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England fans: the racism and the violence


This can not and must not be swept under the carpet. There has been a horrendous outpouring of racism directed at the players after the Euro final. What is the fucking matter with them?

This is just horrific

*and yes, other teams have racist fans too, but let's talk about what's happened on the biggest stage in the last 24 hours.
A friend wrote on FB:

I hope none of you are surprised by the racism today. It's not like we all couldn't see it coming. But it does give a little clue as to why some of us don't do the English Pride and patriotism. Because when you're of colour you're never full accepted here.
Even if you fight for this country, die for this country, answer the call for help when this country calls. Even if you're a top athlete representing this country. They'll still call you n1gger at the first chance they get.
By "they" we all know who I'm talking about. We all know who uses the casual racist language, you know the same ones who have to be reminded every time there's a major tournament on to not beat their partners if England lose.
Sometimes I hate this country.
anyway the shitty scenes last night might have been another nail in the coffin for the 2030 world cup bid. putting the shameful racism to one side for just a moment - that being perhaps a more tricky issue to sort out - the shoddy security at wembley ought to hammer home the dire state of this country. yeh it was a load of twats getting in. but imagine if (and it's perfectly possible) someone with a bomb had wanted in with that lot. there's been stuff all week about how feeble the security was at wembley, how people didn't have stuff checked. never seen the like at a football match: and the lack of segregation within the ground - not planned, but the way england fans were able to sit where they would - didn't bode well.
Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson and his cunt cohorts like Shitty Patel or Jacob Cunt Mogg have enabled and emboldened this hateful environment.

Fuck the fucking Tories and the UKIP they rode in on.
Johnson and Patel explicitly encouraged it by saying fans had the right to boo anti-racism. If that’s okay then abusing specific players must be their ‘right’ too.
I would love to go to games, as a visible anti-racist and not-cunt. To be able to challenge those that are a problem. But it's so so expensive. £75 to the FA before you can even buy a ticket.
I’m surprised that tickets aren’t made available via grass roots clubs as in Rugby? Also means that you know who is going, so accountable if they act like a prick
Johnson and Patel explicitly encouraged it by saying fans had the right to boo anti-racism. If that’s okay then abusing specific players must be their ‘right’ too.

But it was anyway, these people haven't needed Tory politicians to enable their racism, and it's doubtful whether anti-racist politicians would have influenced them at all.
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But it was anyway, these people haven't needed to Tory politicians to enable their racism, and it's doubtful whether anti-racist politicians would have influenced them at all.
it's not a process of a few weeks or months but the many years of racist shite being routinely spouted by politicians, from * at least * blair onwards (and it's not like major or thatcher were slouches when it came to having racist policies). there's been so much bile since 2001 (and esp since 7/7).
I would love to go to games, as a visible anti-racist and not-cunt. To be able to challenge those that are a problem. But it's so so expensive. £75 to the FA before you can even buy a ticket.
Tbf, maybe I'm biased because my final-watching experience was a bit extreme, but even if you just go to the pub you're still being part of big gatherings of fans, you still have the chance to challenge people there.
But it was anyway, these people haven't needed to Tory politicians to enable their racism, and it's doubtful whether anti-racist politicians would have influenced them at all.
I mean, it's all part of creating an environment. It might not convince people that their actions are right or wrong, but you can help to give people the impression that their behaviour is unpopular and they're likely to get shit for it, which makes racists more likely to keep quiet. Or you can do the opposite.
I’m surprised that tickets aren’t made available via grass roots clubs as in Rugby? Also means that you know who is going, so accountable if they act like a prick
And tennis. It's ironic that sports like rugby union and tennis that traditionally have a much more 'middle class' image are considerably more egalitarian and less money-grabbing than football in this regard. Football is all about squeezing every last penny out of everyone and has been for decades now.
Sadly I'm not surprised. It seems to me these people - for whatever reason - are full of some sort of self-loathing which sadly manifests itself by this kind of behaviour and attitude. Their hatred and aggression towards others stems from this. They simply cannot function as a decent human being.
Ticketless fans getting into grounds for big matches is nothing new, footage of fisticuffs with ticketed fans not surprising under the current situation. The daft prick swinging a bottle and looking for a fight getting sparked out is hardly worth commenting on.

I don't think conflating the news/videos above with racism is particularly helpful.
Ticketless fans getting into grounds for big matches is nothing new, footage of fisticuffs with ticketed fans not surprising under the current situation. The daft prick swinging a bottle and looking for a fight getting sparked out is hardly worth commenting on.

I don't think conflating the news/videos above with racism is particularly helpful.
It's part of the same yob culture.
Checkout the violent steward

Met statement


Boris Johnson, home secretary Priti Patel and culture secretary Oliver Dowden condemned the abuse. The prime minister referred to it as “appalling” but former England defender Gary Neville criticised Johnson’s leadership.

He told Sky News: “I’m just reading your breaking news and it says the ‘PM condemns racist abuse of England players’. Gareth Southgate and the players a few weeks ago, about five days on the trot, told us they were taking the knee to promote equality and it was against racism.

“The prime minister said it was OK for the population of this country to boo those players who were trying to promote equality and defend against racism. It starts at the very top. I wasn’t surprised in the slightest that I woke up to those headlines; I expected it the minute that the three players missed.”

anyway the shitty scenes last night might have been another nail in the coffin for the 2030 world cup bid. putting the shameful racism to one side for just a moment - that being perhaps a more tricky issue to sort out - the shoddy security at wembley ought to hammer home the dire state of this country. yeh it was a load of twats getting in. but imagine if (and it's perfectly possible) someone with a bomb had wanted in with that lot. there's been stuff all week about how feeble the security was at wembley, how people didn't have stuff checked. never seen the like at a football match: and the lack of segregation within the ground - not planned, but the way england fans were able to sit where they would - didn't bode well.

I'm not sure some racist comments on Twitter would make a jot of difference to FIFA, an institution so morally bankrupt that it's awarded next year's World Cup to a state that killed 6,500 slaves to build the grounds, and has the death penalty for homosexuality.
I'm not sure some racist comments on Twitter would make a jot of difference to FIFA, an institution so morally bankrupt that it's awarded next year's World Cup to a state that killed 6,500 slaves to build the grounds, and has the death penalty for homosexuality.
ah - i see! it's another episode of the Athos Show. now i'm on the same page, and it explains why you don't say anything about the substance of my post, namely the pisspoor security we've seen at wembley during the euros.
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