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I wish we had been taught religion as a philosophical subject at school covering all religions rather than just a crappy run through Christianity

we got a few sessions on 'comparitive religion' - the "we've done the serious stuff, this is all a load of cobblers that those heathens believe" was unspoken, but only just...
We got quite decent comparative religion at our northern comp in the 80s, basic run down on the major world faiths.
We got nothing. I was in my mid 20s when a Muslim colleague told me about the Haj and he was astonished that I had absolutely no idea about it. I felt quite embarrassed by my ignorance.
I wish we had been taught religion as a philosophical subject at school covering all religions rather than just a crappy run through Christianity. I find it all quite fascinating.
Yea. Went to a catholic school so learnt nothing about any of them. Muslims, budhists, hindus... all just another bunch of prods
“And he shall spread forth his hands in the midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim ”

Isaiah 25:11

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