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🤥 Why are all religions based on deceit ?

We all have faith in one central aspect of our lives, money. Money isn't inherently worth anything, without faith in its value it'd just be numbers on a screen, bits of paper or plastic and funny metal discs.

I think you're confusing faith with trust. Money is not inherently useful, but a lifetime of experience exchanging said money for goods and services means that I can trust it as an abstracted medium of exchange. This trust can, of course, be lost. Just like how one can lose trust in another person. But I think it's a real stretch to call it faith, because I can and have used money to effect real results in the material world. I can't pray for a pizza to appear on my doorstep. Well, I can, it just won't work. But I can use money to pay a business for a pizza and make it appear on my doorstep. That works, I don't need faith for that.
I think you're confusing faith with trust. Money is not inherently useful, but a lifetime of experience exchanging said money for goods and services means that I can trust it as an abstracted medium of exchange. This trust can, of course, be lost. Just like how one can lose trust in another person. But I think it's a real stretch to call it faith, because I can and have used money to effect real results in the material world. I can't pray for a pizza to appear on my doorstep. Well, I can, it just won't work. But I can use money to pay a business for a pizza and make it appear on my doorstep. That works, I don't need faith for that.
Money is based on a belief on other people and their behaviours. That belief can be tested empirically (Money normally 'works' but van stop 'working' due the behaviour of other people. You can do experiments to see how and why money works. None of those things apply to faith.)
I have a problem with all religions, even the most attractive. They tell us things but I find myself thinking: How do they know? Perhaps what they say is true. I would like it to be. And it would be nice if it were. But what reason do they have for saying that it is? And I have never had a convincing answer to that question. People hold religious beliefs for umpteen different kinds of reason: because they have a deep conviction of its truth, or because it provides a welcome explanation of their experience, or makes them feel better, or comforts them, or makes them members of a sympathetic social group. or because they imbibed it at an uncritical age - or for goodness knows how many other reasons; but from none of these does it follow that the belief is true. And although I have pressed the question often enough I have never received an answer that really is a answer. In the end it usually comes down to one thing: people want to believe. But that has nothing to do with truth. Ignorance is not a licence to believe we like; it is ignorance, and renders believing what we like unjustified.
Exactly my problem. As a rigorous agnostic, I can accept the theoretical possibility that there is an invisible puppetmaster, or indeed more than one, pulling the strings beyond the limits of human science. But how on earth am I to find out what it wants from us? Is Jesus the saviour in whom I have to believe in to be redeemed, as the Christians say, or just one of the prophets and not even the best of them, as the Muslims would have it, or if you go by his own co-religionists, just a very naughty boy? Or who really cares, according to the adherents of all the world's other faiths? All of these religions have had their sincere adherents. But they can't all be right; indeed, all but one MUST be wrong. Which increases the probability that they all are.
Exactly my problem. As a rigorous agnostic, I can accept the theoretical possibility that there is an invisible puppetmaster, or indeed more than one, pulling the strings beyond the limits of human science. But how on earth am I to find out what it wants from us? Is Jesus the saviour in whom I have to believe in to be redeemed, as the Christians say, or just one of the prophets and not even the best of them, as the Muslims would have it, or if you go by his own co-religionists, just a very naughty boy? Or who really cares, according to the adherents of all the world's other faiths? All of these religions have had their sincere adherents. But they can't all be right; indeed, all but one MUST be wrong. Which increases the probability that they all are.

If it does your head in it's unsurprising. Poverty better than being rich and a cunt. The story isn't finished.
Woe to the rich.

Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man go to heaven.

Blessed are the poor.

What profit to gain the world and lose your soul.
Woe to the rich.

Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man go to heaven.

Blessed are the poor.

What profit to gain the world and lose your soul.

Church sez gibs.
You make my father's house a house of merchandise?

Judas and his pieces of silver. A thief and a murderer who held the bag.

Two mites to a charity collection from a poor widow is worth more than the ostentatious gifts of rich people.
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