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GMB plan move against (Blairites) Progress

You can't help making yourself look like a two faced cunt can you? I wonder why? You relentlessly hounded me for liking the pogues because you expected someone like me must hate all people from private school and that this hatred was wrong - and now this. You are a shambles.

Lots of people seem to indulge in hating the product of an institution in lieu of having the balls to hate the institution instead.
Depends what you mean "united organisation" - a united front of pro w/c parties and groups seems a good idea.

Well, there's the problem: "Seeming" isn't any good, and the reality is only a good idea if it works for all parties to the front. This is rarely the case in operation.

I think that a strong and united organised labour movement offers the best chance of beating fascism.

I mean aside from the obvious issue of much of organised labour being reactionary rather than even mildly revolutionary, UK trade unions are saturated in instrumentality, so would be unlikely to take anti-fascism on board as a matter of concern until fascism threatened their interests.

Not sure fascists in Ireland had much of a mass base to begin with?
I think Labour's neglect of its core vote is very much part of the problem and move to an anti w/c neoliberalism is very much part of the problem. But all the more reason to contest the direction of Labour at local (as well as national) level.

But it's not "all the more reason" to do so unless you have some sort of investment in the Labour party as possibly being revolutionary enough to entirely change direction within a fairly short period of time - say the space between two general elections - and that will not happen, for many reasons, a few of which are: the refusal of the parliamentary and national parties to do more than engage in minimised gradualist change; the cut-off between representatives and those they represent across swathes of the counry's wards and constituencies; the unwillingness of Labour to allow any hostages to fortune to emerge at any political level that might be used against them by their opposition, and the penetration of interests outside those of the electorate into and through the parties and the political processes they undertake.
You said that i should as this is what you expect from people like me. I said i didn't and that your expectations of people like me were very revealing. Your whole case was based on it being wrong to judge people people from private schools as just worthless. Now we find you arguing that people from private schools are worthless. You can't stop being incoherent, contradictory and two faced.

He could.
He wouldn't be left with a lot to say, though.
Bonkers - I didn't read the whole mad article, but do they differentiate between the Tories implementing fascism, and what Labour did with opening up education and health?
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