, 291, 291, 281, 294, 285, 264, 286 (on 13th March 2022).

Exponential growth is a funny thing - especially with a COVID variant that has a short incubation period and doubles every 3 - 4 days.

This is from a couple of days ago (so data relevant up to 11/03/22):

Deaths by age:

0-17: 5

18-59: 156 (4.4%)

Almost every single death under 60 years old had severe underlying conditions, some multiple. The majority were living in care homes.

60+: 3,351 (95.3%)

80+: 2,459 (70%)

Median age: 85.

89.5% not fully vaccinated (zero or one dose).

80+: 91.4% not fully vaccinated (zero or one dose).

Case Fatality Rates:

Overall CFR - fully vaccinated (2+ doses): 0.08%

Overall CFR - not fully vaccinated (zero or one dose): 1.92%

CFR in 80+ age group - 12.5%.

91.4% of age 80+ deaths are not fully vaccinated.

Omicron is almost as infectious as measles (the most infectious virus known).

It's sweep through society is swift, brutal and fatal (especially in naive, vulnerable cohorts).

And we haven't even heard about the notion of "Long Covid" in Hong Kong yet!

And still we build camps to house tens of thousands.

The future is bright. The future is on fire!

Be kind peeps.

Albert Einstein was born today.

14th of March 1879.

He was a bright spark too.

Keep thinking peeps. 🐬

Be nice to each other.

Well ...

If/when I test positive, I'll be keeping quiet and staying at home (not that I ever go out anyway - unless to get vaxxed). Just like most sensible people.

One study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong suggests that 5 million have already been infected since the beginning of Feb 2022.

The University of Hong Kong thinks we're at about 3 million now.

Our population is @ 7.5 million.

The government won't comment on that.

When asked at press conferences, officials just keep waffling nonsense. Meanwhile, they are still rapidly building "Isolation" camps and shipping-in thousands of mainlanders to police them.

The (soundless,) video is worth three minutes of your time. These are just two of the dozens of camps currently being built.

And there are THREE beds in each 160 sq ft "cell". Expected capacity will be over 100,000 within the next couple of months.

And they'll all be staffed by mainland security personnel.

I get the feeling that this isn't really about the virus any more.

Vast isolation facilities keep admitting new patients despite drop in Covid infections in Hong Kong​

Sun, 13 March 2022, 12:00 am

Drone footage shot on 12 March showed the vast scale of two of Hong Kong's temporary Covid isolation centres. Despite a recent fall in infection numbers, every day sees new people being brought to the so-called 'community isolation facilities' and more deaths, particularly amongst the elderly, who are less vaccinated in Hong Kong than in other parts of the world. The isolation facilities shown were both built by mainland Chinese company China State Construction in record time. They are made of prefabricated buildings and have shared toilets and showers. The first half of the clip shows one facility in San Tin, near the mainland China border. The second part shows one in Tsing Yi. Covid patients with mild or no symptoms can be seen gathering in the alleys of the centre, while staff in PPE walk around or stand guard. In initial communications, the Hong Kong government said going to the toilet was subject to permission but it seems to have relented on that idea, judging by the carefree attitude of the detainees.

Wotcha gonna do eh, big boy? What's next? Wotcha gonna do?

Come dog. We're good for tonight.

It was only a 4.1 - just a wee shudder; a tremor. Nothing to lose sleep over.

The Daya Bay nuclear plant in Shenzhen is almost 50 miles away! Hardly next door, is it? What could possibly go wrong?

Very good explainer on the COVID situation in Hong Kong, from John Burn-Murdoch at the FT.

The chart shows how Omicron took off at the same time in Hong Kong and New Zealand - case numbers soared in unison.

Deaths in New Zealand, however, have barely risen (they have a little and will a little more over time,) whereas in Hong Kong, deaths have taken off, rocket ship style.

The main difference (there are other impacts too, but none are anything like so important,) is the percentage of the elderly population that is fully vaccinated.

It's criminal what's happening in Hong Kong.

Numbers reported on the 15th March 2022.

Data up until 14th.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.


I'm beyond angry.

And meanwhile, the CCP takeover is almost complete across, throughout and within every fragment of Hong Kong Society; every element of every part of every community is infiltrated and subsumed and subdued. Nobody can speak out. Nobody!

And now, China owns Russia (and through it, every influence Russia has - everywhere,) and will do for the next few decades.

And there's a war in Europe. Backed by China.

