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Have you had the vaccine WITH POLL

Have you had your first Covid jab?

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Exciting news...Eduardo Paes, governor of Rio de Janeiro state, has published a vaccination programme. I'm 53 and my day is 22nd June for the first dose, probably AZ (I think I'd prefer that over the Chinese one). I just hope they keep to the timetable, and I'll be ready to stand in line at 0500 on the big day!
As there's only about 50 'NO' voters left now...

If you're tagged there, you voted No. But I reckon there's a fair chance some of you have had the vaccine by now, so if you could change your vote to a Yes that would be lovely.

I await 47 people shouting "No I still haven't you twat". So be creative at least if you do that.
As there's only about 50 'NO' voters left now...

If you're tagged there, you voted No. But I reckon there's a fair chance some of you have had the vaccine by now, so if you could change your vote to a Yes that would be lovely.

I await 47 people shouting "No I still haven't you twat". So be creative at least if you do that.
Think you can only tag 10 people per post.
Does your 'everyone on here' just mean Urban under-forties?

A significant number here have reported low-to-no side effects from AZ worth bothering about, but possibly those people are only those more elderly than 40?
On this thread, 76% of people who had AZ reported side effects, and from the descriptions people posted, some of them were quite unpleasant. Most of those people who have voted are over 40, both because urban doesn't have many young posters left, and also because not many under 40s have had AZ yet anyway.

Seeing as I'm a young 'un who's being offered alternatives to AZ, I'd prefer to have one that's got fewer side effects reported.
On this thread, 76% of people who had AZ reported side effects, and from the descriptions people posted, some of them were quite unpleasant. Most of those people who have voted are over 40, both because urban doesn't have many young posters left, and also because not many under 40s have had AZ yet anyway.

Seeing as I'm a young 'un who's being offered alternatives to AZ, I'd prefer to have one that's got fewer side effects reported.

That's fair enough -- if I was a young'un coming up to my first jab, I'd probably say exactly the same.

I did say a little while after my first jab (March 11th, AZ) that I felt lucky to escape with almost no side effects.

As for the figures you mention above (thanks fior the reminder!) that's fair enough too, but I was just objecting to/questioning the 'everybody' in your previous post really.

I accept that 24% is a minority, but that minority on here isn't that insignifivsant a figure.

</takes pedant's hat off :p >
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I don't know what to think about this but I have now had two AstraZeneca jabs, the nurse administering the second seemed pretty convinced that I would get some side effects from it but no just like the first one absolutely no side effects at all.
No need to worry about it - not everyone gets side effects from the vaccines (or any drug for that matter). I had none apart from a minor sore arm (Pfizer).
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