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Class War Bonfire Night Party 2006

Well the bonfire has smoked out lots of reactionary, anti-fun fuckwits. Thankyou Class War for getting under these tossers skins.

And fuck off anyone who claims to speak on behalf of the working class. Speak for yourself or keep your fucking mouth shut.:cool:
smokedout said:
im an athiest and an anarchist, but hold freedom of religion as sacrosant, and that includes not setting out to offend people for their beliefs

Then perhaps you need to learn something about the histories of the repressive organisations you hold as sacrosanct?
Then perhaps you need to learn something about the histories of the repressive organisations you hold as sacrosanct?

ive started a thread in politics about this but imo religion is benign, the bibles just a fucking book, its the interpretation and practice of some of those who use it that are the problem

when you get into knocking religion for the sake of it where do you end, is all religion up to be slated, not in class wars case who recently advertised a reggae gig held by someone called jah spirit on their website

yes christianity and islam have been used as repressive and totalitarianist tools by those who seek to govern, marxism has been used in much the same way countless times

but its a practical question, right here, right now is it really helpful to go into a working class area where the majority of people either define themselves as christian or muslim (check any hackney census) and offend their core beliefs, thereby ensuring that they will whole-heartedly swallow any further baby eating anarchist propanganda they see

And fuck off anyone who claims to speak on behalf of the working class. Speak for yourself or keep your fucking mouth shut

does that include class war themselves then
lighterthief said:
Well, if we assume a UK population of 60.2 million it would actually be in the region of 99.97509% :p


15,000 copies of "No I Won't Clean Up My Room!" indeed!


Wow, I'm well impressed I am!

Oh - and wasn't Yvonne Fletcher working class?
anti-fun fuckwits.

so would class war think it was oh so funny if effigies of bakunin or emma goldman were being burnt by right wingers

bit like saying folk who slag off jim davidson just dont have a sense of humour wouldnt you say
smokedout said:
so would class war think it was oh so funny if effigies of bakunin or emma goldman were being burnt by right wingers

Or in Yvonne Fletcher's case - how "funny" it would be for the hooray henry's to burn an effigy of Jean-Charles DeMenezes?

The irony in all this is of course that most of the fireworks used at the class war bonfire were undoubtedly made by 7 year old kids in China for 12 pence a day...
smokedout said:
cool, why not go into a working class area, where most people are either christian or muslim and show what a bunch of juvenile, teenage fuckwits you are

another great advert for the anarchist movement, and another example of the reason why we are unable to reach out to the working class and build a mass movement

Anarchists promote secularism and are against the oppression of religion shock? Whatever next!

I apologise for the fact that Class War has not joined "anarchists" like yourself, or "socialists" like the SWP in accepting the identity politics of religion, as appears to be the norm these days.

By the way smokedout, we did not "go into" a working class area to have our bonfire - that is where we live. That is our area - which is probably why one of the biggest cheers of the night was when the effigy of Hackney Mayor Jules Pipe, complete with his "I Love Hackney" t shirt was burnt.

Still all is not lost for you. Rather than going to the Class War event next year, I believe Tower Hamlets Council now organise a replacement event on Guy Fawkes day that probably suits your needs.
Anarchists promote secularism and are against the oppression of religion shock?

theres a difference between promoting secularism and being deliberately and childishly offensive to those who dont agree

and again from a practical perspective, how is acting in a way which will only further entrench religious views and further some stereotypes of anarchism as a kevinesque philosphy count as promoting secularism

do you really think christians are going to think 'oh wow look class war are burning an effigy of jesus, shit ive got it all wrong i must go home and burn my bible'

or do you think that theyll actually believe every media hyped stereotype thats ever been written about anarchists and vow never to engage or debate with them

this isnt some fucking undergraduate game you daft fuckers

and its my community as well, i wouldve been there normally (was last year but had other commitments this time)

but id have left, because i wouldnt have wanted my neighbours, colleagues etc to have seen me associated with it, people whose religion i often challenge with (what i hope is) intelligent debate ... i wouldnt want my own promotion of secularism to be damaged by such crass behaviour

imo childish stunts like that will only serve to create greater divisions amongst the working class
Rather than going to the Class War event next year, I believe Tower Hamlets Council now organise a replacement event on Guy Fawkes day that probably suits your needs.
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i know shocking wasnt it, how they could bastardise the good old protestant celebration of state superiority that guy fawkes day represents

political correctness gone mad

yer just a bunch of fucking tories aint ya
I apologise for the fact that Class War has not joined "anarchists" like yourself, or "socialists" like the SWP in accepting the identity politics of religion, as appears to be the norm these days.

