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God and religion

What's yer problem?
Probably that you think that there can be such a thing as fundamental atheists? Maybe that someone who doesn't believe in deities might stick to some strict code to contiune their non belief?

1. I see no reason to believe there are deities or gods.
The end.
I will cling to these words to the letter until proven otherwise.

Not sure you can get all that 'fundamental' about just not believing something (that has no proof of existance) exists.
Probably that you think that there can be such a thing as fundamental atheists? Maybe that someone who doesn't believe in deities might stick to some strict code to contiune their non belief?

1. I see no reason to believe there are deities or gods.
The end.
I will cling to these words to the letter until proven otherwise.

Not sure you can get all that 'fundamental' about just not believing something (that has no proof of existance) exists.

It's not as complicated as that. I just mean that anyone who interprets the Bible literally is a twit.

That holds for those who believe the world was created in six days (religious fundies), and also for those who believe the Bible can be refuted by proving that the world was not created in six days (atheist fundies).
You're not exactly a frothing surge of originality yourself these days.
We all have moments when we let our frustration with events out with simplistic comments and make misjudged posts. I did it on another thread in describing IS as 'nutters'. I think it's a very fair description, and valid on many levels (which also assume a knowledge of my own thoughts about terms such as 'nutters', a big discussion in itself), but it doesn't explain anything, and I should have made it clear that I thought that - that I didn't think I was providing any level of analysis or explanation. But this is the philosophy forum. 'they're thick' doesn't really cut it, does it, especially when it's accompanied by a spurious equivalence with another group.

And, as ever, you display no understanding of atheist thinking, so you caricature it absurdly, attacking its weakest (imagined in your own head, largely) form.
It's not as complicated as that. I just mean that anyone who interprets the Bible literally is a twit.

That holds for those who believe the world was created in six days (religious fundies), and also for those who believe the Bible can be refuted by proving that the world was not created in six days (atheist fundies).
An atheist does not believe in magical deities and gods. The end. Nothing more. You can hardly get 'fundamentalist' about that.
oh fuck off

I really hate the "F off" posts. It's like people are having a interesting and meaningful conversation and there are feral half witted louts listening in shouting offensive words whenever they feel like. It is like having some horrible bully leering in the background at a group therapy session, it doesn't exactly encourage openness and trust.
I wish I knew more about the crusades. I must have been asleep or playing hookey during that time in History lessons. It seems at least one of the sides of those wars wants to fight them again and I expect if I knew more about the first time there would be lessons from that for today.
I know it's not a trendy point of view and I know all the wrong that's been done in the name of religion. But my attitude is, exploring any religion to see if it is beneficial to oneself is nothing to do with anyone else or anyone else's baggage. The problem with pure reality, is that it ends the discussion. If one has been told one has 6 months to live, what's wrong with a weaving fairytales in one's mind and encountering mystic updraughts of spiritual love, real or imagined.
That's a position I have some sympathy towards - think this song gets that across well particularly the lines "don't try to judge him his theologian ideals, his hope might be false but his happiness is real " ( echos of marxes famous quote on religion heart in a heartless world iirc ) ...

At the same time I get the idea that we have to get beyond the mystifications of religion to get somewhere...
It's not as complicated as that. I just mean that anyone who interprets the Bible literally is a twit.

That holds for those who believe the world was created in six days (religious fundies), and also for those who believe the Bible can be refuted by proving that the world was not created in six days (atheist fundies).

How can any zombie believer even contemplate following a faith that moves the goal posts whenever it is convenient? Either the bible is the word of god or it isn't. Simple really.
How can any zombie believer even contemplate following a faith that moves the goal posts whenever it is convenient? Either the bible is the word of god or it isn't. Simple really.

What claims do you think christianities makes as regards the bible? Is that it is the word of god among them?
I'm not a theologian, nor a historian, but do you think we as a species will ever reach a post-religious age? Mass education is large parts of the world has possibly seen the proportion of non-believers grow in recent decades, but the majority still believe in something despite no form of evidence beyond anecdote.

What claims do you think christianities makes as regards the bible? Is that it is the word of god among them?
Well, prawns are off:

Leviticus 11:9-12King James Version (KJV)

9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.
I'm not a theologian, nor a historian, but do you think we as a species will ever reach a post-religious age? Mass education is large parts of the world has possibly seen the proportion of non-believers grow in recent decades, but the majority still believe in something despite no form of evidence beyond anecdote.
It will take a long time. Religious people bring up their children in the same tradition and childhood conditioning is very difficult to throw off.
But you think it will eventually happen? I'm sure it won't be in our lifetimes, but progress on these things is made in tiny steps.

I'd like to hear a world leader suggest a global movement away from deism to remove one brainwashing tool of nutters of all faiths.
Well, prawns are off:

Leviticus 11:9-12King James Version (KJV)

9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.
Why post what the bible says as if you believe that Christians think they must do what the Old testament says? That was exactly the point of my post.
My point is that this is a nonsense understanding of Christianity and it's relationship to the bible. It's almost EDL level.
If you're saying that christians don't follow the teachings of the bible then I agree. If you're saying that christians interpret the bible to fit in with the current cultural climate then I'd agree too, in some degree, except for the RCC in some respects. Just what do christians believe then, the latest issue?
If you're saying that christians don't follow the teachings of the bible then I agree. If you're saying that christians interpret the bible to fit in with the current cultural climate then I'd agree too, in some degree, except for the RCC in some respects. Just what do christians believe then, the latest issue?
No. I'm saying that idea that christians have to follow the word of the bible (how could they given it's a collection of poems, prose, two apocalypti and a set of rules for a different group etc) is your own particular - but popular - misunderstanding of what the bible is and of how Christians relate to it. What you think you know about christians and the bible is wrong. Shockingly so.
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But you think it will eventually happen? I'm sure it won't be in our lifetimes, but progress on these things is made in tiny steps.

I'd like to hear a world leader suggest a global movement away from deism to remove one brainwashing tool of nutters of all faiths.
I would love that too, but politicians need to be elected so they can't afford to alienate a porttion of the electorate. I think it will take a long time.
No. I'm saying that idea that christians have to follow the word of the bible (how could they given it's collection of poems, prose, two apocalypti and a set of rules for a different group) is your own particular - but popular - misunderstanding of what the bible is and of how Christians relate to it. What you think you know about christians and the bible is wrong. Shockingly so.
So explain the real truth.
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