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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Yup, and as a response to pogroms? Not a dog whistle. An incitement.

I think this goes beyond fascism and militant racism. It's part of a problem of widespread casual racism, even by those who don't even consider themselves to racist or prejudicial views.

I know this older guy who would complain about a Brazilian family a few doors up who were "antisocial". They'd have summer parties in their garden with food, music, and dancing until quite late. About midnight.

The music was Brazilian, the food smelt "different" and he would always go on about how "thats not how we do things here, they don't understand how we behave".

Admittedly noise pollution can be irritating, but they weren't that bad. He had never discussed it with them either, just complaining to neighbours about them.

The irony however, is that a few doors up on the other side were this family who would have relentless parties throughout the summer. The music was so loud that it made the house vibrate and these could literally go on all night. They'd be pissed up, loud, roudy and often spill over into fights on the street.

Their garden was also full of dog shit.

They were disruptive and an utter pain in the arse.

Barely a pip, occasionally he said something like "oh, they went on all night didnt they
We got to sleep eventually", as if it was off the shoulder. But the Brazilian family were a real problem for him.

I know it might sound stupid and inconsequential, but "values" often equates to this kind of othering.

Edit to remove derrogatory term to describe the other family. Sorry for any offence caused.
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My Mp is Yvette Cooper, she is loathed up here, especially/mostly by Reform types, I'll be writing to her, I just arrived at my mothers and she's in tears over everything. I went to Morrissons and bought her some kombucha and strawberries, 'how metropolitan liberal elite' is that of me? :D
Conductor on the tram said they've heard the fash might try again today in Blackpool. Suspect that was a pure rumour even if it might have come from the Transport Authority, but still a worry. I've just gone to the hotel housing migrants- all quiet so far.
Are you also aware that a plastic baton round has never been fired on the British mainland? For the reason that they kill people.

AEPs (baton rounds) are fired most weeks in GB. Issued/authorised most hours. But not for public order yet*. They very rarely kill people here.

But any use of force can kill somebody. That’s why they are less lethal not non-lethal.

* Continental Europe, especially the French use loads. Rather than push and hit with shields they tend to stand off and let fly with hundreds of AEPs. They don’t kill lots of people there. It’s not right though.
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Robinson is promoting a lot of this, and spreading disinformation as usual, Police Scotland has stepped in on one case, but it's too late, the fake information is already out there, and being spread far and wide, I can't see how this can ever by stopped TBH, the downside of SM.

Police Scotland have confirmed that a man has been arrested after a woman was stabbed in Stirling. The attack happened on Saturday at around 8.20pm. The woman, aged 21, suffered a “non-life threatening” stab injury and was taken to Forth Valley Royal Hospital for treatment.

A 29-year-old man was arrested by police, who described him as white and local to the area – a step not usually taken by police – after false speculation spread on social media about the incident.

Among them was a post by far-right figure Robinson (below), who posted on Twitter/X on Saturday night that an “alleged Muslim” had just been involved in the stabbing of “at least three women” in Stirling.

I'm sure the authorities know exactly where "Robinson" is. Which does make you wonder why more isn't being done to have him extradited back to the UK. It wouldn't take too much imagination to have him arraigned on charges of directing terrorism given his output online since his brown-trousered departure from the UK.
Robinson is promoting a lot of this, and spreading disinformation as usual, Police Scotland has stepped in on one case, but it's too late, the fake information is already out there, and being spread far and wide, I can't see how this can ever by stopped TBH, the downside of SM.

Glad that the rioting doesn't seem to have spread to Scotland so far, though Tommeh has been promoting something in Glasgow for next month.
I'm sure the authorities know exactly where "Robinson" is. Which does make you wonder why more isn't being done to have him extradited back to the UK. It wouldn't take too much imagination to have him arraigned on charges of directing terrorism given his output online since his brown-trousered departure from the UK.

Maybe the GCHQ types will be looking into this?
I wonder if the people behind this have pressed the start button too early.

