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Fantasy Premier League 2022-23

My h2h could be a draw it is 54-52 my way both have Haaland as captain but they have
De Bruyne to play, if he only gets 2 points its a draw, loving me fantasy football ;)
Yeah, there's been some pretty chaotic moments. Ever expanding user-base combined with a few crunch scenarios ("is Haaland playing?!", etc).

From the little I've caught, some chat about the back-end basically running on code/systems that is about as old as the game itself. Whether true or not (and uncertain how much that'd actually impact ability to deal with a mass influx of users), certainly hope they'll update things for next season.
It's really been an issue this year. Cost a lot of people.
As usual I had several possible teams planned, and went with the wrong one. Uncertainty about Mitrovic availability pushed me down the wrong path, and now I am likely to spend 8 points switching to plan B. The James injury made it slightly easier to swallow this development though because selling him to fund the change was always part of the plan and wouldnt have been so easy to bring myself to do if he hadnt got injured.

Ah well, at least after spending 8 points I will end up with both Salah and De Bruyne, as opposed to Kane and De Bruyne that I started this week with.

Rashford and Robertson saved this week from being complete doom for me. A lack of Arsenal players will continue to be the most obvious flaw in my team for now. Barring further injuries I probably wont be able to fix that issue until I get sick of Darwin, which might not take too long lol. I also lack Cancelo and have yet to discover how badly that works out for me. And my goalkeeper is back to being rubbish again.
Oh yeah and I had the genius idea of bringing in Perraud only to see him get an own goal and minus 2 points. At least he remains on my bench this week.
I think the bald fraud cost you our h2h. You'd have beat me if he had hair.
Exactly. Speaking as somebody who has been bald for thirty years, he really lets us down. Just pick a fucking team man!

And then, ok you don't want to play your best defender or your best* midfielder fine, but don't then bring them on for twenty minutes so i don't get the 14 points that i wasted from benching fucking rashford for some unknown reason.

(i didnt even know we had a h2h, well done for winning it 😁!)

*debatable but go with it.
I scored a whole 13 points over the average.

I think the most I've done over average is about 2 and that's been once this season.
It remains to be seen just how irritated I will be at letting the YouTubers convince me to buy Mitro instead of Toney, but my indignation is currently warming up on the touchline.

Bit of a supersub, really.
Worked out OK. Toney MIA, Mitro scored. But Mitro suspended for the second game of the double.
Aye, but think Toney came out on top over the two gameweeks since I sold him for Mitro.

Mitro's suspension does play into this week's fun of whether or not it turns out to be a good thing I forgot to captain him, going for Mount instead.

I've pretty much almost given up on this season, toying with the idea of just making some big swings for the rest of the season rather than playing my usual game.
BristolEcho your bench is looking tasty tonight :thumbs:

Also, how the fuck are you doing so well without having had Haaland or Salah or Toney or KDB all season?!

Nice work!
This week started off awfully, but Kane saved it. Hopefully Cancelo and Foden have stormers, or don't play at all so my bench gets on. No doubt Pep will bring them on for the last 5.

Re the team- thanks haha. I really wanted to have Odegaard and Saka this year. A front 3 of Jesus, Kane and Mitrovic plus Trippier and Pope has paid off, and I've generally tried to stick to the same team as i don't follow enoughb to guess on form. I'm tempted to drop Eze though as he isn't paying off.
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