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Pictures of god

To bang on about my Christ-as-God here's a another Byzantine one of Christ resting after creation:
He doesn't look very happy about it.

But Christ as god you say....? my knowledge is lacking here. Enlighten if you will...
He doesn't look very happy about it.

But Christ as god you say....? my knowledge is lacking here. Enlighten if you will...
That Trinity thing - three persons but only one God. ETA that christology thing is the long history of people arguing about the nature of Christ given the apparent contradictions of that doctrine Christology - Wikipedia Can't claim to really know that much myself either
Generally, apart from certain groups such jehovas witnesses. They don't believe Jesus is god.

I can think of one or two other religions who might not be convinced either.

but it's probably easier to talk about ceiling cat

talking of which, this is the first image i get on a search for 'jah'

I can think of one or two other religions who might not be convinced either.

What was the last time you saw a Jewish/Muslim picture of Jesus?

As opposed to JWs who depict Jesus frequently, but don't believe him to be god. Hence their pictures of Jesus aren't 'pictures of god'.
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