Don't yer just love it
She has articulated her thoughts via a statement delivered by her legal representative.
And, written by her legal representative....
Have you ever taken legal advice and the solicitor asks, would you like me to write that and we can avoid any mis interpretation,
If you draft something out and I'll glance at it to ensure every one is happy.
and the reply
Oh, would you, that would be very nice.
Sits at table with the family, ( minus her husband , of course ) and tells them the QC ... hang on, why did she need a QC?...... isn't this the same guy that works for the MoD....... Oh no, not anoither conspiracy
Just pass me those blinkers, Oh the Editor is using them.... never mind I'll just get some dark glasses.
Why is every thing accepted as though it's written in stone.
The family will have been advised as to the possible course of action open to them, with all the publicity and the focus of attention.. what would you do, risk the pension? settle for the golden handshake?
Let's just have a look at her bank statements, how well off is Mrs Kelly?, could she afford a long and costly legal battle?
Have the suits moved in and offered the advice that at this stage of her life wouldn't it be better for all, her husband mermory, the peace of your own retirement, the well fare of the family and this lump sum to .......... maintain an almost regal silence..
Or the pragmatic approach, well, it won't bring him back and let's move on with life.
Now, if you can answer those questions and ask Mrs Kelly, that now, without reservation, her opinion on the matter and put to rest the whole matter.
But, hang on, leading up to the death of Mr Kelly, weren't the Government , the Prime Minister and the Heads of Intelligence all lying. not just quietly in some back room lying but blantantly, in the House of Commons, ( is nothing sacred ) at various public meeting, both with and to the press, in the presence of assorted foreign dignitaries, now, if we consider the tenet of the Inquest court, in all probability, the Goverment continued to lie, C'mon, they are not going to break habits of a life time over one, singular wayward Doctor who is not singing from the same hymn book.
The Hutton inquiry was and still is considered a white wash, the parameters of the inquiry restricted Lord Hutton and his 'team' to inconsequential trivia.
Another fact to tuck away some where, this type of inquiry has never 'found' against the government.
So, the Hutton thingie was a political exercise to placate the nosey, the Editor and the easily pleased. How easy for the Blair regime to just point at Lord Hutton and state .. well, we had an inquiry, old boy. How about, checking to see what promotions the civil servants involved got?
As the Military expression goes, All done and Dusted, Sir, and moves smartly to attention and a snappy salute.... Good man.
But, one day.