And this will all, obviously, end well, surely, right?

And the Hang Seng collapsed by a further 6% today, on top of yesterday's 5% plunge.

And it was already 29C here today (albeit at lowish humidity). An early spring, for some reason, after the harshest winter for decades.

Things are certainly warming up. Is there something wrong with the global climate system? Surely not!

Take care of each other peeps.

Think you've had enough?
Stop talking. Help us get ready!

And get a dog.

Bed Bella?

I guess this answers my question the other day.

Your question was already answered here, many days - even weeks - ago. Long before you asked it.

And yet you've still not addressed my question as to why you ask. Where are your interests?

Why are you interested in potential future supply chain disruptions? What's your interest?

"Just want to know", doesn't cut it. Where does your prophet lie? ;)

Forgive my suspicion. I don't know your pedigree.

Anyway, you're welcome. Enjoy your advantage.

But you still owe me a fiver, right? Fair's fair!

Cash is okay. No VAT either way!

The Ides of March are here.

Profound, fundamental, deep, disruptive and long-lasting changes are already baked in.

The rest is fluff. We had the chance. We chose greed and stupidity over love and truth.

We all sold out.

Are you lonely now?
Are you angry too inside?
Are you happy now?
Are you satisfied?
Are you happy now?
Did you get what you wanted?

Four and a half minutes of vintage nonsense from @ 1978 (volume up!) - it takes me back!

Rest well peeps. Be nice to each other.

Are you happy now?
Did you get what you wanted?

Bed dog? It's far too late again.

Blessings one and all. ;) :)

Think peeps.

Reported on 16/03/22.

A backlog of 185,000 positive RAT tests, self-administered at home and uploaded to the govt. website, has been logged into the system.

And finally! A "stay at home", option has been added to the self-reporting website, for those asymptomatic or with mild symptoms (and their household must quarantine at home too).

I know a family of five (wife, husband, their 2 year old boy, hubbies older brother and mother,) that have all been cooped-up together for the last three weeks in a tiny flat as they, sequentially, passed the virus to each other. By the time the last one tests negative twice, 24hours apart, they'll have been there for at least a month before they can emerge. Thankfully (to scientists and their vaccines,) they all had mild symyptoms and are doing relatively well - but it's been traumatising for the whole family.

HKU's latest modelling (8th revision,) suggests that as many as many as 4.8 million (and likely at least 4 million,) have been infected.

For the first time, government officials are accepting that the estimates coming from our universities are "not unreasonable".

Deaths are at a very, very, high plateau. There's no real directional indication yet. I fear we're far from done.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.
15/03/22 - 278.

4,633 people died from Covid (BA.2) in the last five weeks. The highest weekly death rate, for any country, at any time, since the pandemic began.

We ran out of coffins a few days ago. More are being shipped in by sea from the mainland.

Half of our hospitals were routinely operating, for years - decades - at more than 100% of bed-capacity, year round. The other half at 90% - 100%. Winters are always very hard.

As one of our public health experts spelled out a few weeks ago: "Our hospitals are like sandcastles in a tsunami".

An entirely preventable social and economic catastrophe of epic proportions. Our dedicated, committed, hard working, heroic, healthcare workers have been pushed so far beyond their limits, that it amounts to exploitation and abuse of the absolutely worst kind. Disgusting.

A complete failure of government. A system-wide-collapse, with knock-on effects impacting every aspect of society.

With no mechanism told hold anybody accountable to the people. For anything. At any time. For ever.

And, day by day by day, the CCP continues to tighten its grip.

Be well peeps. Be safe. Be nice to each other.

For a comparison ...

UK government spends @ GBP 3,800 per capita per annum for public healthcare in London (the UK average is @ GBP 3,300/capita/annum).

Hong Kong government total healthcare spending (for everything,) has been about GBP 1,300 per capita for the last decade or so.




Principles of Lust.

"The Principles of Lust,
Are easy to understand,
Do what you feel,
And feel until the end.

The Principles of Lust,
Are burned in your mind,
Do what you want,
And do it until you find ...

... Love."

Rest well peeps.

Come Bella.

Beaches in Hong Kong have been shut down again after outraged mainlanders spread photos of people at HK beaches on social media. I guess that's as close as democracy as HK is likely to get for now - people can't choose their leaders or hold protests, but action might be taken if enough shitheads on Weibo complain about something.

