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Do we want a thread for people who haven’t had covid?

Just read something that estimates 85% of people in the UK have been infected with Covid-19 at this point.

So if you’re in that 15% (or other % if you’re elsewhere) do you want a thread to swap musings, experiences, theories half naked or otherwise?

I’m wondering what it means for the particular immunity profiles we might have. Some overlap with the vaccines and treatments thread there.
i thought we had a thread for that already...

as i've said somewhere else on here, i've never tested positive for covid, and i'm still testing occasionally (although now only if i'm about to go and visit mum-tat who's in her 80s)

i had something flu-like in early february 2020 so it's possible i did the hipster thing and had covid before it was mainstream.

i also had something that matched a lot of the symptoms of whatever variant was going around in autumn 2021, i went for a PCR test at the drive through place, got a negative result by text message, then a few weeks later got another text to say the test had been done at the dodgy lab that was giving false negatives but it was too late to do anything about it by then.

i don't know if there's a test i can take to see if i have had covid, or if it would do anyone any good if there is.
You already started it ..

sorry to go pogo fish but didn’t you start a thread like this already with a poll? I guess that makes it ambiguous as peoples circumstances infections change. But so with this.
Yes I did, it was a poll, was kinda interested in the makeup of who’d had it or not out of who posts on here. It’s mostly people posting to say they need to change their vote now.

Actually wish I’d posted this in t’other forum. Nothing to do with the typo in the OP which I’m considering sorting out…
You already started it ..


But at some point realised it’s wasn’t clear who the thread was “for”, the poll was open to everyone so it made no sense to say it was a thread for people who hadn’t had it at all (so far as we know).

Reading estimate of 85% of people in this country have had it now, made me realise it’s unusual to not have had it, and how does it feel to be in that bracket of people?

Pretty sure it would go better in the community forum. No idea how to move it. Anyone?

But at some point realised it’s wasn’t clear who the thread was “for”, the poll was open to everyone so it made no sense to say it was a thread for people who hadn’t had it at all (so far as we know).

Reading estimate of 85% of people in this country have had it now, made me realise it’s unusual to not have had it, and how does it feel to be in that bracket of people?

Pretty sure it would go better in the community forum. No idea how to move it. Anyone?
Well i had it back in March so i probably shouldn't be breathing my filthy covid germs all over this thread! :D
Not had it as far as I know, I don't think I know a single other person who hasn't. I worked through every lockdown as a key worker, including support work in hospitals and GP surguries so I was testing quite regularly. My partner also managed to dodge it until two months ago when she went to work in Somaliland, ended up picking it up there and got confined to a hotel room in Hargeisa for a couple of weeks with minimal internets.
Yeh this is our thread - fuck off all you infected people who've had it and are just trying to create trouble :mad:

I'm surprised that 15% haven't had it. I've only not had it because I don't go out and I'd assumed it was a much more exclusive club. There goes the idea of selling uninfected sperm for huge figures :(
I haven't had it, or at least as far as I know.

Worked all through the pandemic at a supermarket, loads of colleagues have had it. Some twice. Some who I work closely with only a couple of weeks ago.
How does anyone know they haven't had COVID?

Tests aren't 100% reliable, especially self-administered ones, a big proportion of cases are asymptomatic, and the omicron variants are incredibly infectious - I think at this point, unless you've been in seclusion since early 2020, it's probably a safe bet to say you've been infected at least once.
Managed to avoid it til last month , pretty mild case tbh , felt knackered for about 4 days .
As far as I know I still haven't had it. I doubt I'd get away with no symptoms. I've managed to catch colds in the last 2 years. My dad hasn't had it. And my brother and sister haven't had it either despite household members getting it. Any symptoms and I've been tested except for one very ordinary cold at the start of lockdown.

I've not spent huge amounts of time in crowded places but I have been on trains and buses and in pubs and restaurants one wedding, one funeral etc occasionally.
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In Hong Kong, where they were able to track every omicron infection for a few weeks earlier this year before it spread out of control, there was one infection that was pinpointed to people wearing masks walking past each other in a subway tunnel for nine seconds - how secluded have you been?
Not that secluded :eek:

I do think I'd have noticed though, I've had nothing like it .... so far :hmm: ....
Not that secluded :eek:

I do think I'd have noticed though, I've had nothing like it .... so far :hmm: ....

By definition, you wouldn't notice an asymptomatic infection, but you could still have it without knowing it and spread it far and wide - I hate this stupid disease, it'd be a fuck of a lot easier for everybody if every infected person developed spots or turned green or something.
Only knew I had it at the start of April was down to a positive test at a care home visit, probably been tested over 200 times now since May last year, so was bound to test positive at some stage.
No symptoms apart from feeling tired for two afternoons out of the seven days of being positive.
Was good and stayed in for that week.
No shots.
How does anyone know they haven't had COVID?

Tests aren't 100% reliable, especially self-administered ones, a big proportion of cases are asymptomatic, and the omicron variants are incredibly infectious - I think at this point, unless you've been in seclusion since early 2020, it's probably a safe bet to say you've been infected at least once.
This bemuses me too.

I’ve not had anything close to the levels of exposure that eg someone working in the service industries, or sending their children to school, or getting daily public transport would have. But I’ve not been a complete hermit since 2020.

I was going to pay for one of those antibody tests which tell you what type of exposure got you those antibodies, infection or vax. But read that they only go back about 6 months, so it’s far from definitive. (Would have been good to have done those at 6 month intervals from mid-2020 onwards but did they even exist at that point…)
I’ve still never tested positive despite my family having had it at least twice, probably three times.
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