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Goldthorpe bonfire

yet Labour shut down more than five times the amount of mines than Thatcher. who knew nastybobby :)

Poor secateurz, regurgitating stuff without understanding what lay behind it.
Unfortunately for you, the majority of the closures by Labour governments were fully negotiated between the NCB, the mines unions and the government. Many of them were closures of 19th-century pits whose infrastructure couldn't be improved. That's one of the reasons that the closures Thatcher and MacGregor sought were seen as spurious - the wheat had already been sorted from the chaff. Most of the pits that were threatened with closure by Thatcher were productive and profitable.

For anyone who asks "why is he wasting his time explianing this to an obvious idiot?", let's just say that some idiots need to be thoroughly humiliated.
Pickmans..why do you act in such a troglodyte manner? Is that all you are able to do? it is kind of pathetic.all that bluster and swearing.

These are the figures (https://www.gov.uk/government/stati...vailability-and-consumption-1853-to-2011) for the sharply declining number of coal mines open each year under those Labour Governments.
1964 545
1965 .. 504
1966 .. 442
1967 .. 406
1968 .. 330
1969 .. 304
1974 .. 250
1975 .. 241
1976 .. 239
1977 .. 231
1978 .. 223
1979 .. 219
These are the figures for the Thatcher years:
1979 .. 219
1980 .. 213
1981 .. 200
1982 .. 191
1983 .. 170
1984 .. 169
1985 .. 133
1986 .. 110
1987 .. 94
1988 .. 86
1989 .. 73
1990 .. 65

Well done, now put some context to it. Go on!
You thick fuck.:D
Labour closed the ones with exhausted seams.

Yup. They used "natural wastage" (ageing workforce) and redeployment as much as possible too, rather than compulsory redundancy. A fair few of the Welsh and Cumbrian ones that were closed weren't fully exhausted, from what I've read, but they were so old that they couldn't be fully mechanised, because of the size (or rather the lack of it) of the roadways etc.
More proof that right-winger are thick as fuck. Have you seen the photo they chose of Ed for that article? You've got to paint him as a pantomime baddie to whip up hate. Plus he's not left wing by any measure, you thick cunt.

Anyone who posts a Simon "I'm a self-satisfied Tory fuck who gives shit to waiting staff just because I can" Heffer article as anything other than fiction to be laughed at isn't just a thick cunt, they're a gullible and stupid thick cunt.
Called at Goldthorpe on my way home and met up with some of the lads I have not seen since 92.
They are chuffed at the support and pats on the back they have been getting.
The folk in the Dearne Valley are the most wonderful people around and I am proud to be able to say I have always enjoyed both working and socialising in the area. The Workers Republic of South Yorkshire hasn't gone away. It is getting back on it's feet after a bit of a lie down!:)
The long term unemployed and desperately poor of Goldthorpe are recording it all on their iPhone 5's.


Pathetic. shame on them.

(Couldnt get the imagine linker to work, sorry)

Can't you find forums where the debate is pitched at a more appropriate level for you, rather than in indulging in your dog-whistle, specious, ill-thought out shit on here? It's like smelling someone else's farts.
frankly they were acting like terrorists back then.
Called at Goldthorpe on my way home and met up with some of the lads I have not seen since 92.
They are chuffed at the support and pats on the back they have been getting.
The folk in the Dearne Valley are the most wonderful people around and I am proud to be able to say I have always enjoyed both working and socialising in the area. The Workers Republic of South Yorkshire hasn't gone away. It is getting back on it's feet after a bit of a lie down!:)
It's like that famous old movie review line, "you'd have to have a heart of stone not to cry!"

It was very powerful and good for them, but the mainstream media is savaging the events in Goldthorpe, I expect in the next few days, 'questions' will be asked about participants job status, children out of school, etc, basically a hatchet job..
It was very powerful and good for them, but the mainstream media is savaging the events in Goldthorpe, I expect in the next few days, 'questions' will be asked about participants job status, children out of school, etc, basically a hatchet job..
agreed (but my post you quoted was in response to VP's comment about Osborne's tears). The Goldthorpe people shouldn't care in the slightest about the tabloid shitstorm; they know they're on the Other Side, so does everyone in the North

Not only that, but:

It was Thatcher who, in 1979, wheedled the then Rhodesia’s warring parties into signing a flawed Lancaster House agreement which protected parochial interests of the minority white population, including on land ownership and racialising the electoral system through 20 reserved white seats for a period of 10 years.
This was after she had to be dissuaded from recognising a Zimbabwe-Rhodesia puppet regime led by Bishop Abel Muzorewa.
After the agreement Thatcher virtually adopted a hands-off approach over Zimbabwe’s internal affairs. This, it has been argued, allowed then Prime Minister Robert Mugabe to lay the foundation for dictatorial tendencies without scrutiny.
Having secured the short-term future of her kith and kin she was eloquently silent over the political disturbances of the 1980 polls which ushered Zanu PF into power.
There were also Mugabe’s attempts to introduce a one-party state to ring-fence his rule, charges of institutionalised corruption in the late 1980s by the likes of former Zanu PF heavyweight, the late Edgar Tekere, and various allegations of human rights abuses and economic mismanagement whose debilitating effects would be felt years later.
Maybe most damning was Britain’s silence as Mugabe’s government launched the Gukurahundi massacres in which 20 000 people from Matabeleland and the Midlands were murdered. Mugabe has since grudgingly conceded the killings were “a moment of madness”.
Elsewhere in the region, South Africa’s struggle for freedom exposed Thatcher’s lack of commitment and grasp of the liberation cause, preferring instead to safeguard Britain’s economic interests. She famously called world icon Nelson Mandela a “terrorist”, while referring to herself as a “candid friend” of apartheid stalwart PW Botha.
In fact, she is on record as declaring, in 1987, that those who believed the ANC would rule South Africa were living in “cloud-cuckoo land”, and infamously resisted sanctions and trade embargoes against the country arguing they would hurt the common people.
She watched as South Africa destabilised the region by, among other things, bombing Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, occupying neighbouring Namibia and sponsoring Renamo bandits in Mozambique.


Apparently, she was challenged about the Matabeleland killings in parliament, and essentially said that it would make no difference to her support for Comrade Bob. I can't find a link on the net, though.
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