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Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

For those that didn't know this, vegans come in all shapes and sizes, just like people in other groups, which kinda makes the OP question a bit silly.


Even if there do happen to be a few "bad apples" amongst vegans, I think the underlying principles of veganism are fairly sound, and the carnist counter arguments are for the most part a bit of a joke.
IME, one of the more prominent issues is the tedium of single-issue vegans who don't really talk about anything but their veganism, vegan principles, veganity, and associated vegan-oriented topics of conversation.

Someone more droller than I might also reflect that, in fairness, well* over 11% of your 9 posts are not about veganism.

*let well = 0.11111111111%
IME, one of the more prominent issues is the tedium of single-issue vegans who don't really talk about anything but their veganism, vegan principles, veganity, and associated vegan-oriented topics of conversation.
Is this a genuinely "prominent issue". Really? Surely you jest.

Someone more droller than I might also reflect that, in fairness, well* over 11% of your 9 posts are not about veganism.

*let well = 0.11111111111%
I have no idea what you're on about here. All of my posts so far have been about or related to the topic veganism, so I make it 100%. Of course anybody that is not particularly interested in this subject can choose one of the many other topics on offer.
Though this appears slightly idiotic:


The "opposite" of veganism?! At best, that's a weird take on opposites, and a partial take on veganism.
Strikes me as a particularly useless coinage, one that is highly culturally specific and dependent on the invisible assumptions of Western cultures in particular.
All very predictable. Meatheads scraping the bottom of the barrel when they have no decent counter arguments.
It's far from a lack of counter arguments. The counter arguments are perfectly straightforward, reasonable, and have been done to death here over the years. It's not like any vegan has ever posted anything so compelling that anyone's thought "hold on ...", and the same vice versa. Thing is, afaia, nobody has ever changed anyone's else's mind on this topic in the 17 years I've been here so it just becomes spiteful usually, with the vegans getting worked-up and abusive. Obviously that can be amusing in itself, but if you're looking for meaningful debate you're unlikely to find it on this bit of the internet.
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Of course it's the vegans getting abusive, course it is...
Well generally speaking it's the vegans that start fulminating and personalising. Your mate here for example has already used "meatheads" and this silly "carnists", as have you, whilst nobody on the other side has yet resorted to name calling. Jeff Robinson is the only vegan on these boards who's worth engaging with.
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Is the term 'carnist' a recent coinage or has it been around a while? It's a new one to me.

Not used by anyone but the very twattiest of the very twattiest vegans IME. I'm a nearly-vegan vegetarian myself but using loaded language like that, and executing demented leaps of logic like describing omnivorous lifestyles as a 'belief system' is the sort of shit that makes me want to go get a KFC bargain bucket just to teach those silly twats a lesson about how effective that sort of shit is at winning over hearts and minds.
Not used by anyone but the very twattiest of the very twattiest vegans IME. I'm a nearly-vegan vegetarian myself but using loaded language like that, and executing demented leaps of logic like describing omnivorous lifestyles as a 'belief system' is the sort of shit that makes me want to go get a KFC bargain bucket just to teach those silly twats a lesson about how effective that sort of shit is at winning over hearts and minds.
you such a child aren't you.
why do you think it is a term for "winning over hearts and minds"?? it's a descriptive term and a good one imo.
"makes me want to go get a KFC bargain bucket just to teach those silly twats a lesson" just grow up, fill yourself and your boots with unhealthy crap, your funeral
It's far from a lack of counter arguments. The counter arguments are perfectly straightforward, reasonable, and have been done to death here over the years.
Perfectly straightforward and reasonable?
Hahahahahaaaaa. That was funny.
I agree that the alleged yawnworthy "counter arguments" have been repeated to death, often by meatheads seemingly unaware that practically every single one of their "gotcha" argument has been thoroughly debunked many times over.
  • Top of the food chain.
  • Other animals do it so it's ok for us to do it.
  • B12
  • BACON!
  • Canine teeth.
  • Humans have earned the right to kill and eat other animals cos we're smarter than them
  • etc etc...
Heard them all before, nothing new to see here.

It's not like any vegan has ever posted anything so compelling that anyone's thought "hold on ...", and the same vice versa. Thing is, afaia, nobody has ever changed anyone's else's mind on this topic in the 17 years I've been here so it just becomes spiteful usually, with the vegans getting worked-up and abusive.
Those mean and horrible vegans eh? lol. Well as I have not read every post in this forum and I haven't had the pleasure of 17 years of urban75 residency, I'm not able to verify your claim that no minds have been changed here, however out in the real world, minds most definitely have been changed. Even though meatheadism is still overwhelmingly dominant, vegheads are gaining traction, and, imo, this might be the real reason behind the anti-vegan backlash and the increasingly desperate and feeble "counter arguments".

Well generally speaking it's the vegans that start fulminating and personalising. Your mate here for example has already used "meatheads" and this silly "carnists", as have you, whilst nobody on the other side has yet resorted to name calling.
Wow, talk about heavily one sided bias. Are you really going to cite "meatheads" and "carnists" as name calling? lol. Things really are getting desperate, I suppose this is the sort of irrelevance that is needed as a distraction from the woeful "lack of proper argument". I'm quite happy with my use of the terms meatheads and carnist and see them as cuddly terms of endearment and accurate descriptions of our misguided meat loving friends, nothing personal or name calling about it. I didn't realise you meatheads were so sensitive.
you such a child aren't you.
why do you think it is a term for "winning over hearts and minds"?? it's a descriptive term and a good one imo.
"makes me want to go get a KFC bargain bucket just to teach those silly twats a lesson" just grow up, fill yourself and your boots with unhealthy crap, your funeral
So you've been stewing over that for over an hour since you posted at #228?

His point wasn't that it's a term for winning over hearts and minds. Quite the opposite. It's that making up silly terms and framing arguments in such a way is counterproductive if you are genuinely seeking to move people away from meat eating.
So you've been stewing over that for over an hour since you posted at #228?

His point wasn't that it's a term for winning over hearts and minds. Quite the opposite. It's that making up silly terms and framing arguments in such a way is counterproductive if you are genuinely seeking to move people away from meat eating.
no i was doing something else funnily enough
just because you don't like it don't make it a silly term
did you watch Carnage?
Are you really going to cite "meatheads" and "carnists" as name calling?

It pretty clearly is name calling. But it's name calling with made up names that aren't even effective at pissing people off. If I call you a grunflub, you'd probably be OK with that because it doesn't actually mean fuck all. Same applies with 'carnist'.
It pretty clearly is name calling. But it's name calling with made up names that aren't even effective at pissing people off. If I call you a grunflub, you'd probably be OK with that because it doesn't actually mean fuck all. Same applies with 'carnist'.
why you so annoyed by it then? ffs
Eh? Who's annoyed?

People are just taking the piss.
Frank seemed pretty annoyed and wanting to teach people a lesson, but then the term meant nothing a few posts later

why are people just taking the piss? serious question
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