Reported on 17/03/22.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.
15/03/22 - 278.
16/03/22 - 289.


It's a fucking bloodbath. A new tourism slogan is in order perhaps: "Hong Kong, world beating at preventable slaughter!"

Thank goodness that we now, finally, have a "Patriots Only" CCP-system-government.

Life is far, far better for the average Hongkonger now, right, surely?

With the "Staunch Support of the Central Government", what could possibly go wrong?

Everybody! One and all! All and sundry! All! ALL! ALL HAIL THE CCP!

(And, at the same time, watch the numbers from mainland China.)

(But don't necessarily always believe them!)

(Edit: 'Cause it's March, not February.)

Be well peeps.

Last edited:
Beaches in Hong Kong have been shut down again after outraged mainlanders spread photos of people at HK beaches on social media. I guess that's as close as democracy as HK is likely to get for now - people can't choose their leaders or hold protests, but action might be taken if enough shitheads on Weibo complain about something.

View attachment 314710


Come on!

Surely Honkongers are merely bad people with too much freedom; Too simple! Sometimes naive! Right?

It's just a "Cultural" thing that's happening in Hong Kong, right now. After all, we're all Chinese, Right?

Not a "Revolution" of any sort surely. At all. At all. At all. Right? Right?

Because a "Cultural Revolution" might be bad thing, right?


Reported 19/03/22.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.
15/03/22 - 278.
16/03/22 - 289.
17/03/22 - 265.
18/03/22 - 249.

Since this wave took off, in early February 2022, we now officially have more than a million positive tests. Five weeks ago, on the 10th of February, fewer than 1,000 tested positive. On the 18th of February, 3,629 tested positive.

All of our scientists are generally agreeing that infections have peaked and are currently around four million.

This has happened in little more than a month.

Since the first death in this wave on the 10th of February (there were still just 14 deaths on the 18th of February,) there have now been at least 5,640 COVID deaths.

This has happened in little more than a month.

There were, cumulatively, fewer than 100 deaths up until the 21st of February.

More than 5,500 have just died in under a month (equivalent to @ 49,500 in the UK or @ 242,000 in the US).

I fear we still have an additional 3,000 or 4,000 deaths to come - already baked in.

Worst case scenario (although tangibly and chillingly realistic), leaves the death toll by the 19th of April topping 10,000.

That would be the equivalent of @ 90,000+ deaths in the UK or @ 440,000+ deaths in the US - in the space of two months.

Virtually. All. Of. Them. Entirely. Avoidable.

Consensus among our scientists now projects that around/over five million will have been infected by the end of April (almost 70% of the population).

And by then, the Test Trace Isolate machine will have been cranked up again and the prison camps filled. And the Security Bureau decides who will go.

I blame the Arab-East German Nihilists.

Stay safe peeps.

Come Bells.


Meanwhile ...

... We've decided to further subdue and terrorise the populace by going full-on Xinjiang stylee.

Police Commissioner Raymond Siu has called on members of the public to take part in anti-terrorism drills.

"Just in case there's a terrorist attack in a shopping centre, the security guards also have a role to play in it," Siu said.

"We hope to promote a whole-of-community approach in countering terrorism. When you see anything, anyone suspicious, report to us."

Siu also said the force will further enhance intelligence gathering, adding that they have received some 210,000 tip-offs since the launch of the national security hotline in November 2020.

Happy fucking days.

C'mon Bella.

Sleep girl.

The Times have reported on this.

Patients share wards with dead in body bags in Hong Kong Covid crisis

paywall busted - archive.ph

Doesn't really go into much detail about the background. (Is that the right word?)

This is from a woman who lives there. More detailed -

Here in Hong Kong, Covid has surged and we’ve run out of coffins. Please learn from our mistakes | Ilaria Maria Sala

For most of the past two years, no more than four people could meet up in public; now that number is two. It has been difficult to disentangle the measures taken to prevent illness from those taken to prevent political protests – and this mix has bred a toxic mistrust.

So-called “ambush lockdowns” happen regularly, when all of a sudden entire residential blocks are cut off and reopened only when everyone inside has been tested.

All of this was the price to pay in pursuit of “zero Covid”. It was tough, but the numbers were kept low. The absence of an exit strategy, however, has made the economic cost painfully high, with businesses going under and one-way departures from the city becoming a heartbreaking norm.
Well ...

