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Goldthorpe bonfire

Just to clear up this idiocy as a few people have been repeating it this last week and it doesn't take a minute to do - the number of mines open is meaningless on its own. An exhausted pit is not kept open. The majority of these labour closures were for this reason with miners offered relocation or retirement rather then compulsory redundancy and the ones not closed for that reason were restructured into larger pits that were opened up. The exact opposite of the situation with the thatcher/tory closures where mass redundancies came with and were the reason for the closures.

1969 = 304 pits.. by 1979 this was 219 = 85 fewer pits. (under both tory and labour, not that I draw any distinction between the two in reality)

Then from 1979 - 89 went from 219 - 73 = 146 fewer pits

compared over a 10 year period for fairness rather than thatcher's full period but where has the 290 pits figure come from?

(edit: this is the number of pits closed without taking into account new ones opening isn't it?)
I bet the bastards had wide screen tvs to watch it on as well.
don't think you can assume that, but there not even first generation satellite dishes so at least 6-7years after she left office those residents had sufficient disposable income to consider it worthwhile to pay Murdoch to beam crap into their house. Doesn't really play the legacy card that well. Also looking at the age of most of the onlookers, no wonder there arethatcher milk snatcher signs both on the "coffin" and visible elsewhere in the beeb photos of the event. Personally hated the stuff but still. Anyway, I digress, where are the 1000 ex miners whose local colliery closed in 94, 4 years after she left office?
This page should be stickied: http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/...s/7-most-annoying-thatcher-myths/5218.article

Whether you are a true blue fan of the Iron Lady or will be opening the bubbly at the celebratory party at Trafalgar Square on Saturday, it is worth getting your facts straight. So here are 7 thought-provoking myths which both sides ought to appreciate being punctured.
1) She killed manufacturing

British factories increased output by 7.5% during her premiership. Output grew a further 4.9% by 1997. Curiously, it was under Labour that the decline hit. By the end of Brown’s tenure at Number 10, manufacturing output was lower than the day Thatcher left office. The manufacturing share of GDP fell almost continuously – as it did in pretty much every Western nation.
2) “Everybody hates Thatcher”

A Guardian ICM poll gives the Iron Lady a 16-point net-approval rating, with half of Brits saying she was “good for Britain”. And it’s not a de mortuis bounce. In September a YouGov poll revealed only two politicians in the nation were in net positive approval territory: Boris Johnson and Margaret Thatcher. David Cameron polled at minus 18, Ed Miliband at minus 29, and George Osborne at minus 53.
3) Scargill wished to negotiate

Thatcher went to war with the mining unions. But her adversary’s role is often overlooked. Arthur Scargill was the boss of the National Union of Mineworkers, and what sort of a man was he?
In an extraordinary interview with BBC 5Live in 2000, Scargill reminded us that he was a Stalinist who adamantly supported the USSR, and suggested the Russian gulags - in which millions perished - might not have existed (prompting the listener who’d asked him about it to draw a parallel with David Irving’s holocaust denials). Famously, when asked how much losses a pit could make before being considered for closure, Scargill replied “the loss is without limits”.
On the eve of the strikes in 1984 energy minister Peter Walker put together a deal offering miners another job or a voluntary redundancy package, plus £800m investment in mining. He told Thatcher: “I think this meets every emotional issue the miners have. And it’s expensive, but not as expensive as a coal strike”. Thatcher replied “You know, I agree with you”.
Scargill turned down the offer, vetoed the expected ballot of miners to decide whether to strike, and, called a strike (Scargill later wrote about his decision in the Guardian).
Scargill’s politics eventually proved too extreme for his erstwhile political allies on the left, and he ended his career isolated and mocked by his fellow socialists. These days he declines to give interviews.
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4) The Belgrano should not have been sunk

Even the Argentine military don’t buy this myth. The misunderstanding comes from the nature of the 200-mile area Exclusion Zone. But the zone was a warning to neutral vessels, not an attempt to confine the conflict exclusively to the zone. Rear Admiral Allara, in charge of the Malvinas task force which included the Belgrano, said: “the entire South Atlantic was an operational theatre for both sides. We, as professionals, said it was just too bad that we lost the Belgrano”. The Belgrano’s captain Hector Bonzo confirmed: “‘It was an act of war, lamentably legal.”
Bonus tip: The Belgrano had been a US navy ship in a former life, and survived the attack on Pearl Harbor.
5) Thatcher started the end of the coal industry

Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson who served from 1964 to 1970 and again from 1974 to 1976 closed 290 pits to Thatcher’s 160. In 1967 alone there were 12,900 forced redundancies.
Between 1957 and 1963, 264 pits also closed.

