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Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

There always inevitably must be a tolerance to fatal failure, but it's really, really low these days. Spectacular coincidence kind of low, not just "whoops there was a major flaw that killed everyone, sorry about that" low. We're not living in the days of that Ford car that had its fuel tank in the bumper.

Yeah, it discussed the premise of Low probability/ High consequence risk wrt to catastrophic exceptional events & the tolerances involved .
Piece by a woman who worked for KCTMO and did inspections
When I worked for KCTMO I had nightmares about burning tower blocks | Seraphima Kennedy
talks about the impact of austerity on her ability to do the job and how she had nightmares. The way this all plays out over the next few years is going to be about the multiple layers in terms of building jobs and contractors, but also the multiple layers and arms length aspect of political control. At one level the multiple layers will be where the government hides and obfuscates, but its also a key manifestation of neo-liberalism as public sector policy - the very core of how social housing is now.

Have a feeling that Seraphima Kennedy is going to be an important voice in the various inquiries.
Have a feeling that Seraphima Kennedy is going to be an important voice in the various inquiries.

If she's allowed to be.

I have little faith in judge led inquiries, especially when the event is this recent. I don't trust the establishment to investigate itself. I'd much prefer to see something more akin to the Hillsborough inquiry panel.
the things is there already had been a tragedy - 6 people died in a fire at larkanal high rise flats in 2009. A report was made with a series of recommendations (such as sprinkler systems) - the government has been sitting on the report ever since.
Football fans died at Burnden Park in 1946, Ibrox in 1971, Bradford in 1985 and Hillsborough in 1989. There were reports published, standards raised - and still local authorities, football clubs, football authorities, the police and the government kept ignoring them all.
Police spokesman on the BBC just now, saying 30 deaths confirmed so far, and he expects that to increase as the building is made safe and a full search of the upper floors is carried out.
It's bollocks. Council's/RSLs often do work that annoys residents, rightly or wrongly. Every part of the establishment is on the backfoot over this. The PR wonks will be on big overtime.
Exactly. Landlords have (or should have) a duty to ensure their properties are safe immaterial of whether the residents like what that involves or not. To try and blame the tenants is despicable.
Not sure it's appropriate to be finding amusing stories amid all this horror, but...

Yesterday, I saw some clips of what local people had been doing to support each other around the block and ended up with tears in my eyes at work. So, with a colleague who is also having a hard time, we nipped outside for a cig, with a good shot of whiskey in the coffee cups. 30 seconds later, a passing bird did a mega, liquid shit on my bald head. Cue tension relieving guffaws of laughter. :oops:
I think the nature of the arms length structures that LA's are adopting to distance themselves from the functioning of ersatz ( for want of a better word) social housing , need to be critically examined to see whether these do indeed aid problems with responsibility and safety. It has been touched on early on in the thread.

I sometimes think modern politics is driven by a desire to abdicate responsibility for as much as possible - sell it off, set up quangos to run things, such that all government has to do is turn up occasionally to debate which of the sponsor's colour schemes is suitable for the new royal yacht. These things used to be ours, but we don't have a say in them anymore, other than getting fucked about between different energy providers etc. That's not power, it's inconvenience.

Such arrangements also create a firewall between local/national government and the results of their policies and funding, allowing the finger of blame to be pointed at a tier lower down from the real power.
my bald head.
another illusion ruined :(

i've always pictured you as similar to mr lucas out of are you being served :(

tbf I half expected them to invent a crack den or meth-lab fire...

Cannabis farms have caused quite a few house fires. I hope there isn't some illicit cause behind it as it would be used to direct blame and attention away from all the other failings. The cause of the fire is almost irrelevant, it's the failure of structural control mechanisms and the lack of political will to provide sprinklers and safe means of escape that need the most attention.
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