Well-Known Member
I already answered that in my previous post. My non scientific hunch, meat eaters inferiority complex. They can feel it in their bones that what they're doing isn't that great and so scratch around looking for excuses and justifications and someone to lash out at, hence this "smug superior vegan" nonsense. If it bothers you that much then just stay out of the way, which should be very easy with you being in the overwhelming 99% majority. I'm not sure why you folks find that so hard.
Bottom line is, frankly, I really don't care if you find my position irritating or not, that's up to you. The behaviour of the non obligates in this thread has on balance been much worse than the vegheads (imo), that was mildly irritating I suppose. I think I'll just about survive.
I know you don't care if you irritate non-vegans with your sanctimony. However, given that such a stance is likely to turn people off veganism, I think your attitude is a good example of a phenomenon I've observed; essentially, that furthering the interests of animals comes second to signalling their moral superiority, for many vegans.