Source: BBC
Closure of the pits
6) “There is no such thing as society”

Read the full quote and it is clear Thatcher meant the reverse. Here is the full quote from an interview given to Women’s Own in 1987:
“I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand ‘I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!’ or ‘I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!’ ‘I am homeless, the Government must house me!’ and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing!
“There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first… There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate.”
7) She chose inflation over jobs

The Philips Curve plots unemployment against inflation. It illustrates the trade-off: as one falls the other rises, and vice versa. In healthy economies the curve is tight to the X and Y axes meaning both are low. In dysfunctional economies the trade-off exists, but both are high. Thatcher’s goal was to reduce inflation at the expense of unemployment, so that part is true. But her goal was to drag the UK’s Philips Curve back towards the X and Y axis. In plain English: she pursued low long-term unemployment and inflation at the cost of short-term unemployment. A more complicated trade-off than is commonly appreciated.

BONUS MYTH: She called Nelson Mandela a “terrorist”

One more myth: that Thatcher dismissed Nelson Mandela as a “terrorist”. We can find no evidence of this. What is usually quoted is her statement in 1987 when she described the ANC as a “terrorist organisation”.
don't think you can assume that, but there not even first generation satellite dishes so at least 6-7years after she left office those residents had sufficient disposable income to consider it worthwhile to pay Murdoch to beam crap into their house. Doesn't really play the legacy card that well. Also looking at the age of most of the onlookers, no wonder there arethatcher milk snatcher signs both on the "coffin" and visible elsewhere in the beeb photos of the event. Personally hated the stuff but still. Anyway, I digress, where are the 1000 ex miners whose local colliery closed in 94, 4 years after she left office?
So it was a useful thread in the end, flushed another one out and dealt with a popular current myth.
Pickmans..why do you act in such a troglodyte manner? Is that all you are able to do? it is kind of pathetic.all that bluster and swearing.

These are the figures (https://www.gov.uk/government/stati...vailability-and-consumption-1853-to-2011) for the sharply declining number of coal mines open each year under those Labour Governments.
1964 545
1965 .. 504
1966 .. 442
1967 .. 406
1968 .. 330
1969 .. 304
1974 .. 250
1975 .. 241
1976 .. 239
1977 .. 231
1978 .. 223
1979 .. 219
These are the figures for the Thatcher years:
1979 .. 219
1980 .. 213
1981 .. 200
1982 .. 191
1983 .. 170
1984 .. 169
1985 .. 133
1986 .. 110
1987 .. 94
1988 .. 86
1989 .. 73
1990 .. 65
you could of course have looked on the tory blog to which i linked where the figures were provided. you fucking failure.
Thatcher used mass-unemployment as an economic strategy (along with many other calumnies) and as a result blighted the life of millions... i can never forgive her this and no ammount of re-writing of history by tory dickheads will make me forget it either. The OP is a shitstain and should fuck off in short order.
Pickmans..why do you act in such a troglodyte manner? Is that all you are able to do? it is kind of pathetic.all that bluster and swearing.

These are the figures (https://www.gov.uk/government/stati...vailability-and-consumption-1853-to-2011) for the sharply declining number of coal mines open each year under those Labour Governments.
1964 545
1965 .. 504
1966 .. 442
1967 .. 406
1968 .. 330
1969 .. 304
1974 .. 250
1975 .. 241
1976 .. 239
1977 .. 231
1978 .. 223
1979 .. 219
These are the figures for the Thatcher years:
1979 .. 219
1980 .. 213
1981 .. 200
1982 .. 191
1983 .. 170
1984 .. 169
1985 .. 133
1986 .. 110
1987 .. 94
1988 .. 86
1989 .. 73
1990 .. 65

Well Done.
Fuck Off.
Have you noticed how nasty left wingers often work in teaching, charities that help people, public sector jobs that help the community like the health service and so on... selfish scum, they should be working hard to enrich themselves and their families for it is only through the creation of wealth and profit that goodness results.
Whatever your thoughts on Thatcher, the much hyped celebration was fucking shit....damp squib or what?? some northern degenerates having a bbq being the highlight of what for 20 years has been billed as the party to end all parties / a huge outpouring of collective hatred

If only the emotion could stretch further than the internet
Whatever your thoughts on Thatcher, the much hyped celebration was fucking shit....damp squib or what?? some northern degenerates having a bbq being the highlight of what for 20 years has been billed as the party to end all parties / a huge outpouring of collective hatred

If only the emotion could stretch further than the internet

If only your awareness stretched beyond your own micro-penis.
Whatever your thoughts on Thatcher, the much hyped celebration was fucking shit....damp squib or what?? some northern degenerates having a bbq being the highlight of what for 20 years has been billed as the party to end all parties / a huge outpouring of collective hatred

If only the emotion could stretch further than the internet
what a bunch of lefty pigs! blind to everything but your own dead ideology.

actually RT by Pawel Morski..not Old Lolborn
Who's using the family brain cell this week then sonny boy? were you born a cunt or did you study hard at becomming one at school?
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