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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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editor said:
PS Historically, in the post Cold War era, where has America felt the need to bomb the fuck out of its own cities and mass slaughter its own citizens in highly complex covert operations to justify invasions/bombings of smaller countries?

It wasn't just to justify the bombing of smaller countries. It was also to justify a massive hike in the defense budget and to sweep in new draconian anti-terrorism laws. If 9/11 had been thwarted by the USG then none of that would have been neccessary as the existing statutes obviously sufficed.
Citizen66 said:
It wasn't just to justify the bombing of smaller countries. It was also to justify a massive hike in the defense budget and to sweep in new draconian anti-terrorism laws. If 9/11 had been thwarted by the USG then none of that would have been neccessary as the existing statutes obviously sufficed.

Yeah but there's nothing to suggest they could have predicted the date / time / logistics of the attack is there?

Unless you know something every mainstream news organisation has missed for all these years.

If you're so convinced you know something they don't then why not contact the news organisations with your story?
Loki said:
Yeah but there's nothing to suggest they could have predicted the date / time / logistics of the attack is there?

Unless you know something every mainstream news organisation has missed for all these years.

If you're so convinced you know something they don't then why not contact the news organisations with your story?

You've said this about twelve times now. And mainstream news organisations are complete seperate entities to governments aren't they? :rolleyes: It's not like the likes of Murdoch aren't pulling the strings regarding information, is it? I'm not convinced I know anything. But I don't just suck in the information that your credible sources peddle as the god given truth like you do. Why don't they just have a full public enquiry into it then Loki? In case the wrong questions get asked?
Citizen66 said:
You've said this about twelve times now. And mainstream news organisations are complete seperate entities to governments aren't they? :rolleyes: It's not like the likes of Murdoch aren't pulling the strings regarding information, is it? I'm not convinced I know anything. But I don't just suck in the information that your credible sources peddle as the god given truth like you do. Why don't they just have a full public enquiry into it then Loki? In case the wrong questions get asked?
Er, the point I was making is if you think you have such a watertight case then why not contact some of the several hundred major news organisations with your evidence? There's nothing stopping you. If you think it's some kind of Western plot with every single reporter involved you could always talk to al jazeera. So why don't you?
You're just being evasive now citizen. a recurring habit amongst those who find the idea of Al-Q pulling off 911 difficult to accept.
Loki said:
Er, the point I was making is if you think you have such a watertight case then why not contact some of the several hundred major news organisations with your evidence? There's nothing stopping you. So why don't you?

It's called debating Loki :rolleyes: Now could you stop repeating yourself?
Citizen66 said:
It's called debating Loki :rolleyes: Now could you stop repeating yourself?
Well maybe I'm repeating myself but I don't believe I've gotten a straightforward answer to a straightforward question yet.

If you lot think you've got such a watertight case - then why haven't you contacted any of the hundreds of mainstream news organisations about it?

Loki said:
Well maybe I'm repeating myself but I don't believe I've gotten a straightforward answer to a straightforward question yet.

If you lot think you've got such a watertight case - then why haven't you contacted any of the hundreds of mainstream news organisations about it?


<major groan> I have given you a straightforward answer. I said I don't think I know all the answers (you're saying that for me on my behalf) it just happens to be a subject I'm interested in and I don't happen to hold the mainstream news orgs as bastions of the truth like you do. Now please stop repeating yourself and putting statements into my mouth to distract us from your inability to think as frankly, mate, it's fucking boring.
C66 - c'mon now, you're an intelligent lad. There are hundreds of major news organisations - and many, many more minor ones, covering ALL media - out there. SOME would certainly be willing to cover this, if you have ANYTHING really concrete that lobs a bomb at the first really major event of the twentieth century.
and a LOT of fringe one's would. Everything from Private Eye to samizdat like indymedia.
so - where's the action? why not take the story there?
Red Jezza said:
C66 - c'mon now, you're an intelligent lad. There are hundreds of major news organisations - and many, many more minor ones, covering ALL media - out there. SOME would certainly be willing to cover this, if you have ANYTHING really concrete that lobs a bomb at the first really major event of the twentieth century.
and a LOT of fringe one's would. Everything from Private Eye to samizdat like indymedia.
so - where's the action? why not take the story there?

