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Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

Each issue of Private Eye has a column called "rotten boroughs". What I've learnt this week about RBKC would fill up a whole book.
Can you cut and paste examples?
As much as I like Private Eye I'm not paying a penny to an Etonian!
Your point 11 isn't true. GAG didn't complain about the cladding. Hardly anyone seems to have known exactly what the cladding was until this week. Until after it went up like a firework as shown by the mobile phone footage (which surely should at least end these ridiculous 'if the cladding had anything to do with it' doubts).

As Gramsci pointed out earlier, and put succinctly

And you can add power surges to that...
Power surges that might have caused the fire, potentially...
OK have edited a lot: anyone fancy rewording it instead of just moaning - go ahead
I'd have to check, but I am reasonably sure that the LALOs train and liaise with their counterparts in the emergency services quite a lot so I'd be amazed if the council's response failed because of them.

I would be much less amazed if it transpires that the council's response failed because the senior council types quibbled over, or couldn't provide, the amount of support the LALO called for. Given how they have behaved since (especially if these claims about them rehoming people out of London are true), I think quibbling is the more likely.
Agreed on the quality of most staff in this field: it's how many LALOs had they got and if they were full time or double hatting. As you say its more likely there was a lack of buy in at member and senior manager level. Did they take it seriously? How many directors or above had been on the Multi Agency Gold Incident Command Course (MAGIC) or been to the Emergency Planning College? how many members had had any training or played in exercises?
If this disaster is what it takes to reverse the blatant classism of the present UK situation and install a socialist led government then so be it.

Well no, it doesn't, not if it's built on bullshit and not the facts of it. No. Stop it.
This woman is outstanding. She's calm, rational and extremely knowledgeable. She speaks for 7 minutes and there isn't a wasted word in there. Easily the best thing I've seen on this so far. Thanks for posting.

It's Pilgrim Tucker - myself and Mation went to school with her - she's a community coordinator for Unite and was working with the Grenfell action group, organising and campaigning, along with the multitude of other campaigns she's involved with.
Well no, it doesn't, not if it's built on bullshit and not the facts of it. No. Stop it.
I'm obviously not intentionally building on bullshit. I'm refuting as best I can the lies of the EDL/Britain First cunts.

Of course you could always let them take the narrative instead...

literally everyone in the world thinks those tossers are inhuman scum PK. they aren't 'taking the narrative'.

You aren't reading the FB pages of the right wing press. They are desperate to divert Grenfell attention away from tory scum.
That's it - shut your eyes, sing "lalala" and pretend it isn't happening... great approach...
What do you think you're achieving by giving that hate-filled shit further publicity by re-posting their poison on here?
I'm not unaware that they exist, but after a few attempts to argue with people on stormfront decided it wasn't best use of time.
What do you think you're achieving by giving that hate-filled shit further publicity by re-posting their poison on here?
I'm not unaware that they exist, but after a few attempts to argue with people on stormfront decided it wasn't best use of time.
I'm not encouraging anyone to argue with the cunts. I'm just pointing out - these fuckers have an agenda and they are all over news media (both left & right leaning) and their "facts" need refuting. Otherwise, they get away with it, and daft twats might believe it. This is how Trump got elected - simpletons and media bullshit.
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I'm not encouraging anyone to argue with the cunts. I'm just pointing out - these fuckers have an agenda and they are all over news media (both left & right leaning) and their "facts" need refuting. Otherwise, they get away with it, and daft twats might believe it.

No-one is believing those people. If anything, their "facts" are helping to expose those people for what they are.
I'm not encouraging anyone to argue with the cunts. I'm just pointing out - these fuckers have an agenda and they are all over news media (both left & right leaning) and their "facts" need refuting. Otherwise, they get away with it, and daft twats might believe it.

It's a cesspit, you just end up drowning in shite. There are no "facts" in those places that you can refute. It's industrial bullshit.
This twat Paget-Brown seems in total denial about how useless his council has been in reacting to this situation.

* Interview on BBC News.
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