Without going to conspiraloon it does seem there is some organisation behind this. Seems likely whoever (ex BNP, Putin, tech bros, Israeli right, lizzards whoever) had a plan for this following a terrorist attack. They thought Southport was that, sent the balloon up and now aren’t getting the much wider support they were planning for ?
I'm sure the authorities know exactly where "Robinson" is. Which does make you wonder why more isn't being done to have him extradited back to the UK. It wouldn't take too much imagination to have him arraigned on charges of directing terrorism given his output online since his brown-trousered departure from the UK.

They are waiting until October.

A senior judge has issued an arrest warrant for far-right campaigner Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - better known by his alias Tommy Robinson - after learning he has left the country on the eve of a major legal case against him.
Mr Justice Johnson has ordered the warrant not to be carried out "until early October" to give Yaxley-Lennon time to confirm he would attend the next hearing voluntarily.

I wonder if the people behind this have pressed the start button too early.

Without going to conspiraloon it does seem there is some organisation behind this. Seems likely whoever (ex BNP, Putin, tech bros, Israeli right, lizzards whoever) had a plan for this following a terrorist attack. They thought Stockport was that, sent the balloon up and now aren’t getting the much wider support they were planning for ?
Maybe the GCHQ types will be looking into this?

The last time the FR tried something big (fuel protests) they did get wrapped up pretty quickly. I’ve always imagined their counter intelligence skills aren’t that good….
Conductor on the tram said they've heard the fash might try again today in Blackpool. Suspect that was a pure rumour even if it might have come from the Transport Authority, but still a worry. I've just gone to the hotel housing migrants- all quiet so far.
I suspect there has been a key message briefing to all partners in the Crime and Disorder/Community Safety partnership
Hampshires Tory PCC and chair of the association of the PCC has tweeted and deleted this statement

Blames a lack of British values and uncontrolled immigration as the root cause. Call on Starmer to tackle these.

And to acknowledge the views of the fascist rioters.

Now deleted presumably because she realised it isn’t a dog whistle when you can hear it.

View attachment 436510

Top victim blaming there from someone with a fascist mindset. It goes along with "Why are some people racist? Because some black and brown people have just moved into the area". It's the same "logic" as the old "she asked for it" trope.

PCCs are a fucking joke anyway. Most get elected on a miniscule turn out that makes the recent general election turnout look gargantuan. Those who get elected tend to be the worst knuckle draggers, weirdos and spivs... so not that different to a fair few MPs then.
Fuck I didn’t realise how bad it got in Bristol. I feel well lame for not getting involved in someway. Not be much good in that sort of situation. I think it is shit up my mates Spannish sister-in-law though. Walking past some of these tosses heading down a street we were on. they weren’t saying anything to us except your skunk man showing in coherent anti-asylum seeker bollocks. I think it did shit up my Spannish mates sister-in-law though. Just the whole atmosphere. Police horses and what not.
Nothing to feel lame about hope your friends are okay.
I think this goes beyond fascism and militant racism. It's part of a problem of widespread casual racism, even by those who don't even consider themselves to racist or prejudicial views.

I know this older guy who would complain about a Brazilian family a few doors up who were "antisocial". They'd have summer parties in their garden with food, music, and dancing until quite late. About midnight.

The music was Brazilian, the food smelt "different" and he would always go on about how "thats not how we do things here, they don't understand how we behave".

Admittedly noise pollution can be irritating, but they weren't that bad. He had never discussed it with them either, just complaining to neighbours about them.

The irony however, is that a few doors up on the other side were this really chavy family who would have relentless parties throughout the summer. The music was so loud that it made the house vibrate and these could literally go on all night. They'd be pissed up, loud, roudy and often spill over into fights on the street.

Their garden was also full of dog shit.

They were disruptive and an utter pain in the arse.

Barely a pip, occasionally he said something like "oh, they went on all night didnt they
We got to sleep eventually", as if it was off the shoulder. But the Brazilian family were a real problem for him.

I know it might sound stupid and inconsequential, but "values" often equates to this kind of othering.

Sorry but can you not use the word Chav.

It's a damaging word that is used when othering people from poorer communities and I detest it after being labelled it very many times.

I agree with most of your post.
Nothing to feel lame about hope your friends are okay.

Sorry but can you not use the word Chav.

It's a damaging word that is used when othering people from poorer communities and I detest it after being labelled it very many times.

I agree with most of your post.
I was trying to decide if that entire post was some kind of thought experiment after reading the last line.
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