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Britain's biggest morons burn cardboard Grenfell Tower on bonfire

Reported 'millionaire property tycoon' Paul Bussetti, who filmed a video of a cardboard model of Grenfell Tower burning on a bonfire will now face a second trial after the High Court quashed his acquittal:

Man who filmed Grenfell Tower model on bonfire faces retrial


(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Bussetti will now face a retrial at Westminster Magistrates' Court before a different judge, and will also have to pay the Crown Prosecution Services' costs of £6,095 within 28 days.​
Obviously scum, however I don't understand why he has to pay six grand before being found guilty of anything?
perhaps the thread title might be edited in light of the fact we now know there are bigger morons in britain than these miserable wretches.
Not seen the payment in a criminal case before - in civil cases you do get taxed with a proportion of the costs if it's decided that you've been wasting the court's time with one of your pleas.
Reported 'millionaire property tycoon' Paul Bussetti, who filmed a video of a cardboard model of Grenfell Tower burning on a bonfire will now face a second trial after the High Court quashed his acquittal:

Man who filmed Grenfell Tower model on bonfire faces retrial


(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Bussetti will now face a retrial at Westminster Magistrates' Court before a different judge, and will also have to pay the Crown Prosecution Services' costs of £6,095 within 28 days.​


(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Bussetti has now pleaded guilty sending/causing to be sent grossly offensive material via a public communications network contrary to the Communications Act 2003.

Westminster Magistrates’ heard Paul Bussetti said: “That’s what happens when you don’t pay the rent.”

Paul Bussetti also uttered siren noises.

Paul Bussetti sent the video to two WhatsApp groups – one football-related, and one for a holiday group.
I'd be very interested to see any evidence for any combatant saying they were fighting for freedom of speech in ww1 even if they survived the conflict
tell me, have you any examples of things you told people 40 years ago which you can corroborate through their evidence?
I f you cannot corroborate something from forty years ago (without a polaroid camera) then 100+ years is a big ask
I f you cannot corroborate something from forty years ago (without a polaroid camera) then 100+ years is a big ask
Did you know many participants in the first world war wrote books about their experiences, and set down their feelings in letters? Storm of steel by Ernst junger, seven pillars of wisdom by t.e. Lawrence, goodbye to all that by Robert graves, etc etc etc - let alone the war aims of any of the belligerent powers.
Not to mention all the dreadful fucking poetry.
Some of that aint bad too, culturally miles away from now though, different times, I look at them as a tweet or composed message board post or blog entry.

Sassoon s are interesting, and his books on the war are worth a look too

The Bishop tells us: 'When the boys come back
'They will not be the same; for they'll have fought
'In a just cause: they lead the last attack
'On Anti-Christ; their comrades' blood has bought
'New right to breed an honourable race,
'They have challenged Death and dared him face to face.'

'We're none of us the same!' the boys reply.
'For George lost both his legs; and Bill's stone blind;
'Poor Jim's shot through the lungs and like to die;
'And Bert's gone syphilitic: you'll not find
'A chap who's served that hasn't found some change.
' And the Bishop said: 'The ways of God are strange!'

(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Bussetti has now pleaded guilty sending/causing to be sent grossly offensive material via a public communications network contrary to the Communications Act 2003.

Westminster Magistrates’ heard Paul Bussetti said: “That’s what happens when you don’t pay the rent.”

Paul Bussetti also uttered siren noises.

Paul Bussetti sent the video to two WhatsApp groups – one football-related, and one for a holiday group.

What’s he doing across his neck? Some secret Masonic signalling?
I'd be very interested to see any evidence for any combatant saying they were fighting for freedom of speech in ww1 even if they survived the conflict

It has been retroconned as a war in defence of 'democracy' but I somehow doubt it was presented as such at the time.
Reported 'millionaire property tycoon' Paul Bussetti, who filmed a video of a cardboard model of Grenfell Tower burning on a bonfire will now face a second trial after the High Court quashed his acquittal:

Man who filmed Grenfell Tower model on bonfire faces retrial


(Source: as stated in image)

Paul Bussetti will now face a retrial at Westminster Magistrates' Court before a different judge, and will also have to pay the Crown Prosecution Services' costs of £6,095 within 28 days.​
Did you know many participants in the first world war wrote books about their experiences, and set down their feelings in letters? Storm of steel by Ernst junger, seven pillars of wisdom by t.e. Lawrence, goodbye to all that by Robert graves, etc etc etc - let alone the war aims of any of the belligerent powers.

We've got my great granddad's war diaries. Grim stuff. Running a cigarette lighter flame up the seams of your trousers and listening to the little popping noises as the lice larvae burst is a mental image that will forever stay with me.

He defended several traumatised soliders when they were court martialed for desertion. He got one bloke let off but that just meant he was sent back to the trenches. This bloke then fled again, was caught again and ultimately shot. So there's the freedom and democracy we were defending. The freedom to choose between getting shot in the front or in the back.
Did you know many participants in the first world war wrote books about their experiences, and set down their feelings in letters? Storm of steel by Ernst junger, seven pillars of wisdom by t.e. Lawrence, goodbye to all that by Robert graves, etc etc etc - let alone the war aims of any of the belligerent powers.
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