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Have you spent time in Russia or Ukraine?

Have you spent time in Russia/Ukraine?

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No, but ten years ago, I was supposed to go to an international conference in Yalta. Sadly, I had to pull out last minute :(
I had 4 days in Moscow in November 1998…during a currency crisis, as it happens. They were in the process of taking the red stars off the top of the Kremlin.
never. Union rep I used to work with in the late 70s used to go on holiday there. He said they'd be sat on a beach and when Russians heard he was English they'd come across to him and say "Bob-by ChArl-tOn" and shake his hand and he'd reply "LEv Yash-In" and they'd get on famously.
I've been through Ukraine on a sleeper train. I remember the border guards coming through the train - it was all a bit of a novelty for them as it wasn't long after the end of the USSR. Then I fell asleep before Kharkiv, and remember someone checking the train wheels with a hammer in the middle of the night but that's about it.
Went on a school trip to Moscow and Leningrad in 1986. A couple of us 'bigger boys' were allowed to go even though we'd left school a couple of years earlier and were thought to be responsible. :D

Amazing trip.

The 'furry hat men' who wanted Beatles tapes, Levis and US Dollars bugging us all the time.

The friendly people.

Minus 28 in the evening. It was February. :eek:

Open air swimming in Moscow, that was insane.

The architecture.

The look on the guide's face when we all got off the coach and started snowball fighting.

Empty Gum department store in Moscow.

Lining up to see Lenin and trying not to laugh shuffling past him.

The crowds of people gathered round a Lada with every '70s optional extra stuck on it and the police having to move them on.

The Moscow underground.

Meeting a class of Moscow schoolkids and talking about the East/West.

Plus so much more, an incredible week away.

The only picture I have on my tablet are my two 'erbert mates in their '80s casual finery outside the British Embassy in Moscow. :D


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