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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Yes, but he probably feels the need to be a bit more cautious in what he says.

He praises it today then tomorrow something kicks of and the blame is paced with counter protesters. That will be held against him in a a way it wouldn't be for the likes of the mail. They can flip position a lot easier.

I assume he's seen this.

It's not some clumsy oversight; Starmer hates the left.
I agree. It's not just that he hates the left, though. There appears to be an ideological principle in play as well. He's a Law And Order type, former Attorney General. For him, the job of keeping our streets safe is down to the police and the courts, not our place for the people who live there to do anything. We're supposed to passively stand aside and let the authorities keep order for us. Can't have people reclaiming their streets on their own. That will not do at all.
Someone on my FB feed is insisting that the Hope not Hate guy compiled 'the list'. I'm struggling to see why tbh. Anyone else come across this belief?
Someone on my FB feed is insisting that the Hope not Hate guy compiled 'the list'. I'm struggling to see why tbh. Anyone else come across this belief?

No, and I think its stupid to suggest the list was published by government, police, or anti-racism campaigners. It would be such a dangerous and irresponsible gamble that I just don't buy it.

You have to operate on some kind of "master stroke" theory where they knew thousands of anti-racism campaigners and supporters would flood the streets peacefully and the far right would stay home. Its fanciful, fantasy thinking.
I assume he's seen this.

I know that'll be an archive photo, but from his expression it looks very much like he's thinking, yeah I'm in trouble now but I don't regret it and I'd do it again.

E2a: I see Farage has piped up again to demand this bloke be arrested. Not sure I'd be leaning too heavily on the, 'lock people up for incitement' angle if I were in his position but hey.
I agree. It's not just that he hates the left, though. There appears to be an ideological principle in play as well. He's a Law And Order type, former Attorney General. For him, the job of keeping our streets safe is down to the police and the courts, not our place for the people who live there to do anything. We're supposed to passively stand aside and let the authorities keep order for us. Can't have people reclaiming their streets on their own. That will not do at all.

But given his career he will know full well that the police are incompetent and corrupt. He'll probably know it better than anyone. But still he's more interested in what he thinks reality should be than what actually is. And he expects everyone else to act like they're in his fantasy land with him, and not here in the real world where fascism wins if ordinary people do nothing to stop it.
I think I've just lost a client, which I've been wanting to do anyway, he's a pain in the arse all round, and always needs chasing for payment, so I am not bothered TBH.

Anyway, he mentioned before the GE that he was going to vote Reform, so that was another reason for not wanting to deal with him, he phoned a few minutes ago looking for a job to be done ASAP, I said sorry, but I am flat out ATM, I am not, far from it, but I can be choosy who I deal with

For some reason he started talking about the riots, I wasn't really listening until...

He said, 'that Starmer bloke was bang out of order calling the protesters far-right thugs.'

Me, 'I agree, he should have correctly described them as a bunch of fascists and neo-Nazis.'

And, he just hung up. 🤷‍♂️ :D
Someone on my FB feed is insisting that the Hope not Hate guy compiled 'the list'. I'm struggling to see why tbh. Anyone else come across this belief?
No but is obvious conspiracy BS.

But in any case It doesn't matter were the list came, it had to be be taken seriously.

And they are not some disciplined organised group, they are just a bunch of dickheads getting their info online mostly from the same places we are, including that list. Even if the list wasn't "real" it becomes real once it has spread enough.

I said yesterday (I think) that it was just an aspirational list someone put together in the hope that it would get enough traction for something significant to happen at some of them. There was never a plan to attack all those places because there was not plan just a list of possible targets. But there was way to know which if any will be significant until the time came.

Having such a big list may even have worked against them. A smaller number of targets in areas they are strongest might have been better. But as there is no real organisation or planning it didn't happen like that, instead that list took off.
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A healing stone 😂😂

Judge Robert Linford, sentencing Williams and a second defendant at Plymouth crown court on Thursday, said that “thugs like you … ran amok”.

He said Williams was “seen to be fighting and kicking another male” and when he was arrested he was found with a stone in his jogging bottoms.
The judge dismissed as “ludicrous” Williams’s claim that it was a “healing stone”.
I think I've just lost a client, which I've been wanting to do anyway, he's a pain in the arse all round, and always needs chasing for payment, so I am not bothered TBH.

