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God and religion

According to Genesis, God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be 'cut off' from their people (Genesis 17:10-14).
Clearly Abraham (not just him) would have benefitted from having one or other of our 20th century psychiatric definitions placed upon him.
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Or suffered from it...
Well exactly.. where would the history of theism be without the folks who happily talk to burning bushes & see snakes in sticks and so on. Not knocking it mind you just saying (the last time i had a proper one to one with God LSD probably helped, opened up the lines of communication). :(
Well exactly.. where would the history of theism be without the folks who happily talk to burning bushes & see snakes in sticks and so on. Not knocking it mind you just saying (the last time i had a proper one to one with God LSD probably helped, opened up the lines of communication). :(
Huge subject, and a bit of a derail. We've discussed this stuff on here before, but if you're interested in different approaches to hallucinations from the standard, unsatisfactory and often harmful medical model, this book is well worth a read. Accepting voices.
imagine if theresa may lived in biblical times. load of blokes with beards ranting about god, holy war, circumcision, beasts with 7 horns etc...i think she would want to shut down their internet or access to stone tablets etc
Well exactly.. where would the history of theism be without the folks who happily talk to burning bushes & see snakes in sticks and so on. Not knocking it mind you just saying (the last time i had a proper one to one with God LSD probably helped, opened up the lines of communication). :(
If only all these prophets genuinely thought they saw / heard what they saw / heard.

I'm pretty certain that a number of prophets just lied about hearing god and completely made shit up:

Elijah Muhammad
L Ron Hubbard
Egyptian pharaohs.
The Alpha and the Omega according to the Bible (and Tyson Fury lol).

Interesting that as we just don't have a better explanation or perhaps more succinct answer. Or do we?
According to Genesis, God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be 'cut off' from their people (Genesis 17:10-14).

Hi there, i'm god, i'm the infalible creator of you and everything, um you know i designed and created your penis?
Well i need you to cut a bit of it off.
What? Why?
Um its a holy thing.
But you made my penis, surely mutilating it is an offence to your original design.
Just do it will you, it won't hurt.
Ok, argh you mutha fucka.
Ok maybe it will hurt a little.
Done. Now I've four fingers and a thumb on each hand, was that a mistake too or can i keep all of them?
Hi there, i'm god, i'm the infalible creator of you and everything, um you know i designed and created your penis?
Well i need you to cut a bit of it off.
What? Why?
Um its a holy thing.
But you made my penis, surely mutilating it is an offence to your original design.
Just do it will you, it won't hurt.
Ok, argh you mutha fucka.
Ok maybe it will hurt a little.
Done. Now I've four fingers and a thumb on each hand, was that a mistake too or can i keep all of them?

Doesn't the category of 'everything' kind of contain the object 'you'?

If it was published in a newspaper they'd probably do the implied missing word in brackets thing:

i'm the infalible creator of you and everything (else).

I'm more concerned that no one noticed that God can't spell infallible as that was a great zinger! :(
If only all these prophets genuinely thought they saw / heard what they saw / heard.

I'm pretty certain that a number of prophets just lied about hearing god and completely made shit up:

Elijah Muhammad
L Ron Hubbard
Egyptian pharaohs.

You've missed out The Trump;)
According to Genesis, God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be 'cut off' from their people (Genesis 17:10-14).

Religion is a result of evolution:

Fear of God may have helped human evolution

Religion is often seen as being at odds with the science of evolution, but according to a growing area of research, it may actually be a product of this fundamental biological process. Fear of incurring the wrath of God, or a range of gods, may have played a key role in the development of our species, according to a leading expert in the evolution of human co-operation. He argues that belief in a divine being who will punish bad behaviour may have allowed humans to co-operate in a way our relatives in the animal kingdom do not.

Interesting theory. So much of what we are is due to evolution so why not religion?
Religion is a result of evolution:

Fear of God may have helped human evolution

Religion is often seen as being at odds with the science of evolution, but according to a growing area of research, it may actually be a product of this fundamental biological process. Fear of incurring the wrath of God, or a range of gods, may have played a key role in the development of our species, according to a leading expert in the evolution of human co-operation. He argues that belief in a divine being who will punish bad behaviour may have allowed humans to co-operate in a way our relatives in the animal kingdom do not.

Interesting theory. So much of what we are is due to evolution so why not religion?

Believing in something is more fundamental than religion.
Because religion is about control and power.
Fearful people are easily led...

Says me. Biased as hell. Not sure why I thread here.

Coz people that lump believing and religion together really annoy me actually, even on a good day :hmm:
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Hi there, i'm god, i'm the infalible creator of you and everything, um you know i designed and created your penis?
Well i need you to cut a bit of it off.
What? Why?
Um its a holy thing.
But you made my penis, surely mutilating it is an offence to your original design.
Just do it will you, it won't hurt.
Ok, argh you mutha fucka.
Ok maybe it will hurt a little.
Done. Now I've four fingers and a thumb on each hand, was that a mistake too or can i keep all of them?

That's good: God made Man in His own image... but he got the dick wrong. :D

[Oops: Noxion beat me to it...]
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