as ive said on the other thread, there is a middle ground between sucking up to religion swp style and downright acting in a way that will simply offend and alienate those who are religious

btw my mum always used to say dont apologise, just dont do it again
smokedout said:
so would class war think it was oh so funny if effigies of bakunin or emma goldman were being burnt by right wingers
I don't know what class war would think. But I see ridiculous parodies, caricatures and cartoons of anarchists all over. It goes with the territory. And I'll think you'll find that upholders of the state and religious fanatics have and do cause far more damage to anarchists than has ever been the reverse.:)
:) :) wankers no one asked for your opinion why don't you all just fuck off and drop dead no one will notice!!!:p see everybody else next year:) :)
joer90 said:
:) wankers no one asked for your opinion why don't you all just fuck off and drop dead no one will notice!!!:p see everybody else next year:) :)

Notice how nobody noticed your Mohammed-burning stunt, hence why it had to be posted here...

TopCat said:
I wonder why we used to sell 15,000 copies every month then? For the laughs? I think not.
Are they the same people who sing along with Sandi Thom?

"Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair"

Man, you guys are just so punk rock man! It's people like you who keep the spirit alive. You guys rawk!
refugee said:
Well the bonfire has smoked out lots of reactionary, anti-fun fuckwits. Thankyou Class War for getting under these tossers skins.

And fuck off anyone who claims to speak on behalf of the working class. Speak for yourself or keep your fucking mouth shut.:cool:
Does Class War have anything to do with the working class? If not then why the name? Do you think that Class War should 'keep its fucking mouth shut as well'? Sorry but you are being incoherent.
TeeJay said:
Are they the same people who sing along with Sandi Thom?

"Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair"

Man, you guys are just so punk rock man! It's people like you who keep the spirit alive. You guys rawk!

No they are not.
TeeJay said:
Does Class War have anything to do with the working class? If not then why the name? Do you think that Class War should 'keep its fucking mouth shut as well'? Sorry but you are being incoherent.

Class War speak for themselves. As you do, except you talk utter bollocks.
TopCat said:
Class War speak for themselves. As you do, except you talk utter bollocks.

Class War speak to themselves.

No fucker else is listening.
You could always set up your own "pressure" group pk.

A suggested platform might be...

  • Free Regaine for balding chaps.
  • Legalisation of all drugs that you like.
  • Death for all dealers of drugs that you disapprove of.
TopCat said:
You could always set up your own "pressure" group pk.

A suggested platform might be...

  • Free Regaine for balding chaps.
  • Legalisation of all drugs that you like.
  • Death for all dealers of drugs that you disapprove of.

I'd still manage to get more than 15,000 supporters... (and that 15,000 was a long time ago as you know)

What I wouldn't do would incite racial hatred in a pointless bonfire with no political message other than to have yet another go at "wiberals!"

class war is dead mate, as this sorry episode proves, get over it.
pk said:
I'd still manage to get more than 15,000 supporters... (and that 15,000 was a long time ago as you know)

What I wouldn't do would incite racial hatred in a pointless bonfire with no political message other than to have yet another go at "wiberals!"

class war is dead mate, as this sorry episode proves, get over it.

Inciting racial hatred! Thats laughable even for an idiot like you. Which race was hatred incited then? Are you one of those Respect prats who think their faith is their race then?

Fuck all religion, and baldy Cunningham lookalikeys.
TopCat said:
Inciting racial hatred! Thats laughable even for an idiot like you. Which race was hatred incited then? Are you one of those Respect prats who think their faith is their race then?

Obviously there are fears of reprisals - which is why all the bwave wadical cwass warriors got their faces hidden in Photoshop before the pictures went up on the website.



Fuck all religion, and baldy Cunningham lookalikeys.

And fuck porn spamming grovelling touts.

pk said:
Obviously there are fears of reprisals - which is why all the bwave wadical cwass warriors got their faces hidden in Photoshop before the pictures went up on the website.

And fuck porn spamming grovelling touts.

We can discuss this when we no doubt meet. Nuff said till then.:)
TopCat said:
We can discuss this when we no doubt meet. Nuff said till then.:)

Is that a threat?

Or are you just running away from this argument because you know you can't win?

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