4 years and I still cry sometimes
The fact that men do not recognise their abuse as abuse is very much the heart of the problem I think. If I have a perceived right to your body, because I’m a man, how can I be expected to behave except abusively? Sadly too many men think that you do not have the right to your own body autonomy. We see this in the, for example, US states withdrawing women’s access to legal abortion.The thing is we don't really know how many men commit rape. You certainly can't go by convictions, as less than half of cases that go to court result in convictions. You can't go by charges, as fewer than 6% of those reported result in charges. And you certainly can't go by reported figures, as most people don't ever report it. Rape Crisis says 5 out of 6 victims don't. That's a huge number of men getting away with it.
And you can't go by men's self-perception, since so many don't even recognise their behaviour as rape. But if you ask women, you'd find a shocking number of them have experienced it. But you'd have to conduct a truly anonymous survey to get any sort of picture, as it's not information that many people are going to volunteer even to close friends or partners. Rape Crisis reckons about 5 million in the UK. Add to that the fact that some of those 5 million women will have suffered many times at the hands of one man or more than one man.
And add to that all the 'lesser' offences on that sexual domination pyramid at the bottom of which lies an unexpressed and unacknowledged feeling of entitlement.
Rape, sexual assault and child sexual abuse statistics
Want to know how many people are raped, sexually abused or sexually assaulted? We have key statistics from trusted sources showing the scale of the
As an aside from this, I have a relative who, from time to time, used to send me “humorous” porn pics. I asked him how he will feel when his daughters are 18 if someone is behaving that same way about his girls. I’d like to think it has made him rethink his position. I don’t get any porn “jokes“ anymore so I’m hopeful.