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Britain's biggest morons burn cardboard Grenfell Tower on bonfire

Almost like vivisection is major news at the moment and London murders aren’t.
tbf London murders are very much in the news at the moment. And there are problems with violence in London. But this is also something of a manufactured crisis/moral panic due to making out that a recent small cluster is more significant than it is (and randomness is always clumpy, so small clusters are to be expected). There were more murders in London 20 years ago than there are now, quite significantly more. A decline in numbers appears to have been reversed, which is not good, but I wouldn't blow this out of all proportion.
tbf London murders are very much in the news at the moment. And there are problems with violence in London. But this is also something of a manufactured crisis/moral panic due to making out that a recent small cluster is more significant than it is (and randomness is always clumpy, so small clusters are to be expected). There were more murders in London 20 years ago than there are now, quite significantly more. A decline in numbers appears to have been reversed, which is not good, but I wouldn't blow this out of all proportion.
In part the reduction of murders is due to better medicine, it's not necessarily down to fewer people attacked.
Where is/are the thread/s you started here on urban? I can't find them.

Obviously you are right on this because no one here talks about this stuff anywhere else than here on urban in threads they started nor on other threads...nope, never happens.

Almost like me copping a load of crap from you and others whenever I express an opinion you consider controversial prevents me from starting threads on such subjects!
:D Yep. It must be my fault because I openly disagree with your race-baiting, pretense at being a class warrior and refuse to cow-tow to your incessant claims that i'm an identitarian on par with Tommy Robinson, as well as being a middle class liberal and worse than Hitler but could be a better person if I were like you and viewed/interacted with the world and people in it like you? Over multiple threads, over multiple months. Do you actually believe the shit you are posting of late? For the 10 years I've been on here we've locked horns now and again but you've reached comedy levels of nonsense recently...What an earth has happened? :confused:

Did I stop you posting about Ireland too?

How did I manage that? Oh wait, mind control?

...and does your lack of posts about Ireland and knife crime mean you don't care and are a liberal or are those condescendingly dismissive standards only used as a benchmark to judge others, that aren't and don't agree with you?
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You are a liar on top of all else, then.

Nope. I think you simply can’t understand points I’ve made.
For example, I would definitely argue that liberals have helped build support for Robinson. But from that you’ve changed it to me saying I think liberals are ‘on a par’ with him and further, that I mean you exclusively.
Honestly, it’s bizarre.
Nope. I think you simply can’t understand points I’ve made.
For example, I would definitely argue that liberals have helped build support for Robinson. But from that you’ve changed it to me saying I think liberals are ‘on a par’ with him and further, that I mean you exclusively.
Honestly, it’s bizarre.

You sure are, liar.

I didn't say you were speaking to me exclusively on this thread, but you often do.

One example amongst loads over many months.

I'll not waste any more time on you.
This is a laudable initiative by the local hippies in South Norwood:

Grenfell bonfire effigy prompts South Norwood silent march (click for more)


Removals firm 'boss' Steven Bull, 55, is believed to have built the Grenfell Tower replica alongside his partner, a teacher; Bobbi Connell, 19, has been named as one of the men in the video by his own grandfather; his father Cliff Smith, 49, apparently hosted the 'party'; Mark Russell, 49, Paul Bussetti, 46, and 19-year-old Trent Bogle were also all pictured at the incident and have been arrested. As their representatives have all subsequently claimed in the media that they are the victims, will they be attending to give their accounts to the local community in multi-racial South Norwood?

As others have apprently already asked, are there any plans for the march to pass Norhyrst Avenue, where the incident which gave rise it it actually occurrred?


If nothing is done now, where will it all end?​
This is a laudable initiative by the local hippies in South Norwood:

Grenfell bonfire effigy prompts South Norwood silent march (click for more)


Removals firm 'boss' Steven Bull, 55, is believed to have built the Grenfell Tower replica alongside his partner, a teacher; Bobbi Connell, 19, has been named as one of the men in the video by his own grandfather; his father Cliff Smith, 49, apparently hosted the 'party'; Mark Russell, 49, Paul Bussetti, 46, and 19-year-old Trent Bogle were also all pictured at the incident and have been arrested. As their representatives have all subsequently claimed in the media that they are the victims, will they be attending to give their accounts to the local community in multi-racial South Norwood?

As others have apprently already asked, are there any plans for the march to pass Norhyrst Avenue, where the incident which gave rise it it actually occurrred?


If nothing is done now, where will it all end?​
1. We are not hippies. :D
2. Once again, you appear to have quoted something without indicating its source. What is that about?
3. No - we are not marching past either the houses of the people involved, nor the Conservative Club.
This is a laudable initiative by the local hippies in South Norwood:

Grenfell bonfire effigy prompts South Norwood silent march (click for more)


Removals firm 'boss' Steven Bull, 55, is believed to have built the Grenfell Tower replica alongside his partner, a teacher; Bobbi Connell, 19, has been named as one of the men in the video by his own grandfather; his father Cliff Smith, 49, apparently hosted the 'party'; Mark Russell, 49, Paul Bussetti, 46, and 19-year-old Trent Bogle were also all pictured at the incident and have been arrested. As their representatives have all subsequently claimed in the media that they are the victims, will they be attending to give their accounts to the local community in multi-racial South Norwood?

As others have apprently already asked, are there any plans for the march to pass Norhyrst Avenue, where the incident which gave rise it it actually occurrred?


If nothing is done now, where will it all end?​
This is probably very unreasonable of me, but I find your dramatically handwringing style of polemic rhetorical questioning (now there's a phrase I don't envisage myself writing too often!) rather patronising and irritating.

We get your point. We probably (mostly) agree with you. But could you just try being a bit less of a drama queen about it all? It's utterly counterproductive, doesn't really move anything forward, and probably alienates more people than it attracts.
This is probably very unreasonable of me, but I find your dramatically handwringing style of polemic rhetorical questioning (now there's a phrase I don't envisage myself writing too often!) rather patronising and irritating.

We get your point. We probably (mostly) agree with you. But could you just try being a bit less of a drama queen about it all? It's utterly counterproductive, doesn't really move anything forward, and probably alienates more people than it attracts.
I think it's a very reasonable comment given his posting style, but on the plus side, at least he's not trying to make bizarre and unrelated negative associations with any of my club nights for a change.
As others have apprently already asked, are there any plans for the march to pass Norhyrst Avenue, where the incident which gave rise it it actually occurrred?

If nothing is done now, where will it all end?​
Why don't you try and organise something yourself? Or is slabs of uncredited cut and paste and random personal attacks the limit of your activism?
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