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Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

Oooofffggh The last thing needed in persuading people to eat less meat or giv up animal derived products, is poetry. There is never any need for people to bring poetry out. In fact I'd rather talk to an angry vegan than listen to poetry ...

You might be too happily young to remember about "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and the terrible nasty horrible and not very nice at all Vogons. The Vogons liked to write poetry. Very very bad poetry.
like quorn sausages. Nobody knows exactly what's in normal sausages anyway so if they or linda mccartney or cauldron or whoever want to call what they make sausages, it works fine.

Indeed. Sausages can be made with many different things. Id rather have veggie sausages then some of the cheap meat ones sometimes. They are also ace as with the use of a microwave and a frying pan they can be from freezer to your plate within mins. Veggie mince can also work, although I probably use to much salty flavourings when I cook it.

Veggie bacon is a bit weird though.
I was vegan for a few years. Took part in a health survey at the time and scored extremely well in every indicator - and since I was doing it mainly for health reasons this was a good thing. I wasn't just vegan though - I was on a mostly raw food diet, which i loved. I never loved eating more, but it was extremely costly so when i met someone and was in a relationship I had to give it up. Kept going as a vegan for a bit but that got too hard, so veggie, then i let fish creep back in and suddenly i was eating meat again. But I feel that the health benefits from being vegan for a few years have carried me a long way. Even though my family generally all have things like high blood pressure and eczema, varicose veins - loads of low level niggles - I've always been pretty healthy and my blood pressure has always been good.
I went to vegan society meetings for a couple of years too and they were on the whole really nice people. Most of them were only vegan because they had had chronic health problems or allegies and found that going animal free helped them. That said I have come across a handful of vegan arseholes, most notably on the fringes of the Green Party - and seemed to have upset a few when i stood for election in 2015 for said GP and refused to support their rather mad Vegan agenda.

And finally, the man who persuaded me to being a vegan about 20 years ago - recently I found out that he is a serial abuser of women and almost certainly a sociopath. He turned his anger to me a few years ago for not being a veggie any more - lured me to his home and spent the whole time attacking me on a deep psychological level. But I don;t blame all vegans for that.
like quorn sausages. Nobody knows exactly what's in normal sausages anyway so if they or linda mccartney or cauldron or whoever want to call what they make sausages, it works fine.

I think the etymology of 'sausage' is from salted tbh, rather than meat. It's come to refer to the shape just as much as a meat product. Like Glamorgan sausages.
But a cauliflower is a vegetable, not a steak, and halloumi is a cheese, not fish.
And finally, the man who persuaded me to being a vegan about 20 years ago - recently I found out that he is a serial abuser of women and almost certainly a sociopath. He turned his anger to me a few years ago for not being a veggie any more - lured me to his home and spent the whole time attacking me on a deep psychological level. But I don;t blame all vegans for that.
You shouldn't blame any vegans at all, apart from this one unpleasant character.
Wow. So you really don't give a fuck about animal welfare? Nasty.

perhaps you should take a moment from your tofu enhanced rage and read up on the difference between exploitation and cruelty - you were, after all, the one who differentiated them..

for your convenience, exploitation of an animal is eating it, or harnessing its labour, or turning its skin into shoes and handbags. welfare and cruelty is the conditions under which it lives, works and dies.
Exploitation I have no problems with - it's what comes with being at the top of the food chain...
We're only at the top of the food chain because we're the most intelligent species, not because we're an apex predator. Which also means we're probably the only species that has conscious awareness of how it treats lesser animals, and possesses the necessary sense of compassion & empathy to be cognisant of causing unnecessary suffering to other creatures. We are the only species that has the capability of farming animals for food whilst simultaneously treating them compassionately. Other species inflict suffering because they know of no other way, whereas we inflict suffering despite knowing of other ways.
We're only at the top of the food chain because we're the most intelligent species, not because we're an apex predator. Which also means we're probably the only species that has conscious awareness of how it treats lesser animals, and possesses the necessary sense of compassion & empathy to be cognisant of causing unnecessary suffering to other creatures. We are the only species that has the capability of farming animals for food whilst simultaneously treating them compassionately. Other species inflict suffering because they know of no other way, whereas we inflict suffering despite knowing of other ways.
Nope, its just because we have opposable thumbs. Otherwise octopuses would be farming us.
We're only at the top of the food chain because we're the most intelligent species, not because we're an apex predator...

