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Goldthorpe bonfire

Just to clear up this idiocy as a few people have been repeating it this last week and it doesn't take a minute to do - the number of mines open is meaningless on its own. An exhausted pit is not kept open. The majority of these labour closures were for this reason with miners offered relocation or retirement rather then compulsory redundancy and the ones not closed for that reason were restructured into larger pits that were opened up. The exact opposite of the situation with the thatcher/tory closures where mass redundancies came with and were the reason for the closures.

Thanks for this. Been looking for a succinct rebuff
Just as an aside as it really shits me. It's pretty fucking difficult to buy a mobile that isn't a smart phone - and if it isn't the cost differential is neglible or a tv that isn't a flat screen these days. With the latter it has been true for some years.

Please can morons just drop that tired trope. The electronics retail sector has moved on, your prejudice hasn't
The trend in the 70's was to move to newly built 'super pits' such as the one near Selby, which would do the job of many smaller pits. Other smaller pits were amalgamated into one pit to share resources and save costs. Just looking at numbers is stupid (especially when the assertions made don't even fall into line with those numbers).
Neither is a satellite dish an indication of someone paying Murdoch for drivel,freesat is available to all.
not between 79 - 90 it wasn't. only mentioned because the derilict houses in the background were apparently Thatcher's legacy.

subsequently also found out Goldthorpe shut in 94
I think he doesn't even know what history means, how to connect events from 84/85 with events a decade later, how there might just be some connection and how a pit on the safe list was shut down. How the defeat in 84/85 led to defeat in 94. How these people are not just talking about their own pit but about all the pits and as a result about society as a whole. Nasty intellectually lazy stuff.
Someone who knows better than I might be able to correct me, but wasnt the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 another reason for some mine closures (done with Union backing) under Labour? Mines with poor safety records and crap infrastructure that couldnt be improved were shut down which was supported by Unions. I'm sure I read that somewhere.
I think it's useful and beneficial tht children are past of conversations that society has. Here are some actual myths debunked by actual research and facts

Ten Myths about Thatcher

Do have a look as they are proper.
Her premiership saw a steep decline in UK manufacturing, while the service sector boomed. Manufacturing as a proportion of GDP fell from about 24 to 21 per cent, a trend followed in other major economies like the US, Germany, France and Japan.
very surprised about this one, as I'm sure I read, time and again, we lost 30% of our manufacturing capacity between 1979 and 1990.
Then again, the key issue would be growth/contraction of GDP in real terms, during that period
It doesn't matter how much capacity you lose, it's what that capacity is doing and who is doing it that counts (i.e less companies, fewer workers doing more or longer, is that competitive on the world market etc - capacity is really not a useful thing to judge by). To lose even a single percentage point of GDP in this way is massively damaging.
They're different issues but both important ones.

"a steep decline in UK manufacturing, while the service sector boomed" is hard to see as myth or truth because it depends what boomed means, and what kind of decline (relative to what?) you are talking about - employment, capital ratios, profits, contribution to GDP - plus do extractive industries include manufacturing?
It doesn't matter how much capacity you lose, it's what that capacity is doing and who is doing it that counts (i.e less companies, fewer workers doing more or longer, is that competitive on the world market etc - capacity is really not a useful thing to judge by). To lose even a single percentage point of GDP in this way is massively damaging.
agreed, but I expected more than a 3pt drop
Someone who knows better than I might be able to correct me, but wasnt the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 another reason for some mine closures (done with Union backing) under Labour? Mines with poor safety records and crap infrastructure that couldnt be improved were shut down which was supported by Unions. I'm sure I read that somewhere.

Doesn't the delightful town of Goldthorpe have a BNP MEP?

Only as part of the Yorkshire and Humber region. Andrew Brons BNP was elected in 2009. In 2012 he left the BNP and continues as a MEP.
The massive vote base came from the towns around Bradford, Halifax and Leeds due to the campaign by the BNP to divert the real reason for peoples lives being shit away from the social injustices being imposed by central policies and instead blame the old scapegoats of race and 'lefties'. People at the end of their tether will jump on the racist bandwagon because it it easy and requires no actual thought.
The good folk of Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe and Bolton on Dearne are Labour through and through. Check the make-up of Barnsley council.

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