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Britain's biggest morons burn cardboard Grenfell Tower on bonfire

My point was this - it's fucking easy to condemn these dickheads and join the mob who will now trash their lives, jobs etc in the name of justice.

But we should stop and ask this - how is it that the popular outrage and demand that something be done' feels louder and shriller about a video, than the outrage at the causes of the fire itself which actually killed 72 people or in fact the outrage at teenagers being murdered every three days in the same city.

There is something deeply disturbing about the mocking of an act being more offensive than the act itself.

ETA - weigh the media coverage of the video in comparison to the murder of 3 teenagers in the same week. In the same city. I know which offends me more.

The reaction to Grenfell was massive and still is, the reaction in the media in London to the current wave of knifings is also pretty massive, lead item in every news and discussion programme.

Are you not watching/ reading media, or are you not in the London area?
Whenever there is a problem in the community, be it homelessness or refugees needing help or whatever, they’re always the first out to help.

Boils my piss how they’re treated.
Bear in mind that being helpful is marked as "weird behaviour" these days. :(
I have seen this point being made repeatedly over the last 24 hours...Of course it's a good point to make if it is intended to keep the case against those that are responsible for the deaths just as prominent in our minds. I haven't however seen anyone actually saying that this racist mocking is worse than the institutionalised classism and racism that is responsible and caused those people to die in the first place. I see both things as connected, they come from the same attitudes and utter disregard for the lives of people seen as 'other' and therefore worthless.
A woman on LBC said it even stronger. 4 arrests over a video. A year goes by and not a single arrest over Grenfell itself.
Guess this isn't complex and the twats aren't rich and connected and actually nailing somebody who is actually responsible is a lot harder.
but like the Charles m shooting.
Trigger pullers genuinely believed they were facing a bomber
gold command thought they were chasing a Bomber.

Grenfell unless they get a document going screw the poor we will use the cheaper cladding doubt, anyone, going to end up in court:mad:.
Its not what you belive its what you can prove:(
Guess this isn't complex and the twats aren't rich and connected and actually nailing somebody who is actually responsible is a lot harder.
but like the Charles m shooting.
Trigger pullers genuinely believed they were facing a bomber
gold command thought they were chasing a Bomber.

Grenfell unless they get a document going screw the poor we will use the cheaper cladding doubt, anyone, going to end up in court:mad:.
Its not what you belive its what you can prove:(
the public inquiry has kicked things down the road a ways
doubt anyone from Chelsea and Kensington will see the inside of a courtroom unless its a sacrificial housing officer:(
Hate Crime


(Usually, Council-funded) expression of Culture.

My point was this - it's fucking easy to condemn these dickheads and join the mob who will now trash their lives, jobs etc in the name of justice.

But we should stop and ask this - how is it that the popular outrage and demand that something be done' feels louder and shriller about a video, than the outrage at the causes of the fire itself which actually killed 72 people or in fact the outrage at teenagers being murdered every three days in the same city.

There is something deeply disturbing about the mocking of an act being more offensive than the act itself.

ETA - weigh the media coverage of the video in comparison to the murder of 3 teenagers in the same week. In the same city. I know which offends me more.

Not sure the popular outrage against these numpties is as loud or as great as the outrage at Grenfell was and remains.

What strikes me is the planning, effort, time and attention to detail that must have gone into this petty-minded, hateful gesture. :(
unfortunately, the fleg and bonfire merchants can do more than cry pitifully on Breakfast if called on their hatefest.
they haven't all gone away:(
Nope, don't agree at all that the outrage over these racist idiots' video feels bigger than the outrage over Grenfell.

You are correct.

It is merely one of a number of desperate attempts to try and divert attention from the white supremacists whose filmed and publicised actions have caused offence and outrage (among people of many races, as it appears).
You are correct.

It is merely one of a number of desperate attempts to try and divert attention from the white supremacists whose filmed and publicised actions have caused offence and outrage (among people of many races, as it appears).

Yep...happens all the time . This thread actually tettered around telling me what I should and shouldn't give a shit about.

The 'don't Black lives matter' question was a nice touch.
Furious mother of teenager arrested over Grenfell effigy speaks out

This mum gets it even if his dad is a massive racist idiot.

The furious mother of a teenager arrested over a viral video showing a model of the Grenfell Tower burning on a bonfire has said she was “disgusted” after seeing the footage.

Louise Connell said her son Bobbi, 19, would “get some words from me” when they are reunited after the teenager was among those allegedly questioned by police over the shocking clip.

Speaking to the Sun Ms Connell said: "I had no idea they were handing themselves in. In a million years I never thought any of them would be involved in anything like this.

"It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting. I've been shaking since I found out."

Ms Connell added: "My heart really goes out to the Grenfell families - people who have lost loved ones and then have ended up reliving the horror by seeing all this. It's like killing these poor people all over again."

There is hope for that young lad yet. Thank fuck.
I agree with the first half of that. I remain to be convinced about the causes of Grenfell being properly brought to light and I see no evidence of anyone wanting to engage over the wanton murder of kids. Don't black lives matter?

Really? No evidence that anyone gives a shit about knife crime?
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