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Class War Bonfire Night Party 2006

Bonfires? Fireworks? Its all a bit middle class eh? Will there be Chardonnay and some of those lovely herby Sainsbury's Finest Sausages as well?
XerxesVargas said:
Bonfires? Fireworks? Its all a bit middle class eh? Will there be Chardonnay and some of those lovely herby Sainsbury's Finest Sausages as well?

Effigies of wankers like you wil be burnt.
XerxesVargas said:
Bonfires? Fireworks? Its all a bit middle class eh? Will there be Chardonnay and some of those lovely herby Sainsbury's Finest Sausages as well?
Half the people there will be self-loathing middle class types. :D
there are supposed to be many more middle class than working class people in the UK these days so I reckon the middle classes will win the class war, the upper classes come second and the working class last.

whilst the upper class arent as numerous anymore they are more sneaky and would probably use a good many w/c people for their own ends which is why I reckon they could still come in second. plus i reckon the south African & Zimbabwean 'refugees' would side them selves with the U/C.
lighterthief said:
"...the American flag was burnt whilst officers stood gormlessly on the other side of the park, "earning" overtime."

Don't you think they'd rather have been somewhere else? If the bonfire had been held on a bit of private land - rather than a busy park full of the general public - you'd have saved the taxpayer a bit of money.

Nearly all the land in the UK is owned by a tiny few who ain't generally disposed to lending it for anarchist shindigs. Plus the failure of Hackney Council (yet again) to organise a display is highlighted when London Class War organise one themselves in a Hackney park.

Thanks to all at CW for the efforts made.
TopCat said:
Nearly all the land in the UK is owned by a tiny few who ain't generally disposed to lending it for anarchist shindigs. Plus the failure of Hackney Council (yet again) to organise a display is highlighted when London Class War organise one themselves in a Hackney park.
Clearly. But to criticise the police, who I'm sure would rather have been elsewhere, is a little dimwitted. IMO.
lighterthief said:
Clearly. But to criticise the police, who I'm sure would rather have been elsewhere, is a little dimwitted. IMO.

Nah, fuck the police and the scabby police horse they rode in on.:p
lighterthief said:
Clearly. But to criticise the police, who I'm sure would rather have been elsewhere, is a little dimwitted. IMO.
Mmm.... a thread about CLASS WAR, that isn't too complimentary of the filth, Didnt you hear, 'HARRY ROBERTS IS OUR FRIEND'?
what a twat
Yes, Yvonne Fletcher, a legitamate target for abuse isn't she?

This is precisely why Class War are seen by 99.9% of people as just a remedial fucking joke.
pk said:
Yes, Yvonne Fletcher, a legitamate target for abuse isn't she?

This is precisely why Class War are seen by 99.9% of people as just a remedial fucking joke.

I wonder why we used to sell 15,000 copies every month then? For the laughs? I think not.

Go back to fibbing about hitting nazis, theres a good boy.
TopCat said:
I wonder why we used to sell 15,000 copies every month then? For the laughs? I think not.

Go back to fibbing about hitting nazis, theres a good boy.
Well, if we assume a UK population of 60.2 million it would actually be in the region of 99.97509% :p
The effigies of Mohammed and Jesus on the cross were well done.

congratulations for continuing the state tradition of burning religious effigies with which the state happens to disagree with

the original tradition was burning the pope on nov 5th, then it gradually became guy fawkes, a catholic activist protesting against the murder and discrimination of catholics under king james ... the unpatriotic wanker

good to see that you burnt mohammed to show your solidarity with the state repression of dirty muslims

smokedout said:
congratulations for continuing the state tradition of burning religious effigies with which the state happens to disagree with

the original tradition was burning the pope on nov 5th, then it gradually became guy fawkes, a catholic activist protesting against the murder and discrimination of catholics under king james ... the unpatriotic wanker

good to see that you burnt mohammed to show your solidarity with the state repression of dirty muslims


It was a great burning...:D
cool, why not go into a working class area, where most people are either christian or muslim and show what a bunch of juvenile, teenage fuckwits you are

another great advert for the anarchist movement, and another example of the reason why we are unable to reach out to the working class and build a mass movement

im an athiest and an anarchist, but hold freedom of religion as sacrosant, and that includes not setting out to offend people for their beliefs

ive spent many years working in grass roots community projects in london, and ive never made a secret of being an anarchist

how i could then turn round to my colleagues and the users of thise projects had they witnessed that and defend anarchism as something that may appeal to them ... well i couldnt, theyd never take anarchy seriously again and certainly would never view it as some kind of emancipatory movement

and we wondor why the trots manage to take over and co-opt any popular movement

btw are cwf still advertising reggae gigs and their website, still got a wicca member?

cos if a religion seems 'cool' then you dont touch it do you

its just so fucking juvenile, why not stay at home with your ozzy osborne and iron maiden albums, it seems to be about the level of your political discourse
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