What story? :D

I see you're now resorting to Loki's foppish debating techniques of asserting that I've made specific claims or that I have concrete proof of something. I don't and neither do you. You're just using the fact that the mainstream media aren't asking questions about 9/11 as proof that therefore nothing untoward can have gone on and the saintly chiefs of the USG had a spot of rather poor luck with as bit of unfortunate negligence thrown in for good measure. I'll leave you with a song :)


the face of a nation was split with a smile today
as we were politely informed
of the fun and games oh yeah
there’s a ship on your sea shall we send it down?
it’s only a toy in the tub shall we sink it now?
Light up the home fires run up the flags
happy days are here again
just like the old days riches to rags
happy people don’t complain
ask your leaders for their reasons
why is blue the colour of the season
ask your father ask your mother
better still don’t breathe a word at all
the voice of a nation has spelt it all out for you
it’s there on the page and the screen so it must be true
it’s perfectly simple it’s perfectly understood
three cheers for the church and the state
and the boys in the blue
ask your leaders for their reasons
why is blue the colour of the season
ask your father ask your mother
better still don’t breathe a word at all

at all.
<sigh>255 posts and still you conspiracy fans don't have a single credible shred of evidence as per usual. And so choosing to criticise others' debating style instead.
When cut and paste lyrics are offered as some sort of affirmation for well dodgy conspiracy theories, I know it's time to despatch the thread into the bin.

The tiny handful of individuals still interested in pursuing an evidence-untroubled 'investigation' into the events of 9/11 are cordially invited to continue repeating the same thing forever in the 'intimate' surroundings of this site: http://fruitloop.aimoo.com/

Be sure to contribute some 'Genaral' chit-chat (whatever that is) while you're there!
editor said:
When cut and paste lyrics are offered as some sort of affirmation for well dodgy conspiracy theories, I know it's time to despatch the thread into the bin.

The tiny handful of individuals still interested in pursuing an evidence-untroubled 'investigation' into the events of 9/11 are cordially invited to continue repeating the same thing forever in the 'intimate' surroundings of this site: http://fruitloop.aimoo.com/

Be sure to contribute some 'Genaral' chit-chat (whatever that is) while you're there!

Ooooh, he squeezes one last dig in :D not an original dig, mind, a repeated one :rolleyes:

Citizen66 said:
Ooooh, he squeezes one last dig in :D not an original dig, mind, a repeated one
Ah, sarcasm, liberally dosed with hypocrisy.
Nice one. You must be proud.

But why not post up your 'hilarious' comments and your endlessly repeated 'points' on your own bulletin board?

It is, however, looking very sad at the moment. Why is that?
Why do you think so few people here have bothered to contribute?

After all, you've had endless publicity here and I've been doing my very best to promote your site yet no one seems interested. How could that be when the address has been seen by so many people?

But I'm keen to help out so here it is again! http://fruitloop.aimoo.com/
Perhaps they don't need to discuss 9/11 because they know all they need to know about the events from your good self and your credible sources. :)
I asked you a question, you just asked it straight back citizen.

Are you happy with the answer to your question regarding OBL's aims?
Citizen66 said:
Perhaps they don't need to discuss 9/11 because they know all they need to know about the events from your good self and your credible sources. :)
Very poor. Is that really the best excuse you can come up with?
Hello all.

Just thought i'd pop my head in for a minute before the bin devours this thread. See what happens, i take a break from posting up my insightful and persuasive contributions, and the damned threads get banned... ;)

Too many pages for me to read, but no doubt the same stuff has been posted up.

I feel sure Rumsfeld would want and allow 911 to happen. It's just whether saner voices prevailed at the time. I don't believe so. Rummy is insane. As are many others in that administration, hence it being easy for me to think rumsfeld capable of such destruction.

Just to address the thread question like.
Citizen66 said:
I was clearly being facetious in light of your promise to bin this.

Still, the great news is that you're at complete liberty to invite all those interested parties to continue repeating the same thing all over again without fear of beastly editorial binnings on your own forums!

Prepare for the stampede! Hang on to your bandwidth! There's some fearless 'truth warriors' coming your way, armed with special insight and a greater understanding of what really happened, al thanks to the wonder of the Internet!!!

Those who 'know' the truth, set your browsers for: http://fruitloop.aimoo.com/

That's http://fruitloop.aimoo.com, folks!

LIHOP, MIHOP, BEBOP, HOP HOP, COP OFF, DANDY FOP: all acronyms gratefully recieved!
fela fan said:
I feel sure Rumsfeld would want and allow 911 to happen. It's just whether saner voices prevailed at the time. I don't believe so. Rummy is insane. As are many others in that administration, hence it being easy for me to think rumsfeld capable of such destruction.

Ah, it's okay. Over 40% of the poll happen to agree with you.
Citizen66 said:
Ah, it's okay. Over 40% of the poll happen to agree with you.
Bwahaha! What a dreamer.

The laughably vague poll says "quite possibly", not 'Rummy' definitely did it and what's more, he's clinical insane!
editor said:

Still, the great news is that you're at complete liberty to invite all those interested parties to continue repeating the same thing all over again without fear of beastly editorial binnings on your own forums!

Prepare for the stampede! Hang on to your bandwidth! There's some fearless 'truth warriors' coming your way, armed with special insight and a greater understanding of what really happened, al thanks to the wonder of the Internet!!!

I'm inaffected by your patronising pompous piety.
Citizen66 said:
I'm inaffected by your patronising pompous piety.
Are you sure your boards will be able to handle all the traffic?

After all, your arguments are so convincing,
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