I saw Corbyn as doing no more than use the situation to his own advantage, as if his party had nothing to do with this tragedy, when the reality is they're as guilty as sin, Take note tory basher Lilly Allen.David Lammy going in hard. Interestingly, he mentions the issue of the cladding and the appearance of the building when viewed from the rich areas. Without wanting to kick the whole thing off again, the issue is the plausibility of the idea that the appearance of the cladding was given undue weighting (given what we know about the way central and local government treats social housing).
This was a monstrous crime – there must be arrests after Grenfell Tower | David Lammy
Sorry, what?
"The Prime Minister is understood to have wept on the day of the fire but did so at Downing Street. She shed tears after being praised by No.10 staff for a short speech of thanks on Wednesday."
'ouhv/;iyhv/ihycv/iyhcv /'iyhv'jv'o/uhv 'ijhkb hgvtesca yrweashtrvjyrfbtluih;mo'poipmoumoij'omij[nihih[io;jh;noih;oijnm;iojm;oij;miojmn[moinj[
It's not an article that seems to fully grasp the technical issues it's attempting to address. If you actually click through and read the BRE papers that it refers to, there has been some rather selective quoting and they don't really accurately reflect their scope or conclusions. They also seem to commit the common error of confusing the roles of planning building control.
It's not an article that seems to fully grasp the technical issues it's attempting to address. If you actually click through and read the BRE papers that it refers to, there has been some rather selective quoting and they don't really accurately reflect their scope or conclusions. They also seem to commit the common error of confusing the roles of planning building control.
Guy called Ishmahil Blagrove apparently, here's a Jon Snow interview with him and another housing activist.
^^^that is rage. again. I think I have fuecked me keyboard. erk
'ouhv/;iyhv/ihycv/iyhcv /'iyhv'jv'o/uhv 'ijhkb hgvtesca yrweashtrvjyrfbtluih;mo'poipmoumoij'omij[nihih[io;jh;noih;oijnm;iojm;oij;miojmn[moinj[
^^^that is rage. again. I think I have fuecked me keyboard. erk
If only she would shed that human skin and you saw her in her lizard glory you might say something different
Something is in the air.I think they are worried about a swell in anger and a coming hot weekend.
My twitter (used for football really so a spread of political views) has a small number of Tory leaning people using that line - "petty political point scoring" apparently.I wonder if the high-horse obfuscators who say we shouldn't politicise this have noticed that it's deeply political. I also wonder if they have shared their fascinating insights with survivors and residents, and what the response was if so.
ta.Click on the date/time and you can see the whole thread. Not that worthwhile though.
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23
I promise I'll stop talking about this soon. But. I was taking the Tube home today, 4pm. H&C Line from Barbican to Shepherd's Bush Market.
12:26 PM - 15 Jun 2017
35 replies336 retweets356 likes
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Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Replying to @jackbern23
I was in my own self-involved little world, listening to music etc. It was busy, but at Edgware Rd, I start to notice the train going quiet.
1 reply10 retweets37 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Not the usual London quiet, of looking at phones and pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist. A new quiet. Sort of uneasy.
1 reply10 retweets42 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
At Paddington a man on the platform side starts to crane his neck at the window. And I realise. We're going past it.
1 reply8 retweets37 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Royal Oak. I saw it slightly close up yesterday when I donated at the church, but it was still far away. I didn't have to see it up close.
1 reply6 retweets37 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Westbourne Park. People are looking out the window and I'm not ready for to look at it. I'm not ready for the sadness to hit me again.
1 reply10 retweets44 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Ladbroke Grove. I actually consider getting off and walking so I don't have to be here. It's so quiet on the Tube. It's never this quiet.
1 reply7 retweets39 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Latimer Road. The train stops and no-one says anything. Eyes on the window. It's not actually visible at the station. We have to wait.
2 replies9 retweets39 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
The train moves and there it is. Smoldering. Black. Gutted. I feel sick. A woman sitting opposite me shakes her head. Just shock all around.
1 reply21 retweets80 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
I've been on the Underground after tragedies before. After 7/7 there was fear but it was combatted with pride, resilience, togetherness.
3 replies25 retweets70 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
This isn't that. This is horror. This is shame. That black husk is a monument to our apathy to inequality, our othering of poor people.
10 replies251 retweets536 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe I chose not to hear other commuters. Maybe it was way louder than I remember.
2 replies6 retweets55 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
But from my incredibly narrow perspective, London feels like a different place since yesterday. It feels shellshocked. It feels angry.
6 replies33 retweets176 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
It feels like "Keep Calm And Carry On", the stiff upper lip that ignores human suffering in favour of self preservation, is dead.
4 replies45 retweets163 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
London is filled with incredible people - the Muslim boys who raised the alarm, who saved lives, the firemen, the volunteers, the nurses.
1 reply51 retweets204 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
But it is also shoddy, venal, hateful, profiteering and unjust. It is built on suffering. It has to change. Its people have to change it.
2 replies51 retweets237 likes
Jack Bernhardt @jackbern23 3h3 hours ago
I needed to see Grenfell again. Let it stand as a monument to the mistakes this city has made. Let us look at it and say never again. /end
19 replies67 retweets346 likes
Some media type passes building on the tube, feels upset. It's not worth your time, key quote;
"This isn't that. This is horror. This is shame. That black husk is a monument to our apathy to inequality, our othering of poor people."
the notting hill carnival will be a flash point i think - sold by the regime as a time for consideration and respect for the dead appeals for calm/ community leader and that guff- i think it could easily, easily explode.
Poor people, ordinary people, have no voice and no influence. They raise the alarm and get ignored because they aren't considered worth the effort, they complain and get threatened with legal action against them and all the while greed continually degrades life.
Grrr. its obviously Stoli time (again ) and I have school tomorrow
They ignored this just like they ignored the disgraceful treatment of disabled and unemployed.