Anyway, he mentioned before the GE that he was going to vote Reform, so that was another reason for not wanting to deal with him, he phoned a few minutes ago looking for a job to be done ASAP, I said sorry, but I am flat out ATM, I am not, far from it, but I can be choosy who I deal with

For some reason he started talking about the riots, I wasn't really listening until...

He said, 'that Starmer bloke was bang out of order calling the protesters far-right thugs.'

Me, 'I agree, he should have correctly described them as a bunch of fascists and neo-Nazis.'

And, he just hung up. 🤷‍♂️ :D
More of the loons jailed this morning.

"Went to bingo, then joined riot", is not a headline I ever expected to read. :D
So if two people who are a couple get sent down at the same time, do they get sent to the same prison or are they separated?
I think I've just lost a client, which I've been wanting to do anyway, he's a pain in the arse all round, and always needs chasing for payment, so I am not bothered TBH.

Anyway, he mentioned before the GE that he was going to vote Reform, so that was another reason for not wanting to deal with him, he phoned a few minutes ago looking for a job to be done ASAP, I said sorry, but I am flat out ATM, I am not, far from it, but I can be choosy who I deal with

For some reason he started talking about the riots, I wasn't really listening until...

He said, 'that Starmer bloke was bang out of order calling the protesters far-right thugs.'

Me, 'I agree, he should have correctly described them as a bunch of fascists and neo-Nazis.'

And, he just hung up. 🤷‍♂️ :D
I've had some absolute tool in work (who also voted Reform) try to tell me that the far right aren't racist. Holy fuckarony.
Someone on my FB feed is insisting that the Hope not Hate guy compiled 'the list'. I'm struggling to see why tbh. Anyone else come across this belief?

Yes. On Twitter. Having played their hand shockingly badly the fash are now pretending that the ‘list’ was nothing to do with them. Oddly, they did not say this before they were humiliated yesterday.
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I have been reading the liberal fuckwit daily, Huffington Post. I don't think putting Farage in the "far right" thing is very wise. After a bout of ultra-violence I think there needs to be some ramping down of the rhetoric. Personally, if I was Keir Stalin I would tell James O'Brien to shut his fucking trap for a bit. None if them believe in free speech anyway.

And thinking of these "far" groups, it is interesting that The Times are trying to expand the debate to the "far left". For them, this includes the pro-Gaza protests. I have the inkling this will be discussed in the coming weeks. Look out for it. The "far" group criterion has always been a slippery concept, so it is easy to manipulate this to mean anything to the left of Keir Stalin's """socialism""".
I have been reading the liberal fuckwit daily, Huffington Post. I don't think putting Farage in the "far right" thing is very wise. After a bout of ultra-violence I think there needs to be some ramping down of the rhetoric. Personally, if I was Keir Stalin I would tell James O'Brien to shut his fucking trap for a bit. None if them believe in free speech anyway.

And thinking of these "far" groups, it is interesting that The Times are trying to expand the debate to the "far left". For them, this includes the pro-Gaza protests. I have the inkling this will be discussed in the coming weeks. Look out for it. The "far" group criterion has always been a slippery concept, so it is easy to manipulate this to mean anything to the left of Keir Stalin's """socialism""".

Like, far out.
That's what they do. With any group of far right bigots and their followers. It's a response have encountered over many years and it never ceases to depress.
Fucking gobsmacked. I've spent too many hours lately trying to educate this knobhead, he knows NOTHING. Literally fuck all. Thinks he knows everything. I honestly spent 90 minutes discussing it all with him, with him conceding quite a few points, only for him to revert back to his original nonsense at the end of it all. Close to lamping the cunt.
Yes. On Twitter. Having played their hand shockingly badly the fash are now pretending that the ‘lost’ was nothing to do with them. Oddly, they did not say this before they were humiliated yesterday.
Their evidence for this claim is that Nick Lowles is saying it was a hoax 'but look at the attendance' kinda thing. They're not having it that this is tenuous at best, nor can they answer exactly why he said that.
I tried to log in to twitter to check the thread out, but I have been locked out of it for some odd reason. Must be on another kind of list :D
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