Despite my prescience of Putin's impending invasion of Ukraine, my prediction of Kyiv's falling before the Ides of March was - obviously and spectacularly - entirely misguided.

There's no doubt that I (among others,) hugely underestimated the resolve, fortitude, resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people.

I fear, however, that the punishment they are suffering for their defiance will escalate in parallel with Putin's increasing desperation.

It's a dark dark time. Putin must be stopped. Must be stopped. Must be stopped.

Back in Hong Kong ...

Tim Hamlett is always eloquent and often insightful.

Meanwhile ...

Reported on 20/03/22.

Covid-19 deaths.

07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.
15/03/22 - 278.
16/03/22 - 289.
17/03/22 - 265.
18/03/22 - 249.
19/03/22 - 246.

Let's hope we're over the peak in deaths.

Unfortunately there will still be a high plateau for a few days, at least, before any real signs of a decline emerge (e.g. below 200/day, then below 150/day, then 100/day, 50/day, etc.).

Deaths first broke 100 a day on 26/02/22 (at 110,) and then rapidly escalated to over 200 a day by 04/03/22, before peaking at 294 a day on 10/03/22 and then only slowly declining to 246 a day on 19/03/22.

There's more carnage to come. Omicron is swift, brutal and deadly. Vaccines MUST be distributed and administered globally at rapid speed.

Omicron will return once this wave has past. It's hyper-infectious. A nasty piece of work. Deadly among the un(der)vaccinated elderly.

Other variants will inevitably emerge too. Potentially worse variants. Virulent and deadly. SARS-CoV2 is far from done with us yet.

Let's hope that the emerging mRNA technology progresses rapidly too. It also looks to be potentially promising in other illnesses.

And all hail the fucking scientists! Fucking heroines and heroes! The researchers. The lab-techs. Each and every one of them!

And let's start preparing for the next, different, viral pandemic. The Big One is heading our way and will strike without warning.

We got lucky this time (except for the unvaccinated). Available vaccines MUST be swiftly administered globally - for FREE!

Vaccinating everybody worldwide before the end of this year is essential. Free of charge to all recipients. It's ESSENTIAL!

Stay safe peeps. Remember ... Be nice to each other.

And keep thinking! 🐬

Come Belladog.

Enough now.

Reported on 21/03/22.

Daily Covid-19 deaths.

17/02/22 - 2.
18/02/22 - 15.
19/02/22 - 14.
20/02/22 - 16.
21/02/22 - 32.
22/02/22 - 43.
23/02/22 - 67.
24/02/22 - 59.
25/02/22 - 88.
26/02/22 - 110.
27/02/22 - 124.
28/02/22 - 172.
01/03/22 - 160.
02/03/22 - 186.
03/02/22 - 188.
04/03/22 - 220.
05/03/22 - 233.
06/03/22 - 280.
07/03/22 - 291.
08/03/22 - 291.
09/03/22 - 281.
10/03/22 - 294.
11/03/22 - 285.
12/03/22 - 264.
13/03/22 - 286.
14/03/22 - 289.
15/03/22 - 278.
16/03/22 - 289.
17/03/22 - 265.
18/03/22 - 249.
19/03/22 - 246.
20/03/22 - 223.

That's 5,840 deaths in 31 days. A calendar month. (Equiv' UK = @ 52,000. Equiv' US = @ 250,000. In a fucking month!)

It went from 2 deaths a day to over 200 deaths a day in, fifteen days.

It peaked at 294 deaths a day, six days later.

It's taken an additional ten days to taper back to under 220 daily deaths.

The sudden collapse of the hospital system has already precipitated hundreds (if not thousands,) of other, avoidable, non-Covid deaths.

The knock-on social and economic impacts have been life-changingly and irrecoverably catastrophic for tens of thousands of families.

Many hundreds of thousands of people have suffered severely. Many of them very severely.

Millions have been negatively impacted. Some mildly so, others much more so.

And for what? For what? For what? Really! For what? What the fuck?

And that's just us here in tiny little, incy wincy, old Hong Kong.

And yet, the CCP has barely just got fucking started!

There must be a better way. Surely?

Look after each other peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Come Bells.

Let's rest.

For a comparison ...

UK government spends @ GBP 3,800 per capita per annum for public healthcare in London (the UK average is @ GBP 3,300/capita/annum).

Hong Kong government total healthcare spending (for everything,) has been about GBP 1,300 per capita for the last decade or so.



Worth thinking about investing in public health probably.

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