apex predators are only apex predators because of whatever tools they have - for us its our brain, our language, and our ability to use tools. take that away and we're just really big, really slow Dodo's - same with a Great White Shark - its an apex predator because of its size, strength, sensory capability, speed and teeth - take one of those way and its just a big Tuna.
perhaps you should take a moment from your tofu enhanced rage and read up on the difference between exploitation and cruelty - you were, after all, the one who differentiated them..
The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work
PS I rarely, if ever, eat tofu, so you've made yourself look a bit silly there :D
We're only at the top of the food chain because we're the most intelligent species, not because we're an apex predator. Which also means we're probably the only species that has conscious awareness of how it treats lesser animals, and possesses the necessary sense of compassion & empathy to be cognisant of causing unnecessary suffering to other creatures. We are the only species that has the capability of farming animals for food whilst simultaneously treating them compassionately. Other species inflict suffering because they know of no other way, whereas we inflict suffering despite knowing of other ways.
Spot on.
apex predators are only apex predators because of whatever tools they have - for us its our brain, our language, and our ability to use tools. take that away and we're just really big, really slow Dodo's - same with a Great White Shark - its an apex predator because of its size, strength, sensory capability, speed and teeth - take one of those way and its just a big Tuna.
theres been a rash of Great Whites, horribly mangled washing up on the shore. Orcas are hunting them. And this is the good bit, they don't eat much flesh, they rip the shark open to eat its fucking liver. Wether fava beans and chianti are involved I don't know

Orcas are deffo clever enough for intelligence to aid their hunting. Team players
theres been a rash of Great Whites, horribly mangled washing up on the shore. Orcas are hunting them. And this is the good bit, they don't eat much flesh, they rip the shark open to eat its fucking liver. Wether fava beans and chianti are involved I don't know

Orcas are deffo clever enough for intelligence to aid their hunting. Team players

yeah, i've been reading about the Orca/GWS interface - wasn't there a ding-dong off the Californian coast between Orca and a GWS and all the other GWS in the area swam to Hawaii?

of course, theres only one predator with the tools to hunt Orca...
theres been a rash of Great Whites, horribly mangled washing up on the shore. Orcas are hunting them. And this is the good bit, they don't eat much flesh, they rip the shark open to eat its fucking liver. Wether fava beans and chianti are involved I don't know

Orcas are deffo clever enough for intelligence to aid their hunting. Team players

They also seem to consider seals to be an excellent combination of meal and plaything. Not necessarily in that order.

A bit reminiscent of the dolphins and their rapyness. Cetaceans can be pretty nasty.
We're only at the top of the food chain because we're the most intelligent species, not because we're an apex predator. Which also means we're probably the only species that has conscious awareness of how it treats lesser animals, and possesses the necessary sense of compassion & empathy to be cognisant of causing unnecessary suffering to other creatures. We are the only species that has the capability of farming animals for food whilst simultaneously treating them compassionately. Other species inflict suffering because they know of no other way, whereas we inflict suffering despite knowing of other ways.
Well again, unless you're a staunch vegan who avoids all kinds of other day to day activities, it's very hard not to contribute to animal suffering on some level. You can try to minimise it, as do a lot of meat eaters, but everyone makes a choice as to what level of animal exploitation they are comfortable with. With the exception of anyone who deliberately seeks to cause pain or suffering, nobody is right or wrong.
They also seem to consider seals to be an excellent combination of meal and plaything. Not necessarily in that order.

A bit reminiscent of the dolphins and their rapyness. Cetaceans can be pretty nasty.
Technically speaking, orcas are dolphins.

But nevertheless, cetaceans are a lot more viscous than all the lovey-dovey New Age bullshit that was popular in the 90s about them being "enlightened beings" would have you believe.
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